I talk with my hands....and show emotion in my eyes....so I use, ........ !!!!!! and emoticons. If you ever saw me talk you'd know why! I also love the new "Betty"
Posts by Carol
Emoticon use...
by jeanniebeanz inhave you noticed that some posters seem to use the emoticon buttons more than others?
i have often wondered if those who use the buttons are normally very animated while talking, and use their arms and hands more than those who don't use the buttons.. if maybe they substituted the use of the emoticons for their inability to flail about with their arms, or make faces like they do in person.. i haven't met any of you in person yet so can't say.
it is true, or just a bad theory?.
Anyone ever debated with Ray Franz re. EVOLUTION?
by GetBusyLiving inray's a super guy, we all know that.
just wondering if he has ever been open to discussing creation vs. evolution.
he has an essay on his website but i don't really think his arguments are sound at all.. anyone here ever chatted with him about it?
My brother (now 50) served atBethel with Ray and left a few years before Ray's "differences" with the GB. He and I were talking yesterday about the JW's and how much we still believed and how much we didn't. I've been telling him about this site...hopefully he'll check it out soon. He asked me if Ray were still alive and I assured him he was...which he was glad to hear. His next comment shows what a great guy Ray was..."the only reason I stayed my full time at Bethel was because Ray would always listen to your questions and you never had to worry about him turning you in."
by WhiteTrash83 inhi everybody, i wonder if there is some way to get connected with other gay guys that have left the congregation?
is there any others in sweden where i am??
would be nice to meet someone with the same background i think..... //janne
Welcome WT83....I really wish you'd change that name.....! I'm sure you're not white trash.....Welcome aboard, we have about every sexual orientation you could want on these boards. So just post....sooner or later you'll find someone close to home!
"Please wrap me in a Roman Toga" - Russell's Last Words?
by slimboyfat ini had never heard this before, but according to royston pike those were russell's last words.
can anyone verify this, or show where this story comes from?
To a group that gathered around him he murmered: play "Freebird"!
Daughters, Do you speak with your mothers voice?
by jeanniebeanz ini hear it when i see the faults in others, and condemn myself for any minor infraction.
it is my mothers voice.. i dont know exactly when she got into my head, but it is clearly her voice and judging that i hear.
she condemns me for the dirty dishes, the skirt that is too short or the blouse that is too low.
I was going to write something really profound, but I'm sitting here in tears! I mean literally in tears. I often thought I was the only one. I'm now finding at 53 that I am not. If I started I'd take up 4 or 5 pages. Mom made the snowballs and Dad threw them. Mom wasn't physical.....she was mostly mental.....like after you'd spent some time on your makeup and hair and clothes, just as you were climbing into the car to go to the meeting she'd say "I don't know why you decided to ______ (pick one...wear that, do your hair like that...picked that color lipstick with your skin tone)." or after she had cleaned my closets and given away clothes she felt I would no longer be wearing (without asking first) she'd say to the sister she'd given them to "you look so much better in that than Carol ever did".
I find myself with my 17 year old daughter biting my tongue, even when she asks for advice (do you think this is a good shade of blue for my hair, does this lip ring or this lip ring look better), as I want her to be able to figure out who she and be comfortable in her own skin. I was offered a modeling contract with the Ford Agency in New York City at 17 and while my Mother boasted about it.....she'd also make comments about my height, weight or lack of talent (I turned it down as I didn't feel I was good enough). I refuse to do that to either of my children.
Sorry for the rant....thanks for the topic Jeannie!
Fav Hobbies...Anybody here play paintball?
by orion inmy husband and i play paintball and would love to meet others all over who do also.
we want to make a trip in a few years to go all over and try out different paintball courses.
my husband wasn't a jw so he doesn't know axactlly what i went through but he is a great support.
Been there, done that and have a huge bruise on my right hip to prove it! We've a large, multi acre, wooded City run park in Palm Bay, Florida that is just great fun. If you come down this way let us know!
GBL I happen to like your name, but then again I've been dating a guy for the last 12 years who's name happens to be Sidney and would you believe his last name is Sherman....! We won't go into what is screamed in the throes of passion other than to tell you he is a retired Marine and he was a Gunnery Sgt.........and I always call him by his nickname!
I think your name is very noble sounding.......!
They were just here !!
by Apostanator inmy wife and i just got home from the gym and there were 2 jw's at our door.
i couldn't help myself....i felt rage building up inside but i tried to play it cool.
just coming off the ne apostafest and hearing everyones story just pissed me off when i saw those two dubs standing there.
Great job for spur of the moment.....but I've got to agree with undercover! Hopefully the younger man has a mind of his own.
Luna....I know this won't be popular at this site but here goes.......I still believe in Jehovah or God or Allah or whatever you wish to call him....I don't believe the JW's or any other organized religion and their interpretation of the bible.....so I don't think we need to blame our (I mean people my age) situation on anyone by the brainwashing cult and it's GB.
Carol (of the has to work 'til she's 70 and hopes Social Security is still in affect group)
sweet home Kansas-balama...
by tetrapod.sapien inlol .
a true story from snopes:.
I've got to agree with Billygoat. As far as seperation of church and state???? We have God on our money, in our pledge of allegiance and prayers being said before sessions in the hous and senate of every state and at national level. The U.S. fights religious wars (i.e. Iraq...yes it's for oil and because baby Bush is getting revenge for threats made against Daddy Bush...but it is also a Christian against Muslem thing....) I don't care for this particular minister or his church...but I glory in the fact that he doesn't kiss the a*ses of the politicians in his state.
Good topic! Love to hear more opinions!
Inappropriate "shepherding" calls.
by avishai inhow many have recieved calls by the elders that were under the guise of "shepherding", but somehow inappropriate, i.e, you were a woman alone with only one elder showing up, or you felt physically intimidated by both.
or say they show up at like, 10:30 at night for a shepherding call.
and you say "hey, i appreciate the visit but please call first!
Oh how appropriate this topic.....I've mentioned in other threads that my address is in the territory map as a do not call at this house note! Life has been so peaceful..........until this morning! When two older male JW's stopped by....they introduced themselves and asked if they could come in....I said no I wasn't really interested in hearing what they had to say. They proceeded to tell me they stopped by because is seems several months ago, two sisters had stopped at my house when I was not home...my daughter (aged 17) was and she answered the door, explained her grandmother and aunt are pioneers and that her mother used to pioneer many years ago and that we were no longer interested. The sisters asked her why.....now you have to picture my 5ft 7in daugher with jet black spiked hair (she was born blonde) big blue eyes with an eyebrow piercing and a labrai (lip) piercing......dresses totally in black (this was a gothic day...other days she's a little redneck) explaining to these two, very prim and proper JW's, that she is presently reading the book "Simple Wicca"...and that she wants nothing to do with a religion that wouldn't allow her to worship God in their KH and would tell her mother that she could not love her daughter or talk to her daughter because she was gay!
The brothers felt I should be aware of this, as my daughter's having such literature in my home could leave me vunerable to demonic attack! and that because of her age it wasn't to late to change her (I guess they feel you choose your sexual orientation instead of being born to it) I calmly explained that I purchase and/or pay for all of my daughter's books of Wicca, homosexuality and anything else she might choose to read and that she was only repeating what she had heard at home.
Soooo, I guess I have not really faded quietly and will probably be hearing from the JC .....I don't think I'll be going to any meetins with them...I'll just let them DF me by proxy.