You guys are awesome.
we're happy to announce that now all 5,000 pages of court records from the nine child sexual abuse lawsuits involving sixteen victims, settled by watchtower in february 2007, are available for free download from our website,
there are a total of twelve files, besides a file containing a commentary explaining the lawsuits, and each file can be downloaded separately.
due to the fact that many people purchased the cd, "secrets of pedophilia in an american religion," thus, reimbursing us for the expense to buy, compile and publish the court documents, there is now no reason to sell the material anymore.
You guys are awesome.
yearbook 67 p.105 "...a large crowd was following a man who had a talking serpent.
the serpent gave greetings and and spoke in foreign tongues....a brother was passing by and attracted by the commotion, he went to the house soon as he entered the room the serpent stopped talking.
the man cried out: "a magican has entered the room...the brother asked the man: "is that a serpent or a demon that has spoken to you?....i know that since god has created animals not one serpent has spoken, with the exception of the one in the begining in the garden of eden...seeing that the serpent remained silent the man left the building...later...he was anxious to get some literature....".
My question....HOW THE HELL did this silly experience make it into the Yearbook?
Probably the same way so many others do...hearsay on the part of influential elders at Bethel.
so, i was just reading over confession's post about the latest tract.
it was quite obvious that the dub didn't hear a word that was said about why they quit being a witness.
so, here's my question and a statement.
So, here's my question and a statement. It's true, I rarely paid attention to what the householder had to say, most of the time I just wanted to make my presentation and leave. I'd a sk a question but already had the reply that 'I " wanted to make, no matter what THEY had to say.
That's how we were taught. The KM says "listen to response then say....". Its all about giving the appearance of listening while pushing one's own agenda.
and damm i love to shop...even on black friday.
i have a feeling it is just because i have never done it and it was forbidden...but so was sex once and i jumped all over that one!
is it because i do not believe jesus was not god nor his son?
Not being raised around it I don't feel the need.I just enjoy the season. My daughter is old enough where at most a gift suffices. Plus her Mom is a JW so when she's with her its discouraged. But if I remarried I'd do it as my wife probably would. And I feel any new kids should have the Xmas experience.
well me and bonnzo got to go to a big jw funeral today (oh what fun!
) a high school i see bonnzo in the crowd and texted him during the service that i could see him, and i was so hoping he had not put his cell on vibrate, but he had....darn it.
so my mind was wandering, and i have been wondering what it would take for me to get any of my faith back (i'm agnostic now)...and this scripture pops in my head: .
This always bothered me. Even as a kid I rarely prayed because this person never responds. I felt like a crazy person praying. Over the years I found occasion to buy into religious thinking as to why he says nothing and how he responds. But in this day and age when wehave things like the SETI project...well this guy should know that man won't be freaked out if he speaks. After all he's alleged to have spoken to pre-modern humans.
so for the first time that i am aware of it, in my twenty-six months in this house, a jw came to my door.
i ran to my office to grab the script i'd prepared to recite should a jw ever come by.
it turns out she was engaged in the tract campaign.
"So have you thought about coming back to the Kingdom Hall?"
Always the canned response. I once told my ex I had met with a very vocal ex elder and that's all she could ask: Is he going back to the meetings??? Mind you ask her if she's controlled she'll say "Of course not!"
you know if someone said to me that they just had to be near me... it is a brilliant love story.
i'm not really into huge romance stories but now and again, i wouldn't mind it.
ah, only but a dream.
One of my favorite movies.
email said we sould use this at the door for futher support on the evils of christmas.. .
The pinata analogy again shows how ridiculous and inconsistent JW teachings are. Isaac
i've spent the last 2 months listening to talks of former and current jw's, reading, using the wt cd, going through my collection of watchtowers from 1879-1947 (which i do have on .pdf if anyone is interested) and books i've managed to not lose in many moves since 1964.. is there a .pdf of the 1969 the kingdominterlineartranslationofthegreekscriptures anywhere?
i got one as a gift in 1969 when was a little girl and after going through many boxes of publications i can't find mine.
i need it to collaberate some things i have heard and unless i can read it for myself i can't take someone else's "saying" that the kit says something.
The Torrent link didn't work for me either.
they don't care if they die, as long as it's for the cause.
they will zealously implement their agenda no matter how unreasonable or ignorant it is.
if "mother" told them to become martyrs, they follow the direction.
Whats more they view the world as religious fanatics, just like terrorists. They just don't carry guns.
Isaac Carmignani