And Barry, this is for you also. A conversation in the first century. It might sound familiar to you. As you read keep in mind that shabuwa means weeks and shaneh means years. Nicodemus: I have found the Messiah. The one prophesied in Daniel.
Pharisee: What? How do you figure that? What prophecy in Daniel?
Nico: You know, the one about the 70 weeks. According to that prophecy there would be 490 years from the going forth of the word....That brings us to now. Jesus appeared just as prophesied. I believe he is the Messiah.
Phar: You must be crazy. There is no where in that prophecy that tells us that it is 490 years. It is 490 days not years, you twit.
Nico: But shouldn't we apply a day for a year as spoken through Moses and Ezekiel?
Phar: Why? There is no where in the text that says to apply a day for a year. If Daniel had meant 70 weeks of years he would have said 70 shabuwa shaneh. He did not say that. He only said 70 shabuwa. You are going beyond what is written.
Nico: But that would mean the Messiah was to appear in only 70 literal weeks after the word to rebuild. That does not seem logical. What Messiah appeared then?
Phar: Now you are getting the point my friend. Either the prophecy pointed to Nehemiah or the prophecy failed. But this Jesus, he could not be the Messiah. You interpret the prophecy incorrectly. Remember in Genesis where Jacob had to work for his wife. It was said that he would work shabuwa shaneh or 7 years. It did not say he would work shabuwa. The shaneh was put in there to show it was 7 years not one week. Daniel would have said shabuwa shaneh if thats what he meant. Do you think the Lord forgot to put the word shaneh in there. LOL. You are so trying to twist the scriptures.
Nico: I will have to disagree with you. I believe that we must apply the day for a year rule or else the prophecy is senseless and unreasonable. Nothing happened just a little over a year after the word to rebuild was sent forth.
Phar: Nicodumass,You are a lying moron. Everything you say is based on what Jesus has told you. Take your senseless drivel back to your god Jesus.
Other Pharisees: That is great. You really showed him. You will teach him to question you. You made mince meat of Nicodemus' stupid arguments.
Excellent. It seems you are beginning to understand. The pharisees here are right, and Nicodumass is wrong. This is no surprise, because the pharisees have understood that the word "MESSIAH" ( masîah) did not mean the same thing in the year 600 BC as it means now, 2600 years later, or even in the first century. It meant "messenger", prophet or annointed, and didn`t necessarily refer to the great messiah that was about to come and be saviour of the jews. I am glad you are now finally beginning to understand, witnoid. It`s so sad to be a nicodumass ones entire life.