Doubtfully does this mean no ponies and clowns at my 55th?
Posts by Carol
Can a Witness celebrate Quinceaneras?
by TresHappy inthis is a big tradition for many in the hispanic culture.
but how can a witness have or pay for one of these?
marking a rite of passage.
My 11-year-old daughter is having migraines!
by cruzanheart inokay, y'all, get out your experiences, thinking caps, and remedies.
jennie is 11 (will be 12 in october).
this year she has started to show all of the classic signs of puberty, and a couple of weeks ago had cramps about the same time as my cycle.
Hey Brenda, great to see your post! Trust you're feeling a little better?
Do You Think Bag Searching Violates Your Rights?
by minimus inin view of the transit bombings, do you feel that police should be able to search you or your bags at anytime?
Katie, I'm with Billy, I'm really getting tired of mopping up can't be good for my keyboard!
Do You Think Bag Searching Violates Your Rights?
by minimus inin view of the transit bombings, do you feel that police should be able to search you or your bags at anytime?
My children's father is 5ft 11in, has olive skin,dark curly hair (sprinkled with gray) and a beard....he looks like he's from the middle east (when he cuts his hair shorter and shaves his beard he looks like a tanned prince charles, but that's another story), he's French and English........Even though we are divorced, we have upon occassion traveled together several times since 9/2001. More often than not he's watched, checked out and sometimes questioned.....inconvenient yes, upsetting yes, but we'd rather put up with the inconvenience that end up in the rubble of the WTC, as DNA in a field in Pennsylvania, on someones desk at the Pentagon or in the rubble of an underground train in London.
Quite frankly, if the U.S., Canadian and British governments weren't so generous in keeping their borders open, we wouldn't have a lot of these problems.......but then again....we'd be violating their rights!
Do You Think Bag Searching Violates Your Rights?
by minimus inin view of the transit bombings, do you feel that police should be able to search you or your bags at anytime?
Katie, if the bombers of 9/11/2001 and 7/7/2005 were carrying bibles....then I'd have gladly stood in line to have my bible checked........
Do You Think Bag Searching Violates Your Rights?
by minimus inin view of the transit bombings, do you feel that police should be able to search you or your bags at anytime?
Billygoat....I can understand where you're coming from, but here's a story that I think you'll find humorous!
My son is 6ft 1in, he has for the last 15 years worn his very dark hair very short (i.e. he shaves it to a 1/2 inch fuzz), he also sculpts his sideburns and chin hair......wears Doc Martins, blue jeans and an old green fatigue jacket. In December 2001, he and his fiance spent a week in Washington, DC and decided to visit the Holocaust Museum.......yes you guessed it! He was pull aside after entering the building and searched as he looked like a "skin head"...funny as my son knows more about the holocaust than most Jewish people.
Flash forward, April son and his fiance take their long awaited 3 week vacation to Europe...Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic....not problems at all with customs or security....they arrive back in Orlando, FL go through customs and security...take the shuttle back to the main building and boom.....he's stopped and taken to a back room to have his luggage and his body searched! Why....because he had dark hair and they we're pulling dark haired men in that day (bear in mind he'd already been through 2 previous security checkpoints).
People are going to's not right by it's a fact of life and as he said......hey Mom, I had nothing to hide!
Do You Think Bag Searching Violates Your Rights?
by minimus inin view of the transit bombings, do you feel that police should be able to search you or your bags at anytime?
Mary McLoed, a suicide bomber suspects mother was just on CNN from one of the Island, fully covered in black (head cover, face cover and dark glasses over her eyes) I understand this is required dress for Moslem women...but aren't they also supposed to stay out of the public eye? This woman is all over the news denying that it was her son!
As far as New York City....they just had pictures on CNN of the checkpoints with very LARGE signs saying the Police will Randomly Check Bags. Boston is not planning on doing this at this time but is asking people to be vigilant and observant. So I guess if you see someone in a winter coat getting on a Subway, Underground or Bus... or someone leave a package, breafcase or backpack and run like the'd best call 911 or 999!
Now they're talking about the fact that the explosives in yesterday's attacks in London were partially detonated, homemade explosives and they're very concerned about where and for how long these explosives were made and stored. Now I guess we'd best keep an eye on our neighbors also?
M.E (chronic fatigue)...the jehovahs witness disease
by chuckyy ina congregation here in the uk had so many cases of m.e (chronic fatigue) that it was labelled as the jehovahs witness disease.
i must say that in my old cong.
and locally in other congs., there was an abnormally high percentage of people with this problem.why do you think this was the case?????
Grace, when I was a JW Pioneer, I worked full-time and pioneered. When I married I was no longer a pioneer and continued to work full time!
I have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue......years after I left "the truth"......I'm symptom free with the exception of times where I'm not getting enough rest, improper diet and/or I'm stress or depressed! It is complete and utter exhaustion along with body and muscle aches. Sounds a bit like life in general.
I think sometimes there are JW's who have been medically diagnosed with it and when they tell others about it, the others self diagnose.
London Area Friends Please Check In
by Carol in.
i know it's a little after 5:00 in the evening there, please when you get home tonight could you check in, if you're able.
i know no one was hurt today (with the exception of the alledged terrorist that was killed ), but i'm sure i speak for almost everyone at jwdf when i say we worry about you all and the stress you are all going through!.
Am I a Sucker?
by El Kabong inthe other day, my wife ran into a girl who she used to babysit for and is now 19 years old.
i remember when this girl used to come to our house, she was always such a little sweetheart.
she always kind of reminded me of a little doll, just tossed in the corner and forgotten.
El Kabong, you and your wife are doing the right thing! Vitta I know exactly what your talking about, I also have a 17 year old (she'll be 18 in a few months), that I don't think will be ready to be on her own until she's in her twenties!
El Kabong keep us posted on how she's doing!