One time when I was about 12, I was on a return visit with an older (25 to 30) pioneer. Now this was his RV and he had been there several times already. The RV was an older woman but her daughter sat in for this particular visit. I couldn’t help but notice that her daughter had a death grip on this large kitchen knife the entire time that we were there, which was about 20 minutes. When our visit was over and we were safely back in the car I asked him if he noticed the daughter clenching that kitchen knife? He said that he didn't notice but that she had just been released from prison. Apparently she was charged and served time on an assault charge. She had attacked her husband with a kitchen knife.
Darth Yhwh
JoinedPosts by Darth Yhwh
Has Anyone Ever....
by Mecurious? in.
known of someone to get shot or hurt while out in field service or on a bible study?
Continuing to lay the groundwork for my exit.
by ithinkisee inwell, last night i was completely determined to tell my wife just three things i had learned.
i was just going to focus on lies - not scripture, or stupid stuff ... just lies.. 607/1914trinity (trinity brochure lies)cross (reasoning book lies and archeaology).
if she starts to question other stuff, or if she starts in on a debate about the trinity, i was going to shut her down and let her know i am willing to talk to her about that - but not right now.
Darth Yhwh
I hope all goes well for you. Theres some good advice in this thread. Make sure she knows through out this whole process how important she is to you.
It's threads like this that make me realize how fortunate I am and what a good decision I made in marrying whom I did. My wife is an "unbeliever" or "worldly" woman. She was afraid of Witnesses and their doctrine for some reason. Probablly because of the holiday issues. Although she still gets uneasy regarding their beliefs, I think I've been able to help her understand their situation a little better over the years.
I couldn't imagine being married to a witness as a witness and trying to break free without harming the relationship. You certainly have your work cut out for you. My advise, I suppose, would be to take your time and work slowly.
Are You For or Against The Death Penalty?
by minimus inpersonally, i have nothing against executing wanton murderers.
Darth Yhwh
sixsixsixtynine , thanks for the numbers. Since I have no intent on doing any research on the matter myself I'll have to take what your telling us at face value. I'll I can say is that if it cost the state of FL $3.18 million per execution than their going about it in the wrong fashon. People kill people every day for far less than that, if anything at all. This is just another example of bureaucrats inflating budgetary numbers to keept the tax rates high and the money flowing in.
Are You For or Against The Death Penalty?
by minimus inpersonally, i have nothing against executing wanton murderers.
Darth Yhwh
I wouldn't go so far at to say the I'm a proponent of the death penalty, but I cerrtainly have a problem with locking away repeat offenders of violent crimes for the rest of their lives. Proplog2, feels that "paying to keep a killer in jail is a very small price to pay for maintaining your own human dignity." Well if thats the case, I'll send you a waiver to sign authorizing Uncle Sam to collect my share of that burden from your taxes because Im not real excited about the thought financially supporting these people by clothing, feeding, and housing them.
Besides, Im not sure that the price is as small as you think it is. Im not claiming that I know how much is costs to keep an inmate locked up per year but I do know that it's not cheap.
What quenches your thirst the most?
by JH inwhat do you like to drink, other than water, that quenches your thirst, when you're extrememely thirsty?.
Darth Yhwh
Ok heres my fluid intake schedule:
Monday through Friday: 24 to 36 oz. of coffee between the hours of 7:00 am to 12:00 p.m., 36 to 48 oz of water between the hours of 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., 36 to 60 oz. of beer between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., and finally I finish off with 12 to 24 oz. of water between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Saturday and Sunday: Repeat above schedule only replace tea with coffee.
You will be shown hatred on the account of my name.
by Chicky inhas it ever occurred to any body out there why jehovah's witnesses are so disliked/picked on etc?
do you ever wonder why we are the only religion that gets a bad rap?
doesn't that tell you non jw's out there anything?
Darth Yhwh
We should all be encouraging Chicky to continue preaching to us. Perhaps she would even brouse around on some other threads while here. That could lead to the begining of an independent thinking type attitude. Who knows with a little time she would see the light at the end of her tunnel.
After all, She had to register in order to post her topic. Isn't just being on this site grounds for disfellowshiping?
Inappropriate "shepherding" calls.
by avishai inhow many have recieved calls by the elders that were under the guise of "shepherding", but somehow inappropriate, i.e, you were a woman alone with only one elder showing up, or you felt physically intimidated by both.
or say they show up at like, 10:30 at night for a shepherding call.
and you say "hey, i appreciate the visit but please call first!
Darth Yhwh
I personally have never had any unuasual sheparding calls (or did I ever have any at all?) but one thing I can tell you for certain. If anyone put their foot in my door and attempted forced entry into my home I wouldnt hesitate to put a pistol in their face until the decided to leave the premisis.
Would you go to a funeral at the Kingdom Hall?
by Dustin inso my brother and i have been having talks about what will happen when our dad passes away eventually.
most of his brothers and sisters have died in their 50's or early 60's.
i flat out refuse to attend any part of the service that would be done at the kingdom hall.
Darth Yhwh
Dustin, Im in a similar situation. My dad has an aortic aneursym (sp?) as well as severe artery blockage and some heart disease. I've been dealing with the reality that he won't be around for some years now. Although my father is an "unbeliever" I wonder if my mother will have the service at a KH or not. I think that she'll probablly have it at a funeral home because none of his family are witnesses. However Im sure that there will be JW's there to give my mother support.
Many of the posters are correct when they say that in this situation you need to do what your loved one would have wanted you to do. After all the service is for them and this is something that you will carry with you for the remainder of your life.
The Loving Provision Of Disfellowshipping.
by Englishman inwatchtower, july 15, 1995:.
disfellowshippinga loving provision?.
"holy, holy, holy is jehovah god, the almighty.
Darth Yhwh
Baptized servants of Jehovah who deliberately follow a wicked course and refuse to change must be viewed as unrepentant and thus unfit for Christian fellowship. (Compare 1 John 2:19.) Such individuals cannot be allowed to remain in the clean Christian congregation and thereby contaminate it. They must be expelled.
The use of 1 John 2:19 is taken out of context in it's use in this paragraph. The apostle John was referring to antichrists in this verse which is a far cry from some of the reasoning used by the "loving" elders as requirements for disfellowshiping.
FairMind summed it up on page one. This is how the WBTS controlls their flock. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battlestation. (oops, I got a little side tracked there).
Were You Pressured To Get Baptized?
by minimus inmost persons, imo, are pressured to get baptized.
they are told they "should be ready".
children are made to feel that jehovah will not protect them any longer at a certain age.
Darth Yhwh
Yeah there was pressure all right but it wasn't direct pressure for baptisim. It was more like a constant pressure to set goals for your self and to continue in your spiritual growth and relationship with Jehovah. Baptisim was just the next step in that progression. Its funny to hear others say what I have thought in the past. I knew the significance of baptisim however I never really felt like it was a big deal or that it brought me closer to God.