Been out for years, but still believes its the Truth: It`s not so uncommon. My younger sister is a bit like that too. These people usually haven`t examined "the Truth" much, they didn`t leave after having realized how bs it actually is, but for other reasons. These are the ones that go back, after X number of years. If you`re going to "teach him" the real truth about "the Truth", go about it slowly, or he won`t be able to keep up (he`s probably still in WTS-induced retardation when it comes to analytical thinking).
JoinedPosts by Hellrider
Ran into old JW friend in the airport...Correspondence has ensued...
by Confession init was the same weekend that my mom and dad, to my surprise, agreed to meet with me.
i was in midland, michigan, about a month ago, only an hour or so from where they live.
in the airport on monday morning, in walked john, someone i remembered well from the jw congregation of my youth.
Big brother winner returns to JW
by InquiryMan ina former big brother winner in sweden returns to jw.
excerpt from article:
_ i have always been a believer.
I watched that show. Lisavegas is right, btw, those are before-pics, from the show. After she won, she got implants. That girl was totally nuts, drunk half the time, promiscous, and had been in trouble with the police before she took part in the show. While on the show, she had sex on camera (live, on tv) with two or three guys (I cant remember), and she got a big skull-tattoo on her arm, done in the studio, on TV. She had very little contact with her family back then, but as far as I can remember, they didn`t disown her. They just said that they didn`t condone her behaviour, and that they were ashamed. If she went back to the jws, that`s quite a turn-around. Personally, I think alcohol, promiscuity and skull tattoos are far better than jw-life.
"An Encouraging email"- i really almost threw up.....
by New light for you inok.... are you a glutton for punishment?
you'll love this "encouraging email"..... .
i just received this experience from a friend, how loving a father jehovah is!!!
There was a Down's Syndrome boy
The perfect Jehovahs Witness. No higher education, no independent thinking (not much thinking at all, probably). I`m sure he`ll be on the GB in a few years.
Why there will always be Jehovah's Witnesses.
by TooBad TooSad inthere will always be jehovah's witnesses because:.
1. there will always be people who can not think for themselves.. 2. there will always be people who need to be told how to dress, what to do on vacation, what.
to do on the weekends, how much education you should have, and what married couples can do in bed.. 3. there will always be people who are willing to put thier lives on hold as they wait for better times.. 4. there will always be people who, because they can not make a decision, enjoy being told what.
There will always be Jehovahs Witnesses, because there will always be people dumb enough to believe anything. Think about this:
Scientologists actually believe that millions of years ago, an evil alien space-lord named Xenu, enslaved all the other aliens in the universe and put them in spacecrafts that looked remarkably like DC-9s (ha ha), and flew them to earth. On earth, they were placed in the volcanos on Hawai (like in Lilo and Stitch), and nuked. The souls of these aliens stayed here on earth, and they are haunting the souls of us humans ever since. And so, Scientology is the "key" to ridding oneself of these alien spirits that are haunting us.
If that`s not wacko, how about this:
Mormons believe that jews left the middle east, and travelled to America. Then Jesus visits America (ha ha) to tell them that everything in the Bible is a-okey, except for a few things, that he needed to correct. All of it is written down by an angel, and the angel then visits Joseph Smith, and tells him where to find some "golden plates", written in ancient Egyptian. Smith didn`t know Egyptian, but no worries, the plates "appeared to him" in English. Oh, and people with black skin are the result of a curse.
So, compared to this, there is no wonder jws do well. They are wacko too, but the point is: The fact that scientologists and mormons exist, proves that there is an abundance of idiots out there. Brainwashing is surprisingly easy. So, there will always be jws on the planet. They might call themselves something else, sometime in the future, but that will just be another wacko name for the same wacko people.
Can the holy spirit be a person???
by leaving-jws inmy mom and i got into a debate about the trinity doctrine.
she claims that the holy spirit cannot be a person which invalidates the trinity doctrine.
she says in genesis that the holy spirit was depicted as "roving about the earth" as an "active force".
To me, this is similar to arguing whether Santa Claus has real bells or electronic ones on his sleigh.
LoL. Yknot: Well, if the "holy spirit" is a part of god (but still, "fully god"), it could be argued that it was GOD that was Jesus` father. If the holy spirit is a person that is as "fully god" as the other two, then it was a part of god that stuffed another part of god into Mary. And he did so on behalf of the "Father"-part of god, whos functional position seems to be higher than the other two (functional, but not in essence). The trinity-doctrine is funny that way, there`s always one giving the other (two) an alibi.
A Letter to Watchtower regarding Creation book
by portcontrol7 inthis book should be read almost as tough it were science fiction.
lets read what was actually said in its context: .
this book should be read almost as though it were science fiction.
Portcontrol: Read this excellent essay on the (exact) subject you are adressing the Watchtower about (misquoting and such):
Notes from Losch's talk during "zone visit" to Hawaii (from my mother)
by Lady Zombie inmy mother forwarded me this e-mail yesterday.
i've copied and pasted it exactly as i got it.. -------------------------------.
notes from bro.
We will need to provide food and lodging for the newly resurrected ones.
Ah yes, Djenghis Khan, we have been awaiting your arrival. Your room is on the right, next to Joseph Goebbels and Pol Pot. Enjoy your stay here at Watchtower Motels, there is a New World Translation on your bedside table. Welcome.
Embarassed at school for being a Witness - Did this happen to you?
by Witness 007 inwhen they played the national anthem everyone stood up...except afew of us witness kids who stood out like a saw thumb....a brother two rows ahead of me had a teacher physically drag him to his feet as he struggled to explain himself...i would sweat like a pig as others pointed and laught and told me off...from then on i would hide in the toilet till i heard the anthem finish then come out.. then theirs birthday holidays, sex education, religious studies which i wanted to do since i would be a star but i was banned by my family.. do you have an embarassing hide like a rat in the toilet moment..
Then there were the nicknames, ' Jeova,
God, yes. Once, in the winter time, me and my mom was surrounded by 30 kids and teenagers, shouting "Jeovas, Jeovas", while throwing snowballs at us. I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. The fact that people always referred to me as a "Jehovahs", and didn`t even know the proper term (jehovahs witness) annoyed me even further. And to add to that, I wasn`t even technically a Jehovahs Witness, I was just a kid (not baptised yet). No wonder I was constantly angry (and still is).
Here`s a funny one, btw: On the other side of the street from the hall, there lived a kid from my school, that I knew. Of course, I always walked, trying to hide my face, when leaving the hall. He and some other kids always had fun with scratching the back window of the KH with styrophone and stuff, during the meetings. One time, he went to far, and while leaving the hall, we heard like a "pop", and I saw one of the elders grab his neck, and he was bleeding. It turned out this kid from school had shot at us with his bee-bee-gun (air-gun), and hit the elder in the neck. It turned into a big thing, with meetings at our school and everything. And I was in the middle of all of it. Yet another embarassing experience to add to the story of my life.
Embarassed at school for being a Witness - Did this happen to you?
by Witness 007 inwhen they played the national anthem everyone stood up...except afew of us witness kids who stood out like a saw thumb....a brother two rows ahead of me had a teacher physically drag him to his feet as he struggled to explain himself...i would sweat like a pig as others pointed and laught and told me off...from then on i would hide in the toilet till i heard the anthem finish then come out.. then theirs birthday holidays, sex education, religious studies which i wanted to do since i would be a star but i was banned by my family.. do you have an embarassing hide like a rat in the toilet moment..
Witness, you wrote:
except afew of us Witness kids who stood out like a saw thumb....
At least you weren`t alone. I`m from a small town in Norway, and I was the only jw-kid in school. Thank god we don`t have that pledge of allegiance-thing here.
Then theirs birthday
I don`t know what was worst: In the first and second grade, having to explain why I couldn`t come, or later, when they had stopped inviting me.
Our "holidays" was the conventions...
religious studies
Ah yes, being the only one to stand up and leave the class room, being stared at by all the others. There goes the weirdo. That was really "nice".
I fu##ing hate that religion.
JW's & JW sympathisers please help! Bed bugs!
by Mr Ben ini would like to know how jw's reconcile their world view with the fact that there exists creatures that live solely on blood.
bed bugs are in the news at the moment so they serve as a good example.
bed bugs live solely on the blood of animals.. ok, please explain to me how you reconcile the belief of creation by jehovah with the existence of bed bugs?.
Mr. Ben:
JW's believe that Jehovah created animals to be vegetarian (and perhaps also created meat eating scavengers to keep the earth clean?). They do not believe God CREATED animals that either eat living things or deliberately designed them to feed on the blood of living things.
The problem isn`t just bed bugs. Certain carnivores, like all the animals of the cat-family, are constructed biologically in a way that would make it impossible for them to survive on a vegetarian diet. In short, there are three types of biological "constructions" in mammals:
A) vegetarians (deer, cows etc.); these have "long intestines". The food takes a long time to pass thru the system, making it possible for the animal to extract the nourishment from the plants,grass etc.
B) Carnivores: These animals can only extract nourishment from meat. Their intestines are short, the food passes quickly thru the system. If you put an animal like this (a cat, lion, tiger etc) on a vegetarian diet, it would starve to death, because it would not be able to extract enough nourishment from the plants (the intestines are too short), before passing thru the system. Not to mention that these animals need a lot of proteins to sustain muscle mass.
C) Omnivores (humans, apes, bears, to a certain degree pigs, dogs, and others): Have relatively long intestines, and can eat anything.
The thing is: Even in the garden of eden, a tiger could not have survived by eating grass. Its biologically impossible. So either the animals intestines (and teeth...) was changed dramatically by god after Adam and Eve got kicked out, or...the garden of eden wasn`t much of a paradise after all. At least not for the other animals, ha ha.