Thanks Wifibandit!
full set .
i put that album together so you don't have to give www.jw.borg any more traffic .
Thanks Wifibandit!
bluegrass music to me is the most delightful, happifying music, esecially when outside, listening to it live.. one of my favorite entertainers has always amazed me with his talent on the banjo.
this clip with earl scruggs ( whos son was engaged to a friend of mine, which makes him even more of a special entertainer to me) and steve martin, (one of my very favorites in both hollywood and music genres) is one of my favorite clips of this song.
it shows the true humility of steve martin making sure the stage was not all about him, even though he was more well known in hollywood.. i wish, really wish, one of my kids would have taken up the banjo.
They really are impressive!
any suggestions on a new razor?
i kind of want to try a safety double edge but im so used to the store brand razors.
any one here own a safety doubleedge or a straight edge?.
I'm like you, though every time I use the triple and four blade razors my Dad has I LOVE them!
i've made a few posts here already so i thought i'd introduce myself.
i'm an ex-jw from cheltenham pittville (uk) congregation.
i've been free and clear for a few years now so i'm through the anger phase and in the happily getting on with my life phase.
("armageddon" class).
Very nice post! Amazing the way they were so dogmatic about this. I was so taken by this magazine as a kid. Bro. Hatzfield was in my circuit and felt a connection to him.
Isaac Carmignani
2014 snap conference report.
posted on august 20, 2014 by barbara.
from august 1 3, kerry louderback wood* and i attended the 2014 annual snap** conference, which was also its twenty-fifth anniversary celebration, in chicago, illinois.. .
Good work as always!
This kind of reminds me of the song we used to sing "Then They Will Know" based on a statement in Ezekiel.
jehovah's witness church elder ronald lawrence arrested over sex abuse claims dating back to 1980styler dunn 5:43 pm, nov 26, 2013 4:19 pm, nov 27, 2013 previous next .
10pm church arrest.
kjrh autoplay:.
Why did it take Jehovah 30 years to catch this?!!!!!
number one- fact-it was dangerously overcrowed.
ok its one thing dropping the ball on this one.
or they just didnt care.
My daughter was there. I'm going to ask her about it. This really concerns me if true.
(baylor university, waco, tx) an essay entitled, "jehovah's witnesses, blood transfusions, and the tort of misrepresentation," found in the autumn issue of baylor universitys prestigious journal of church and state, published december 13, 2005, exposes the vulnerability of jehovahs witnesses religious organization to massive claims for compensation because of the religions misrepresentation of the medical risks of blood transfusions.
this milestone essay critically examines one of the religions main publications for teaching their children and new recruits about their blood beliefs, how can blood save your life?
the peer-reviewed essay details many misrepresentations of medical facts, which the religion partly relies on to support its blood prohibition, thus denying its members from making fully informed medical decisions.
This was an excellent article and pivotal in my exit from WT. Sadly all WT has done in the interim is come up with more blood fractions that can or cannot be taken. They stick to that crazy, death dealing blood policy as if their lives depended on it.