Ok, thanks!!
JoinedPosts by Hellrider
Christ and the cross
by Hellrider inone of the things most non-jws (as in normal people) find strange about jws, is that they believe christ died on a pole, rather than on a cross.
i remember how the cross, when it would be mentioned, would be seen as almost a satanic symbol.
i never fully understood what the big deal was with the cross, because, as we read the bible at the meetings, every once in a while we`d stumble across the word "cross" in the bible (the nwt wasn`t translated to norwegian until some time after 1990, i think, so i never saw it the time i was in).
Christ and the cross
by Hellrider inone of the things most non-jws (as in normal people) find strange about jws, is that they believe christ died on a pole, rather than on a cross.
i remember how the cross, when it would be mentioned, would be seen as almost a satanic symbol.
i never fully understood what the big deal was with the cross, because, as we read the bible at the meetings, every once in a while we`d stumble across the word "cross" in the bible (the nwt wasn`t translated to norwegian until some time after 1990, i think, so i never saw it the time i was in).
One of the things most non-JWs (as in normal people) find strange about JWs, is that they believe Christ died on a pole, rather than on a cross. I remember how the cross, when it would be mentioned, would be seen as almost a satanic symbol. I never fully understood what the big deal was with the cross, because, as we read the Bible at the meetings, every once in a while we`d stumble across the word "cross" in the Bible (the NWT wasn`t translated to norwegian until some time after 1990, I think, so I never saw it the time I was in). Well, the NT talks about the cross all the time:Matthew 27:40 - and saying, "You who would destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross."
Mark 15:30 - save yourself, and come down from the cross!"
Mark 15:32 - Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe." Those who were crucified with him also reviled him.
Luke 23:26 - And as they led him away, they seized one Simon of Cyre'ne, who was coming in from the country, and laid on him the cross, to carry it behind Jesus."John 19:19 - Pilate also wrote a title and put it on the cross; it read, "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.
John 19:25 - So the soldiers did this. But standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Mag'dalene.
...and only ONCE it is mentioned that Jesus was crucified on a "tree", or "pole. The explanation (or as close to an explanation) we ever got, was that the word translated into english as "cross" was a wrong translation from the greek word, that is, the greek word SHOULD have been translated into "pole". I`m not sure, this may have been explained in detail in some Watchtower or something, but I was very young at the time...(zzz..). I have always wondered about this, especially later on in life, after having studied history, knowing that THE method of dealing with insurgents at that time, was crucifiction. The romans crucified all over the place, noone had (as far as I know) ever heard of nailing someone up on a straight pole. So I was wondering: Do anyone here know the detailed reasons for the JWs insisting on that he died on a "pole" or "tree"?. What IS the greek word for cross, and CAN it be translated into "pole"? And if so, is there any good reasons why it should be translated into "pole", other than the JWs attempt at making themselves "different" from other christian sects? Also, I have not read the NWT. Have they changed "cross" into "pole"/"tree" in the NWT? Please share, if anyone knows anything about this.
Andersens Carpets - Sex Sells!
by PopeOfEruke inthe andersen carpet company which has stores thoughout queensland is a jw-owned company, i think the orginal bro.
andersen who founded the company was from gatton (?
most staff that work there are jw's and jw paraphernalia can often be seen around the sales desks.
Never mind... (got a bit to excited there for a sec...)
Lend me your Apostapowers, trying to help someone out of the org
by wanderlustguy inok, i'm finally starting some dialogue with my brother, i've let him know that i have questions that no one can answer, and he says to send them over so he can either answer them or get answers, and that no question is disallowed or "apostate".
he sent me an article (from 08.15.04 wt, thanks blondie!
) via e-mail, on which i pointed out one simple question on reply to him, which he has replied to.
" Our purpose for registering with the department of Public Information as a non governmental organisation (NGO) in 1991 was to have access to research material available on health, ecological and social problems at the United Nations library facilities"
...that`s just ridicolous, and we all know it. That tiny amount of pseudo-science they use in the WT and Awake (you know, the "look at this human eye...it consists of 2 billion tiny particles and cells, all perfectly combined in a divine manner to make vision possible...could evolution create something like this? Or was it our Lord Jehovah that perfected the eye...etc etc etc pseudoscience"-crap, they could easily have found elsewhere. I don`t know whatever the reasons were for signing up with the U.N, but it certainly wasn`t that.
Andersens Carpets - Sex Sells!
by PopeOfEruke inthe andersen carpet company which has stores thoughout queensland is a jw-owned company, i think the orginal bro.
andersen who founded the company was from gatton (?
most staff that work there are jw's and jw paraphernalia can often be seen around the sales desks.
Sister Clevage can polish my lightsaber any day she wants. (and I`ll teach her a thing or two about "carpets" also)
Andersens Carpets - Sex Sells!
by PopeOfEruke inthe andersen carpet company which has stores thoughout queensland is a jw-owned company, i think the orginal bro.
andersen who founded the company was from gatton (?
most staff that work there are jw's and jw paraphernalia can often be seen around the sales desks.
LoL @ Sister Cleavage. She was really sexy though. Hooking for Jesus.
The sad thing about this, is that JWs would never see anything wrong with it. They would just say "oh, but the WTBTS had nothing to do with that, just look, they have a different anme and everything"...We normal people, living in the real world, see the hypocracy when an institution that is supposed to be morally and politically correct do stuff that contradicts their values. Like when the government in my country was proven to have stocks in both the Tobacco and Arms industry, although we have a christian-coalition government that has banned smoking in all public areas in our country, and is talking all "peace peace peace" etc. When those things are revealed, they get consequenses. When the WTBTS is exposed, the only ones that react to it, is people like us, people OUTSIDE the sect. And that`s the really sad part.
Lend me your Apostapowers, trying to help someone out of the org
by wanderlustguy inok, i'm finally starting some dialogue with my brother, i've let him know that i have questions that no one can answer, and he says to send them over so he can either answer them or get answers, and that no question is disallowed or "apostate".
he sent me an article (from 08.15.04 wt, thanks blondie!
) via e-mail, on which i pointed out one simple question on reply to him, which he has replied to.
Sit him down in front of a computer, then press:
...then press "large list of predictions" under "false predictions of the society". Read thru all of it. It might take 5-6 hours (you have NO idea how much crap they`ve put out over the years). Then, when he`s done, ask him: Is this Gods "prophet" on earth?
What the heck is this?
by Hellrider injust for fun, i pressed one of the links advertised for on this forum, this one: .
...it`s the one that advertises itself with "jesus, god, or son of god?".
This approach they have here, is the oldest sales trick in the books, a bit like the opening sentences when they go door-to-door. Noone ever said "hi, we`re from Jehovahs Witnesses". Instead it was "Hello mam. Have you ever wondered whether this world was all there is? God has promised mankind that there is going to be a paradise on earth..." etc, etc, and then up with the WTs and brochures with the colourful pics of people in paradise. It`s like the same thing when you`re stopped on the street by some guy, and he starts talking to you about a wonderful new mobile phone, he talks and talks about the wonders of the product for minutes before he actually gets into the fact that he is trying to sell it to you. That website there,is exactly the same thing. "Look at this for a minute, please...have you ever wondered whether Jesus is God or the son of God? Well, the scriptures say many things about this, but..." Oh, and that search engine says it all anyway.So cheap.
What the heck is this?
by Hellrider injust for fun, i pressed one of the links advertised for on this forum, this one: .
...it`s the one that advertises itself with "jesus, god, or son of god?".
Ha ha! Maybe it`s a "new light" or something, I don`t know. But it IS a JW-site, just press the link, then "About us", then "useful links" on the bottom, middle of page, and you`ll find both TheWatchtower and the NWT. How many religious groups do you know that would otherwise advertise for Jehovahs Witnesses? Only one, the JWs themselves.
What the heck is this?
by Hellrider injust for fun, i pressed one of the links advertised for on this forum, this one: .
...it`s the one that advertises itself with "jesus, god, or son of god?".
By the way, I was wondering about a thing. Can anyone buy advertisement-spots anywhere on the internet? It seems a bit strange with an ad for a company that is obviously JWs on a forum for ex-JWs, that aren`t particularly fond of JWs. I know the Tellway Publishing"-company tries to disguise themselves so that they won`t be seen as JWs immediately, but the people running this board should have seen it long ago. Also, there is an ad for "Jehovahs Witnesses"-singles, a meeting-place for JWs. LoL, you won`t see me using that very soon, ha ha.