Is not the Society murmuring about the murmmers.
i will not be able to post this until the evening of 8-20. i worked on 8-27 by mistake and will be out of town until sunday evening.
keep free from murmurings .
"--philippians 2:14 .
Is not the Society murmuring about the murmmers.
i bet some still carry them.
you all know what i'm talking about; there were at least 3 brothers in the congregation that had one.
thank god my father wasn't one of them.
Hey Dude,
They were the best, held everything you can imagine for everyone in the family. Hey, its not the fault of the brother, he was expected to have all those publications at each meeting and if you had a couple kids you put there stuff in there too. Only a salesman's sample case could possibly hold all that without breaking.
Never really considered what it look like to those who didn't have one, I just new it was convienant to have a bag that could carry all that nonsense.
there was some belief that portions of the social security balances were removed to fund other govt ventures - which is why there was such a push on for bush to get people to dissolve the social security.
27.5 trillion is a lot of money - the implication of what bush is doing is being talked about round the financial world and not in a good way..... greg szymanski.
16 aug 2006 .
Anyone following this? There was some belief that portions of the social security balances were removed to fund other govt ventures - which is why there was such a push on for Bush to get people to dissolve the social security. 27.5 Trillion is a lot of money - the implication of what Bush is doing is being talked about round the financial world and not in a good way....
This nothing new, the money paid into Social Security has been spent as soon as it is collected for whatever the government needs it for. The only way the US government can make good on the promise of Social Security is to run a surplus, which the government had before the Iraq war. The US government in now running one of the largest deficits since world war 2. With baby boomers coming of retirement age, doesn't look too good for us getting older old farts. Bush was a failed business man prior to his election and it is now obvious to everyone that he is a failure when it comes to fiscal responsiblity.
i need some help in understanding something that's been bothering me for a while, please give me some insight on this.
i often see posts here where some take shots at elders and witnesses for working as janitors and window washers, and it's always bothered me.
i mean does it really matter what they do for a living as long as they are making a living honestly?
For most of my life, I have been one of these hard working types that people would look down on. You are right, nothing wrong with honest work and people should not be quick to judge others for how they make there living, so long as it is honest as you mentioned. However, what most posters here have issue is, many of us would of like to have had the opportunity to do more with our professional life if it hadn't been so discouraged by the Society. Consequently, you have an organization full of uneducated people who prance around giving advice to others and fostering the myth that education has no importance. These Elders who value education so little will pay hard earned dollars to an Accountant to help set up there little business, go see a lawyer if ever they get sued. Rush to see a Dr. everytime something hurts or doesn't seem right with their health. They also expect those professionals who they do deal with to be at the top of their game, this only comes with hard work and education which does not end once a degree is obtained. This whole thought proces of the Society is very hypocritical and has cause many to feel like they have missed out; hence the anger and sarcasm you detect.
i was just wondering what constitutes as being brought up in the truth.
my mom was baptized when i was 7 and my dad got dunked when i was 11. right now i don't really consider myself as being fully raised in the truth because even though i've been going to meetings since i was 6 i just slept/doodled through them.
my mom didn't study with us kids and my dad didn't start the family study until i was 12. i'm turning 20 in a few weeks... i've known life before the truth and it was much bettter, everyone was soo much happier.
You must never be alone with a elder. If he was talking to you that way he may be up to no good. He might have been testing you and may try something inappropriate next time.Double Ditto.....................Elders know they aren't supposed to be alone with a sister.............I suspect he is seeing how far he can get with you.
Raised in the truth? What if only one parent is a JW?
I remember a phrase one brother used, "raised alongside the truth." He said no one is raised in the truth, since each person has to make their own decision. Having both parents JWs from your first day of life is no guarantee. I would avoid baptism and that elder.
Triple Ditto, This Elder know better than to be talking to you alone about sex...He is breaking all the rules that are laid out for him. He is serving his own interest. Make sure both your mom and dad know of the conversation and if you know of a respected elder in your congregation tha is not a deviate, let them know also, this guy needs to be removed, of course, don't be surprised if he denies it and makes you out to be a liar...scum. OC
i just can't believe all the trouble witness kida are having lately in my area( (vancouver b.c).
3 years ago a witness kid (18 years old) jumped off a bridge to his death.. the latest news from the jw grapevine is that a jw kid that i knew (he is now 20) is in the insane assylum.
it seems he was found swimming towards bethel from vancouver (he left a note) this was at least a 1000 miles away and he never would have made it.
Look at it this way - does the bOrg really help? Does the bOrg have any practical methods or advice to any of the rank and file who are dealing with mental health issues? Does the bOrg actively encourage the rank and file to seek out professional help when it comes to mental health issues? I'd give that a big fat NO (I could be wrong they may have changed policy on me since I've been gone but I doubt it).So while the bOrg may not incite or cause mental health issues (personally I lean towards that they actually do) they really don't do anything to help those among the rank and file who are dealing with such issues. In other words, they may not cause it but they sure don't help it.
Exactly, there is precious little that the Society encourages one to do. For all their wisdom and ability to put ideas in print, they spend very little print talking about how members can get help for what bothers them. Of course, from their viewpoint, if one does more study, goes out in service more and prays than Jehovah will help them, of course, they always can provide examples of how others have been helped by this method. When something like this happens, generally the R & F just shake their heads and just pass it off as one more person who was captured by Satan. I am not a 100% sure, but, I don't really ever remembering them advising mentally sick ones to seek out professional help. What they do say, is, if one needs to do this, others in the congregation should not judge them. I think this is a far cry from endorsing those places that are set up to help.
im sad to report that my best friend (who is on this message board) has given into pressure from his wife and has started going back to meetings.
i know hell be reading this so, what advise do you have?
hey, if he has to do it to keep peace with his wife than who are we to question it; however, like me, he will never sit through another hour thinking yes I must do this or that. He will be sitting there thinking about all the holes in their arguments, he will have to get use to those who avoid him because they consider him a weak one and bad associate. So my thought is he will still miss as often as possible. Nothing like going to a meeting once in awhile to just confirm how much BS is shoveled over to all those who believe it is the truth. Just be glad you don't have to join him...LOL.
well my mother-in-law is spending the night and blabbing about their kh build.
since i'm drinking whiskey (canadian if you must know), i feel like going on a rant.
i'm sick of kh builds.
It is a statistical sham but more than that is a money scam. The WTS makes out like a bandit You sell your hall, and give that money to the WTS. They loan the remainder. You pay that back and by the time you do its time to build a new hall. You sell your hall and give the money to the WTS. They loan the remainder. You pay back the loan and by the time you do its time to build again
This has not been my experience, when a KH is sold the money from the sale is used to help fund the new building.
apparently the c.o.
told the cong.
during his visit that the bethelites who got shite canned are receiving $450 per month as an allowance.
I didn't hear of the exact amount they would get, but what I did hear is that this is for those who become Special Pioneers. If they leave and fall off that list to either pioneer or whatever, I am thinking they would loose it. So it is not like a pension, they actually have to put in the required hours. I am sure many will become involved with the local RBC and local assembly halls, and so will have many of those hours eaten up by doing those kind of things (construction of KHs and maintaining JW buildings). I am sure the Society will not shed a tear if the fall out rate is high, in fact I would bet this would be very pleasing to them. This would get them off the hook. This past week KM talked about how we are suppose to view special pioneers. So I guess that is their way of preparing the local congregations to be generous to these ones. I think this whole thing ends up being a burden on some families as well, uncle so and so and aunty at bethel for ever are now coming to live near us. We need help them out. Funny thing is, the local brothers get stuck with the burden and the Society goes on as usual.
a few days ago my wife commented on a letter sent out to all congregations (in the u.s.a.?
) regarding donations.
se said it was long and boaring, but in the end there where a few points she remembered.
I remember about 7 or 8 years ago, they had released a letter that explained all the ways a publisher could donate to the Society. The one method they seemed to be really pushing at that time was Annuities, those annuities were put in place by the Society, you could designate and heir if you wanted to or have it go to the Society at your death. I thought that was so strange that they would be doing this from the platform. The brother who gave the talk was really into it. I thought for a moment he was a financial planner. The whole thing seemed rather over bearing and off the wall. I would love to have seen that now and what the reaction to that material would be on this forum. Do any here remember that? Don't mean to interupt this thread, just thought it might go along with the discussion some how.