Officially elders are not allowed to listen or peruse electronic evidence. I had this issue come up in at least one case, and the reasoning the Service Department gave was similar to what OTWO states.
Isaac Carmignani
for example, if i stumble upon unmarried jw couple having sex, and i take them photos, could the photos pass as evidence enough to df the couple in a jc..
Officially elders are not allowed to listen or peruse electronic evidence. I had this issue come up in at least one case, and the reasoning the Service Department gave was similar to what OTWO states.
Isaac Carmignani
i just got the "come be my follower" book and am shocked at their illustration on page 186. maybe i'm more shocked that at one time i would have accepted this warped reasoning.. first they quote jesus at matt.
7:21-23: "'lord, lord, did we not...perform many powerful works in your name?
' and yet then i will confess to them: i never knew you!
What a bunch of confused idiots (the dub book writers that is).
Isaac Carmignani
jehovah is one of the most colorful personalities in history!.
he is mighty, awe-inspiring, violent, whimsical, repenting of having even created man--yet, capable of bargaining with the likes of lot and stopping the literal-minded abram from stabbing his own isaac to death as a sacrifice.. jehovah flies into a rage and wipes out thousands in a heartbeat, sends she-bears to tear children apart, drowns millions of men, women, children and pregnant women in a worldwide flood---but, champions one family of 8.. this same super-deity walks in the garden of eden in the breezy part of the day, wrestles with jacob all night and can only manage to get away by crippling him!
jehovah leads the children of israel to freedom out of egypt and yet opens up the earth and swallows up many of the same people when moses delays returning from sinai and they slip into their old ways.. what a character!
Wow Terry, you sent the ball out of the park on this one!
there was a letter posted on the congregation bulletin board.. it said that one can plan and put an application to rent brooklyn rooms for up to 3 days?.
anyone know the details?.
is contribution necessary?.
Hey cyphger50, I haven't met her yet! Maybe I will soon. Don't know if I will be a brother much longer after that!
there was a letter posted on the congregation bulletin board.. it said that one can plan and put an application to rent brooklyn rooms for up to 3 days?.
anyone know the details?.
is contribution necessary?.
Holy s**t! I should go down there, get a room, not donate and bring a woman along for some wonderful fornicating! Wow that would just feel awesome!
the time left always seems to be reduced but it never runs out.. here is the program for the 2010 special assembly day.
the time left is reduced.
(1 corinthians 7:29).
1 Corinthians was written when??? Two thousand years ago? Reduced it says? Wow, could have fooled me!
i was trying to explain what its like to a friend today.
my sister has recently outed.
a couple of months ago she was getting fed up of living with a 'sister' in her 60s who imposed rules and regulations on her - my sister is 30 and doesnt need a woman who isnt her mother setting rules for her and playing the 'truth' card as a landlady.. my sister got fed up and decided she wanted to move out.
Watching The Truman Show was a pivotal event in my exit. It was so obvious to me that his life was much like mine. The similarities in control were incredible to me at the time. How everything could be manipulated, seem so real, and yet be so facke was mind boggling. Of course I couldn't express this to anyone. But it got me thinking. For me this is one of the most serious movies I've ever seen.
survivors network of those abused by priests dear snap members and supporters:.
we are being asked to help survivors in new york state who are working with lawmakers to change the law there to both protect children and to help survivors heal.. .
you don't need to live in new york state to help.
Done, thanks Blondie. As President of a school board in NYC I am also sending this out to our parents.
i think when he finally kicks the bucket that the gb will allow the rank and file to save thier lives with a blood transfussion.
from randy's site:.
If they changed it would not be a sudden cange. That would ruffle too many feathers and be too embarassing for them. I doubt they will ever change this. It's more likely that artficial blood products will make blood transfusions obsolete. - i'm not sure if i attached this right.....
Russia may be getting serious with this. Here is a report I also posted in another thread that appears current: