You Apostate you!
Posts by Carol
met w/2 elders today
by buffalosrfree inmet w/2 elders today, we had a nice visit, and talked about a few things, like why i dont go to meetings, etc etc.
told them of the lack of love in congregation, the society constantly using loaded language to put guilt trips on the r&f,.
the sept article on actually enjoying yourself vice beating in doors and telling people something they dont want to or could care less about hearing.
by SHUNNED FATHER intwo leading oncologists both agree that my daughter bethany might be alive today if she had not been fed arsenic.
as you may recall, the wts arranged to take my sick daughter into hiding for two months and payed a doctor to prescribe arsenic.
the doctor ant the wts lawyers convinced bethany that the arsenic treatment could cure her.
(((((((((((((((((Shunned Father)))))))))))))))))
My heart goes out to you for all you have been through at the hands of the WTB&TS. I am going to try to fly up from Florida for the protest. I've been toying with the idea of a visit to NYC, so this might be just the incentive I need. Please keep us posted as to the plans. I also liked the suggestion about writing letters, etc. perhaps that could also be done.
to def'd....perhaps instead of hijacking someone might want to start one of your own under Members: Adult & Heated Debates. Rather than being a "good witness", you remind me of one of Satan's Demons trying to interfere with good Shunned Father is trying to do my exposing the lies the WTB&TS tells on a regular basis. Personally I think you should be Disfellowshipped from this board. Even though the members of this board can and do often get into heated discussions and debates......until this thread I do not think I have ever seen someone so viciously call another person a liar......maybe you should visit other sites on the board and do a little background research before you do any more you'll know a little bit about the other posters.....that is if our administrator is kind enough to let you stay.
One of my employees has cancer...from smoking
by wanderlustguy inone of the things i can't deal very well with is smoking.
i remember telling someone i loved i really wanted them to stop because i didn't want to be the man holding her as she gasped for air dying from the habit.
not 2 minutes after we broke up she was back at it, strangely that hurt me as much as the breakup, thinking of her suffering one day as i had seen others do...all because of cigs.... one of my technicians came in today that i have been having trouble with, his perfomance had become horrible, and i had intended to let him go.
I'm sorry to hear about your employee, his type of cancer is really a rough one to treat. I lost my dad in June of 2001 to lung cancer and emphysema. He'd and emphysema for a number of years, fortunately the lung cancer took him in 17 months, the last 2 months were pure hell. He's been smoking since he was 12 and died at 74 (he'd quit once or twice for up to a year, but he'd gain weight and start smoking to keep his boyish figure! He weighed 100 lbs. when he died). Mom quit smoking December 1959, cold turkey, so she could be baptised in January 1960..she never picked up a cigarette again. It's a nasty addiction That not only kills the addict but those around him/her.
by Evanescence infrom this conversation i had,
well i didn't get them at my door.
but one of my friends did who lives in the same town as me!
"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive." One shouldn't play games with the telephone in this day and age of caller ID......unless of course one is willing to pay the piper!
I've been replaced...
by Quentin inmy two year old grandson calls me bap-paw...every afternoon when my daughter picks him up from day care his first words are: my bap-paw.
yesterday my daughter brought home a black lab puppy.
when she picked him up this afternoon...that's right...his frist words were: my puppy...of course my daughter wore out her tires getting home, so she could call and regail her mother with grandson and doggie stories...i've been replaced by a dog...i'm depressed, hope i can sleep tonight...a dog for god sake...
Just wait Bap-Paw.....the first time "my puppy" knocks him down or chews up one of his favorite toys......he'll look to Bap-Paw to make it better!
Perhaps I am a sucker.
by El Kabong inthis is a follow up to my previous thread titles, "am i a sucker?
" which can be found here: . .
I think KLS hit the nail on the head. I'd go one step further and insist she have a an ob/gyn exam and go on birth control. With the obvious lack of parental direction (other than when she was around you and your wife), she might not realize the remifications of lying and loosing your trust...and it's good to let her know she can't get away with it.
Are you a sucker? No, just a tender hearted, caring schmuck! Better that than a cold hearted, judgmental JW.
As a child what teachings scared you?
by Stress Free inas a child i was raised as a jw as was my wife.
the other day we were discussing some of the things that we were.
taught or discussed at the meetings that scared the hell out of us as children.
I have to agree, I always worried about the torture! Being taken from my brothers and made to stand on one leg with no water in the hot sun while being eaten by misquitos and/or other insects...'til I renounced Jehovah always bothered me....I used to practice. Also the prospect of beatings and rapes led to many sleepless nights. The demons didn't bother me a great deal because I figured I could call on Jehovah's name and Jesus' name and they'd go away. I never could figure out why the witnesses couldn't do that when being tortured, raped or killed!
What amazes me now as I think back....I was always being chastized by my mother for reading mysteries and adventure books, but was encouraged to read about torture, rape and murder in the society's publications....go figure!
JW just emailed me a new experience
by acuragirl ina pioneer sister just emailed me a new experience this morning.
i just wanted to post is to see if anyone recognized it as a generic jw experience or if it was genuine.
how are things...i hope all is well with each one of you.
Now Vitty how can you say the JW's are inadequite? After all didn't I read in an earlier thread about one of the brothers saying the JW youths did not need to go to college because they had been educated by the "truth"? Surely Jehovah's Holy Spirit would aid them in their teaching work and yes Ezekiel3 they are looking for the "ignorant" so they can "educate" them!
Yet another "My Story"
by mapleaf18 inmy story: and i apologize in advance for the long post.. i was born to special pio parents and i attended my first meeting when i was 6 days old, which was unusual in the 50s and 60s because babies were usually quarantined for the first month or so.
my mother had a poor childhood and was often placed with uncaring relatives which served as foster homes.
my father was raised in a single parent home by his divorced mother who was looking for answers.
Maple, the healing has begun. If the love, caring and humor of this crew can't heal, no one can. Thank you for sharing.
Are you a fixer?
by jeanniebeanz inare you a fixer or a buyer?.
when i was a little kid, i mean from about four-years-old, i was fascinated with what made things tick.
mom knew better than to leave me alone without something really interesting to figure out.
Fixer, definately a fixer. My sister-in-law and I were doing Trading Spaces before it ever came on TV and my ex says it's dangerous to leave me alone with my tool box, a sewing machine, hot glue gun, stapler and any kind of junk! I'm also a yard/garage sale nut! My Dad used to refinish all kinds of furniture and take two junk bikes and make one super one...every kid in the neighborhood came to our house to play on the large wooden swing set/jungle jim/ tree house (keep in mind this was in the late 50's). Like your Dad Jeannie....if only he had patented some of his ideas!