It`s now the 12th of july. Where are you JGraves? In paradise (or were you of the annointed class? - I forget)
JoinedPosts by Hellrider
July 9th 2005 Time Of End? 555 5 555
by JGraves in
Penetrating the GB's deceptive facade of christian love.
by greendawn inthe gb of the jws either directly or more often by implication consistently try to come across as people that deeply care about and love the so called truth, jehovah, and all the brotherhood.
this is however a pretence something totally artificial and out of their character as they are in fact deeply into practicing deceit and exploiting the "brotherhood".
what instances can you recall where you managed to see through that deceptive loving persona the face of the rapacious ruthless wolf underneath?
That would be in 1989. My first steps to freedom was after my father died in -86, then there was some back-and-forth-stuff, but after my grandmothers funeral in -89, I was done. She was a JW, and the service was held at KH. I hadn`t been there for over a year, had grown my hair long in that time, and cut it off just for the sake of that funeral. Then I got there, and this one elder, one whom I had never in my life talked to, came over to me, hugged me really hard, and kissed me on the cheek (!!!) and said "oh, I`m so glad you`re back here with us". I was 17 years old, and what went thru my mind at that moment was the word "Judas". Here`s a guy whom with I`ve almost never even spoken, comes over to me and hugs me and kisses me on the cheek like I was a long lost brother. Ridicolous, and I saw thru it right away, there was no "love" there, not for me as a person,it was just the satisfaction of sucking me back into the misery of the sect, just like everyone else. And I knew then and there that that was it, I`d never go back after that. And I didn`t.
July 9th 2005 Time Of End? 555 5 555
by JGraves in
JGraves, goddamit, we need to have a talk! Well, since you started that 555-crap, I`ve sold my house, taken up a huge bank-loan, and spent it all on hookers and booze! And now, it hasn`t happened yet? Argh, this is just like 1975 again...bankrupt...AGAIN...
July 9th 2005 Time Of End? 555 5 555
by JGraves in
He actually said sometime between the 9th and the 11th (at first I think it was just the 9th, then he had a "new light", and it might happen as late as the 11th). So today is the 11th, and not many hours late. Nervous now, JGraves? You will come back and apologise, won`t you? (Before you go to your psychiatrist appointment, that is)
Do you have any 'holdover' beliefs?
by AllAlongTheWatchtower inafter reading and responding recently to a post about eating pork and clean and unclean meats, and also a few about newfound freedoms and pleasures that some enjoy now that they are out of the jws, i got to wondering if there is anything like that on the flip side of the coin.
in other words, despite you leaving the wts, is there anything you still believe that they taught, even though you left or were forced out, and no longer believe the rest of the jw doctrine?.
i was never a jw, but i was raised in a rather similar group called the worldwide church of god, many of the controls, strictures, and abuses that i saw as a child there, i see posted about here-though they are different, they are also the same.
You couldn`t eat pork or shellfish? Oh my God, what`s the point of being scared of God, then. No bacon, no hot dogs, no lobster, no shrimp, that`s hell right there, as far as I`m concerned. Left-over beliefs, not when I think about it logically, but emotionally, there`s a little Armageddon-troll deep down inside, and there always will be, for those of us that grew up in that crap. The childs mind is like a sponge, it sucks up everything it`s being told. When you`re told as a child again and again and again and again that God is going to massacre everyone on the earth that are not JWs, and also some JWs that haven`t behaved (so behave, son), that stuff never goes completely away. And for that reason, neither will my hatred and anger towards that fu##ing sect, either.
are JWs allowed to shave in the under regions?
by tsunami_rid3r injust curious, since they control how we dress, how we're suppose to fuck, how we act.
"But really, I rememer the deal being too that it made a big difference what shape you shaved it into. If you shaved little watchtowers, or the letters NWT, then you were allright.
But if you shaved in the shape of a unicorn, smurf, or the initials JWD, then you were outa there, on account of apostacy and all."
Ha ha. Well, I usually shave in the pattern "YHWH" on my nuts (Jehovah is a little to long), so I hope I`m allright.
And they`re all hypocrites anyway. My dad was a ministerial servant, after he died I found his secret porn mag-stash in the attic, and rescued it before my mom had all his stuff thrown out. Porn from the 70s and early 80s, Dolly Parton-lookalikes with big, hairy bushes, no shaving there, that`s for sure. I really loved those mags, and to this day I prefer an unshaved bush. Everybody shaves, and that makes it no fun. (of the "trying to keep this thread alive"-class)
Watchtower Blotch of Alpha and Omega interpretation
by Ticker innow to cover a point of a different nature but one i feel very important, a point in which the society has deliberatly tried to gloss over in their manipulating of scripture.
we see in rev.
1:7,8 a mention of the alpha and omega, the one who is, who was, and who is to come.
"Zechariah 4:6, 10: "Not by might and not by power, but by my spirit, says Yahweh Sabaoth .... These seven eyes are the eyes of Yahweh; they range throughout the whole earth".
Revelation 5:6: "Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing in the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. He had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth". "
...WoW, that`s pretty amasing stuff, LeoLaia. I though I knew the Bible pretty well, but there are obviously many things I have missed, but you make it clear as day. Just wondering: Do you have a degree in theology?
Wasn't the world .....
by loosie insuppossed to end today?
lol i would have posted on the panic or clap 5 5 5 5 5 thread, but i wasn't able to find it.
did it get deleted?.
Yeah, what happened JGraves? The four horsemen got drunk last night and didn`t get out of bed today? You were pretty cocky, remember, with the "I hear a lot of funny remarks, but noone has refuted this yet"? Well, guess we just did. No go see that psychiatrist, like I told you.
Apostapowers...continued (!)
by wanderlustguy inhe got to the number one answer about challenging information pretty darn e-mail i sent to him is at the bottom, this was his response...i sent it because he stated we know the org is jehovahs only because of their stand in the first world war...which he then refuted with the article from the watchtower below.. .
this statement is probly one of the ones that cause jehovah's disfavor and landed them in jail 1918/1919.
you ought to have fun with this article.
"he stated we know the Org is Jehovahs only because of their stand in the first World War..."
"There could be nothing against our conscience in going into the army. Wherever we would go we could take the Lord with us, the Captain of our salvation, and wherever we would go we could find opportunities to serve him and his cause" {WT Apr 15 1903 120}.
"But what is the purpose of all this. Why does somebody care so much about weather Jehovah's Witnesses are doing this. Where's the concern for Baptist, Catholic, or anyone else. The bottom line is, no human group or organization could accomplish the preaching work, carrying God's name, build building after building, and have the unity world wide with out Jehovah's blessing. Isn't Jehovah powerful enough to control who is caring his name. Would he allow somebody or group to continue to lie about him, his purposes, and intones if he is all powerful and righteous. NO he will not."
What? Why does He allow all the other religions in the world to continue their activities, then, with such success? Protestants, Catholics,Baptists, hundreds of other christian-inspired sects/cults have followers (and unity) across the world and prosper in numbers and are also economically FAR more successful than JWs...but..oh, I forgot: These other religions have Satans support, don`t they...(and that`s why I only get frustrated in arguing with JWs, they have an "answer" for everything)
Watchtower Blotch of Alpha and Omega interpretation
by Ticker innow to cover a point of a different nature but one i feel very important, a point in which the society has deliberatly tried to gloss over in their manipulating of scripture.
we see in rev.
1:7,8 a mention of the alpha and omega, the one who is, who was, and who is to come.
The claim that REV 22:12-13 doesn`t use the word Jesus in the greek text. Well, how do they explain this, then: " I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright morning star.I really doubt that Jehovah is the offspring of David. How do they explain that one?