My own daughter. She is 4 and she is so smart. Some would say "pop her in the mouth for the things she says" but I in some way enjoy her cander.
Last night at dinner she was eating mac'n'cheese (her choice) and asked her cousin that was sitting next to her for a french fry from his plate. I told her " no you can't since you have your own food to eat and thats his food." She replies " mom, I was talking to him not you". What I got out of it was..not you smart mouth kid.. but wow.. even at a young age they know more then we give them credit for. She learned to say that from listening to ME. She just hasn't learned that its not respectful to use it to her parents. It reminded me at how young but still smart I was while going to JW meetings. I would second guess myself since I had doubts but was told if I had enough faith I shouldn't have doubts. I would want to say stuff back to the elders but felt I wasn't supposed to or I would get in trouble. I knew to respect my parents and not say smart-mouth comments to them but I felt compelled to say things like that to the elders but still didn't.
I will from now on allow my kids to voice their opinions -if said disrespectfully I will just teach them a better way to say it. Not teach them that thier ideas don't matter.