I happened to go to the local Mall in Melbourne, FL last weekend and went into one of the shoe stores to look around, one of the saleswomen came up to me and I explained I was just looking as I was starting a new job on Monday....we also discussed the weather (it's been raining every day for the last week) and we ended up talking about all of the victims along the gulf coast and all of the efforts various organizations were making to help them.... after a bit of discussion she told me that they would be discussion ways to help, as she was one of JW's and they always sent help into areas after disasters......so I went into my "oh really" mode and asked for more information, where could I drop off my food, clothing and financial contributions? Who and when would someone be at the KH to collect? etc., etc. Her explanation was they hadn't organized yet.....my next question was ...Not organized? It had been almost a week....when would they have something organized? Who could I call? Would she give me her number? Needless to say, she had to go take care of another customer. On the way out the manager asked me if I had found everything I was looking for and if anyone had helped me......I explained that I was just looking and that the nice JW had been very helpful and we'd had a very nice bible discussion! Sometimes I can be such a bitch!
Posts by Carol
From MSN... I may barf any second...
by mkr32208 inthe bible was one of the few books many of the refugees had among their possessions.
on friday, several jehovahs witnesses walked the floor of the astrodome, where thousands of cots were set up, to offer their services.
what "services"... buncha weenies!
by diamondblue1974 insorry this has taken some time to compile but here it isthe second instalment of my biography.
as with the previous it is difficult with writing it not just because of the content but primarily because its difficult to try and retain the chronology correctly; i believe i have stayed true to how and when things happened but might have a few dates and times mixed up as this hasnt been at the forefront of my mind for some time.
please accept my apologies if these inconsistencies are apparent at any point.. .
Wow! Thank you for sharing. Your story was well told and not at all whiney. While it was very rough going, it has evidently made you a stronger, more caring person. Keep working towards your goal of becoming a Barrister....you are still young enough and you can do a lot of good for many innocent victims. I always wanted to be an attorney, however I did not go to college until I was in my 40's, I am now a certified Paralegal (I didn't have the patience or the stamina to go to law school). Hang in there the bad is behind you and remember "that which does not kill us can only make us stronger"
Hack Yourself! You can live the life you want to live!
by daystar inthis is an email that was sent a while back.
i found in on this website.
i think there is are some good ideas in it.
Daystar, thanks for the posting....I just opened it without a problem and read it through.....I saved it to a disk as I want my daughter to read it! My mother tells me I'm warped because I've expessed some of these sentiments in the past.......I'd send it to her, but if it doesn't come out of the Watchtower she won't read it....her loss. Again thank you!
Did you enjoy being a JW?
by JH inevery time i went to a meeting, book study, or whatever, the great majority of people looked as if they were truly happy to be a jw.
their smiles looked genuine.
they seemed to love talking to each other.. i, on the other hand, wasn't really happy to be at the meetings.
When my mother became a witness, I liked the idea of Paradise and all the friendly animals. I didn't like being made fun of and being beat up because I was differant and I didn't like the way my brothers were treated. I enjoyed the friendships I made at the KH, but as I got older I didn't like being chastised for doing certain things and knowing that the elder's kids were doing the same things or worse and getting away with it. I didn't like being treated like a second-class citizen because I am female and my father wasn't a JW. The good times far outweigh the bad, I just didn't like a bunch of uneducated, imperfect, chauvinistic men sitting in judgment of me. I felt then and feel now that whatever I choose to do and however I choose to live is between me and the God I choose to believe in.
by Apostanator into give you some quick details, my ex-wife and her two sisters were repeatedly raped and molested for years by their jw father.
we went to the elders, and as you probably know, nothing ever really happened to him, all he got was privately reproved.
well,...fast forward,, i remarried and have a wonderfull wife who is also an ex-jw.
STANDING OVATION to Mrs. Apostonator.........and congratulations toe Apostonator for having the good sense to marry such a marvelous person!
*Fluff Alert!*
by mrsjones5 inso i was doing my paper route today and i was admiring all the different colored glazing balls that people have in their yards.
i like gazing balls and i plan to get one for my yard.
but i wonder, what is the point of a gazing ball?
Margie what a great idea, smurf windchimes! Do they come in colors other than blue? I'd love to hang them in the courtyard with the gazing ball I've just ordered from the website MrsJones gave.
My undisfellowshipping
by kwintestal inrevised statementhere's the sound byte.
(i hope it works!
Brenda, my comment was made tongue-in-cheek! I was trying to be funny! Hence the I was not being critical, honestly!
Kwin, after reading your list, I wouldn't hold my breat.....but at the very least you've won this battle!
Do you vote now?
by sass_my_frass indo you think it matters?
how long did it take for you to start voting?
was it liberating?.
I vote, I feel that if I don't vote then I have no right to complain about what is going on. JW's don't vote as "they are no part of this world", however I notice they use the laws and politics to their advantage whenever possible.
In Florida--Lease Lawsuit gets Ghoulish!
by Atlantis inabout 1/2 way down the article: http://www.kansas.com/mld/kansas/news/nation/12585169.htm http://www.kansas.com/mld/kansas/news/nation/12585169.htm "these reports, all independently provided, are strikingly similar in content," franklin wrote.
"apparently, these types of sightings are well-known to some of your employees but were not made known to mr. chung.
... as a jehovah's witness, mr. chung has deeply held beliefs regarding spirits and demons.
If the Chung's own a sushi bar across the street, I find it hard to believe they haven't heard about these ghosts prior to this. I took the ghost tour years ago at church street station and it was one of the sites visited. Me thinks the Chung's just don't want to cough up the Change (hehe) to renovate and move as the area is not doing as well $$$ wise as expected and the owners of CSS have been having problems with the City.
My undisfellowshipping
by kwintestal inrevised statementhere's the sound byte.
(i hope it works!
Brenda, what did Kwin's children do to deserve such abuse? (i.e. taking them to a meeting) Granted it would be punishment for the JW's but it would be abosolute torture for those poor children.