The reason given was that JWs were not supposed to look like "those of this world". That was the reasons behind both the ban on facial hair, and the mandatory suit and briefcase - for men, and skirts/dress below the knees - for women. All those bans were stupid, my dad would never be caught in a suit on any day other than Sunday and Tuesday (and out door-to-door), and my mother would sunbathe in the garden in a bikini for all the neighbours to see. And after the ban on smoking, my father smoked secretely for years, he`d go out in the garage to "work on the car", coming back smelling of nicotine. He eventually gave it up, though, guess it became to difficult to hide it as us kids grew older.
JoinedPosts by Hellrider
Why are beards so bad?
by bother_forever inwhats with the idelology behind jws that "bro's" with beards are undeserving of privledge and advacemet in their f**cked up org?
what jesus never had facial hair?
i remember hearing comments like " yes he's a lovely bro, but he'll not be used by the cong because he needs to shave his beard".
What the heck is this?
by Hellrider injust for fun, i pressed one of the links advertised for on this forum, this one: .`s the one that advertises itself with "jesus, god, or son of god?".
Just for fun, I pressed one of the links advertised for on this forum, this one:`s the one that advertises itself with "Jesus, God, or son of God?". I pressed it out of curiosity, and am directed to this site, "TellWay Publishing", a publishing company that nowhere says that they are a daughter-company of the WTBTS. Now press the "links"-section, and you will eventually come to a site discussing the NWT, and to a Watchtower-site. Also, they speak about religion and the bible in very a very "WatchTower-like" manner, and it reminds a lot of the WT and Awake-"language". They seem to be very sympathetic to JWs, but nowhere on the TellWay Publishing-site do they reveal that that`s actually what they are. But they are. This is the lamest pr-trick I`ve seen, it`s really amazing that the JWs have sunk this low. Check it out.
Sport and JWs!!!
by zagor injust wondering what your experiences are.
were you "encouraged" not to devote time to personal exercise, gym or sport in general?
i remember this one time co gave a talk how "we do not need sport" then he proceeded to explain how walking up the stairs in field service was exercise enough for our legs, then how we didn't need any stretching exercise as making gestures while explaining the bible verses would do the job, and so on.
It`s money again. Like all young boys in my country, I wanted to play soccer when I was a kid. All my classmates did, and of course, so would I, but my (cheap) father said no, on the grounds that I wasn`t supposed to spend that much time with the "people of this world". The real reason was that he didn`t want to pay the tuition, the football shoes and the suit. To this day I`m mad at him for that, cus I suck at playing soccer, at least compared to all other men in my country, most of which played soccer as kids. Getting that technique in at an early age is important. I just look silly trying to play with a ball, and in a couple of years my own kid will be old enough to start playing, and I`ll have to play with him, exposing my lack of skills to other dads, etc...don`t look forward to it, no.
What did you do as a child (or adult) to survive boredom during meetings?
by Wasanelder Once inwhat did you do as a child (or adult) to survive boredom during meetings?.
as a child i remember sitting behind a sister with a pink angora sweater.
i would pull of a bit of the lint from it and tilt my head back and place it above my lips a bit.
After I was old enough to not have to sit next to my mother and father, and was allowed to sit on the bench behind them, with a friend, I`d hide comic magasines inside "My Book of Bible Stories". It was big enough to conceal them. Then we`d sit there with each our book of bible stories, reading comics, and swapping. It made it almost bearable to be there.
AWAKE!, Watchtower," and Book titles that lie
by gumby in"good news for all mankind".
"the bible - a book for all mankind".
all of these title make it sound as if the world in general will oneday experience these things and not to worry.. the fact of the matter is.....jehovah's witnesses don't believe this at all.
"Awake" (the most boring magasine known to man...) = "Go to sleep".
Watchtower Promotes Belief in Occult Life Force
by VM44 inthe watchtower in this article promotes the belief in some sort of occult life force present in all living beings.
"do you have an immortal spirit?".
Quote from article: "This animating force cannot simply be the breath, or air, moving through the lungs. Why not? Because after breathing stops, life remains in the body cells for a brief period—"for several minutes," according to The World Book Encyclopedia. For this reason, efforts at resuscitation can succeed. But once the spark of life is extinguished from the cells of the body, any efforts to restore life are futile. All the breath, or air, in the world cannot revive even one cell. The spirit, then, is the invisible life-force —the spark of life that keeps the cells and the person alive. This life-force is sustained by breathing.—Job 34:14, 15"
Dumbest thing I ever heard. Someone at WT really needs to update their science-reading (or did this "Light" come from Jehovah, "nullifying" all scientific knowledge, as so many times before?) As far as I know (and I don`t even have a science-education), the oxygen remains in the cells long after the breathing has stopped. The "spark of life" is extinguished when there is no more oxygen in the cells, making resuscitation impossible. Yeah, the JWs are really getting danerously close to the "new age"-crap. Amasingly, many ex-JWs also fall for "new age"-"philosophy", at least thats my impression. I remember my older sister taking me to these new age-conventions when I was around 17 (she got out before me), we had to look at different-coloured magical stones, pyramid-stuff, I had to wait for an hour while she had her palms read, and she had a psychic tell her about her previous lives, or whatever that was, etc. Interesting though, maybe there`s a connection in "basic" thought, JWs and new age. Well... maybe.
Any coloured people here?
by Hellrider innow that i got your attention, here`s a quote from the wt, february 1952:.
"really, our colored brothers have a great cause for rejoicing.
their race is meek and teachable, and from it comes a high percentage of the theocratic increase.
"William Draper probably had a properly described skin condition found in some dark races."
According to Jehovah, via his prophet-organisation on earth, he achieved that wonderful white skin thru prayer...Amasing what the power of faith can accomplish, isn`t it..
Any coloured people here?
by Hellrider innow that i got your attention, here`s a quote from the wt, february 1952:.
"really, our colored brothers have a great cause for rejoicing.
their race is meek and teachable, and from it comes a high percentage of the theocratic increase.
Well, I don`t like affirmative action/"positive discrimination" either, and I certainly don`t like Michael Moores oversimplified theories.In some ways, Michael Moore is a "reversed racist", I saw an episode of his TV-show, "The Awful Truth", where he drove around New York in a taxi, refusing to take white passengers. I guess he was trying to prove how it was for black people, when cab-drivers refused to take them as passengers...but how about all those people he refused to take as passengers? Two wrongs don`t make a right. And I take a book with the title "Stupid White Men" as a personal insult. I`m a white man, and I`m not stupid.And both Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11 were distorted, manipulative and propaganda-like crap!
The point I was trying to make in my original post was that if the WT, as they claim, really is Gods words to man (the WTBATS being Gods "prophet" on earth, as stated in numerous WTs over the years) why then do their attitudes towards such a thing as race, change over the years? God changed his mind about the coloured people? What the WT has said about race is really incredible. In my second post (post 28 in this thread), i quoted an article from an old WT where black people are promised that they will become white (as God originally intended..) in the Kingdom to come...Now, look at this one, quoted from an old Watchtower-publication, giving the black people hope of becoming white thru prayer...:
"From Black to White He Slowly Turned.. Rev. William H. Draper .. gave a living affirmative answer to the famous Biblical question, 'Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots?' Though once as black as charcoal, the Rev. Mr. Draper is now white. His people say that his color was changed in answer to prayer. Many years ago Draper was employed by a fair-skinned man, and he was often heard to remark that if he could only be white like his employer, he would be happy. While in the white man's service Draper 'experienced' religion. From that day forward he prayed constantly and fervently that he might become white.. He first experienced a prickling sensation on his face, and upon close investigation found a number of small white spots scarcely larger than
the point of a pin. He became alarmed, thinking he had some peculiar disease but he did not suffer and aside from the prickling sensation felt nothing unusual. Gradually the white spots became larger and extended themselves, until now, after the change has been in progress for over 30 years, Draper has not a single dark spot on his body." {ZWT Oct 1 1900 296-7}"Now, THAT`S crazy!!
Help - shunning stories needed
by Mr Rocky inmy letter to the editor to the davenport times just came out on june 30, 2005. the spokane spokesman review is interested in doing a story about shunning as a result of reading my letter.
the religion reporter wants to start working on it wednesday.
does anybody want to tell their story of odd things they have been shunned for by jw's.
MarkfromCali wrote: "I'm reminded of the episode of Family Guy where Stewie goes to Lois "... life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get!" and then he opens the box to reveal a bunch of active grenades, threatening her to return his mind-control device. Lois just goes "awww sweety you just want your toy back, here you go." Then Stewie goes "Yes, well... Victory is mine!" then trots off and the grenades blow up in his face."
LoL, that one rocked!
Personally I left before reaching the age of baptism, but my older brother was Disfellowshipped and shunned for the following reasons: His wife commited adultery. My brother, in rage, committed adultery to get even. Then she, threatened with DF, regretted her actions, and was taken back in. My brother didn`t regret, and he refused to forgive his wife, and they were consequently divorced. He was then DFed, she was allowed to stay, on the grounds that he refused to say to the elders "I regret my actions", as he saw that as an issue between him and God. He went thru horrible ordeals in getting to see his daughters, but the worked hard on it, threatened with legal actions, and was allowed to see them. The daughters are now grown, and one of them has severe psycological problems due to all that mess.
Any coloured people here?
by Hellrider innow that i got your attention, here`s a quote from the wt, february 1952:.
"really, our colored brothers have a great cause for rejoicing.
their race is meek and teachable, and from it comes a high percentage of the theocratic increase.
Danny, I`m not englishspeaking either,I`m norwegian. The racism was the "meek"-part, it`s like saying "the blacks should be happy that they`re easy to fool". Look at the secong quote I posted, it`s post 28, if you think they weren`t racist.