I read your fantastic article on JW-teachings and the Cross too, by the way, it was great. Amasing.Should be printed in a magasine, or something. Lately I`ve been comparing stuff from the "regular" Bible and the NWT, which I found online (I`m norwegian, we didn`t get a translation of the NWT here until around 1990, I think, and that was after my time, so I`ve never read it). I couldn`t believe the changes they made. Reading "Jesus,if you are who you say you are, come down from that... torture stake"...is just ridicolous, I laughed till I almost fell of the chair. Even IF they were right about the cross (which they aren`t), it would still have been wrong to change that passage,but they just don`t see it. "Torture stake" , wtf is that.
JoinedPosts by Hellrider
Watchtower Blotch of Alpha and Omega interpretation
by Ticker innow to cover a point of a different nature but one i feel very important, a point in which the society has deliberatly tried to gloss over in their manipulating of scripture.
we see in rev.
1:7,8 a mention of the alpha and omega, the one who is, who was, and who is to come.
Another 607 / 587 BCE question, How do JW's fix the 20 years ??
by run dont walk inok, since all the evidence and people/scholars etc, all agree that jerusalem was destroyed in 587/586 bce and not 607 bce.
how do the jw's get the extra 20 years, i understand the 2520 years and going back from 1914. but alot of the proof goes by adding up the kings reigns, and it gets you to the 587/586 date, do jw's simply add on a few years for each king, or is their a mystery king that ruled for 20 years that only they know about.. hhhhhhmmmmmmm.
hope my question makes sense.
The Listener: I googled around, and found out who wrote that: His name is George J.Parrish jr. He has also written stuff like this: http://members.aol.com/gparrishjr/index.html (Jehovahs witnesses 1914). He isn`t a JW, but he has some weird bible-interpretations. I`m not sure which faith-camp to place him in, maybe adventists? I`m not sure, but he`s not your "regular theologian". I`d take whatever he has to say with a pinch of salt. And thanks, Heathen...I`m not very good with math, in fact I`m horrible...but sometimes it takes an idiot or a kid to see the obvious...
Hey JCanon aren't you a JW? Then why look at this website!
by inquirer inif you love jehovah and his organization so much, why look at sites like this!
they don't like you people using the internet and particularly sites like this!
this web site is so negative against jw's it's not funny!
City Fan wrote: "JCanon (Jesus Christ anonymous)"
Holy CRAP, I hadn`t though of that!!! I thought it was a name from some 70s police/detective-show or something. Ha ha, well hi there, Jesus Christ!
Hey JCanon aren't you a JW? Then why look at this website!
by inquirer inif you love jehovah and his organization so much, why look at sites like this!
they don't like you people using the internet and particularly sites like this!
this web site is so negative against jw's it's not funny!
LoL @ Pole. I`ve been reading JCanons posts too. I think he is/was a JW, but that he has developed his own theories, apostate from what the WT teaches. His JW-brainwashing has taken on new dimensions ever since he got voted of the JW-island, and grandiose theories, based on basic JW-teachings, developed in his head after that. Am I right, JCanon?
**MUST READ** AlanF's email to Knocking.org
by sf inthis is a must-read that, hopefully, will stay an "active topic" for all seekers and lurkers, by bumping it to the top as often as possible.
alan wrote it in randys {dogpatch} thread regarding knocking.org documentary and in reply to the email mr. engardio sent to barbara anderson.
however, it is so vital a read that it indeed needs its own thread:.
I checked their website, www.knocker.org. It really looked like they were intending to portray the JWs in a solely positive manner, as "civil liberty fighter", "fighting against Hitlers nazism", etc, even in the blood-transfusion-issue they were portrayed in a positive light. I couldn`t believe my eyes. Who are these guys, making this documentary, and why are they such JW-lovers? What about the thousands that died due to the blood-policies, what about the hundreds, or thousands of children that has died because of the blood-policies? What about the WTBTS`s flip-flopping back and forth on this issue, not to mention organ transplants? And what about the initial attempts to befriend Hitler, and that the stand against nazi-Germany came only AFTER Hitler rejected this attempt? Who are these guys making this movie (and what planet are they from...)? Anyone know anything more about this?
Another 607 / 587 BCE question, How do JW's fix the 20 years ??
by run dont walk inok, since all the evidence and people/scholars etc, all agree that jerusalem was destroyed in 587/586 bce and not 607 bce.
how do the jw's get the extra 20 years, i understand the 2520 years and going back from 1914. but alot of the proof goes by adding up the kings reigns, and it gets you to the 587/586 date, do jw's simply add on a few years for each king, or is their a mystery king that ruled for 20 years that only they know about.. hhhhhhmmmmmmm.
hope my question makes sense.
The Listener, the guy that wrote that, is he a JW? I really don`t understand how the dating can be done without ANY secular sources at all. Could someone please explain? I mean, if NO secular sources are brought into play, then the Bible would have to have some sort of detailed dating-system for all the years from around ...534? - until Jesus birth...or?
do JWs believe in dinosaurs?
by tsunami_rid3r inthe bible doesnt mention them at all.
so what the hell?
LoL, I asked my mother that question once, after I left. She said she believed God maybe created them before man, to "fertilize the earth", I think she meant with their bodies when they died, not the (huge) amount of fecies they produced. I thought wtf, why couldn`t God just have fertilized it himself, it would have been much easier to just create lots of crap, than create living beings, so I asked her that too. She said, "well, maybe God needed to practise creation before he made Adam". Well, so much for omnipotence. I would never have thought an omnipotent God would need to "practice his skills". Also, if God made dinosaurs before the other animals and man, why aren`t they mentioned in the creation, somewhere in between "God created the heavens and the earth" and "God created the birds and beasts etc" (or whatever that passage read)? It could have been, of course, that they existed and were parts of "the animals", and that there was no room for them in Noahs ark (due to their size), but that would mean that Adam would have had to walk around naming the dinosaurs too. "Hm, well you sure are a big fellow, I think I`ll call you Tyrannosaurus re...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
Another 607 / 587 BCE question, How do JW's fix the 20 years ??
by run dont walk inok, since all the evidence and people/scholars etc, all agree that jerusalem was destroyed in 587/586 bce and not 607 bce.
how do the jw's get the extra 20 years, i understand the 2520 years and going back from 1914. but alot of the proof goes by adding up the kings reigns, and it gets you to the 587/586 date, do jw's simply add on a few years for each king, or is their a mystery king that ruled for 20 years that only they know about.. hhhhhhmmmmmmm.
hope my question makes sense.
Oh holy crap, I must be completely retarded, it`s the old testament, of course it could never say 607 bc, LOOOL.
(#desperately trying to resist editing my previous post, oh dear God)
Another 607 / 587 BCE question, How do JW's fix the 20 years ??
by run dont walk inok, since all the evidence and people/scholars etc, all agree that jerusalem was destroyed in 587/586 bce and not 607 bce.
how do the jw's get the extra 20 years, i understand the 2520 years and going back from 1914. but alot of the proof goes by adding up the kings reigns, and it gets you to the 587/586 date, do jw's simply add on a few years for each king, or is their a mystery king that ruled for 20 years that only they know about.. hhhhhhmmmmmmm.
hope my question makes sense.
Been reading these 607 threads with great interest, but it`s hard, math was never my favorite subject, twisting my mind here to follow you all. So, to sum it up: The Bible mentions no numbers, other than the "in the...18th year of king...something-something...Jerusalem was desolated and remanined so for 70 sabbathical years bla bla bla". The Bible never mentions any other dates, like 607 bc, 587 bc, 537 bc, etc? Please correct me if I`m wrong, I left at a young age, just now trying to learn what I missed out on on meetings...(zzzz )
How can they be so full of themselves? Geeeeeeeez
by pennycandy ini just read this watchtower article posted in another thread by wanderlustguy.
i can't believe that the faithful and discreet slave can read such an article, boasting the magnificence of themselves, blatantly declaring themselves tested and approved by jesus himself, higher than all others, and then say, "yes, this article is true and good.
send it to the presses.
"These former Christians came to be identified as the "evil slave," and Jesus punished them with "the greatest severity." How? He rejected them, and they lost out on their heavenly hope. They were not, however, immediately destroyed. They first had to endure a period of weeping and gnashing of teeth in "the darkness outside" the Christian congregation. (Matthew 8:12) Since those early days, a few other anointed individuals have shown a similar bad spirit, identifying themselves with the "evil slave." Some of the "other sheep" have imitated their unfaithfulness. (John 10:16) All such enemies of the Christ end up in the same spiritual "darkness outside.""
Are they talking about the regular DFed and shunned here? Or is it just the "annointed", with the "heavenly hope? Either way, that`s just fu##ing amasingly SICK and hateful. Like they`re sitting up there in Bethel laughing and enjoying that the shunned are "weeping and gnashing their teeth". That`s the christian spirit of love for you, right from the "prophet of Gods" mouth. Oh oh oh, THIS really pushed my button.