Personally, I don't care what anyone calls the watchtower, whether it be
cult, sect, publishing company, whatever. I'm just happy that I'm not a
member of it anymore.
I do think of it as a cult though
what purpose does it serve?
it just seems to polarize people and ostracize those who aren't ready or willing to label it a cult.
anyone can look up the dictionary definition of a cult (or experts' definitions).
Personally, I don't care what anyone calls the watchtower, whether it be
cult, sect, publishing company, whatever. I'm just happy that I'm not a
member of it anymore.
I do think of it as a cult though
mark this!in 2007 watchtower still say's 1914 jesus second coming who are the jehovahs witnesses?regular people and not part of a cult.
people who want others to know about god and the bible.
believers that these are the last days before armageddon and that it is urgent for people to develop a relationship with god.
They weaved a whole little myth around 1914, the folllow up was that Jesus came in 1919 inspected the whole world and chose them out of everyone else as th eonly worthy people on earth and gave them authority over all his belongings on earth as His FDS (what a grandiose and shamelessly self promoting lie) so if 1914 didn't happen then 1919 also has to be a lie and the FDS status, the basis of the GB's authority, has been a con.
That's exactly right Greendawn. Quite a bit of watchtower chronology hangs on
1914 being the year that Daniel's prophecy of the end of the gentile times being
right, which is why they hang on to 607 being the date for Jerusalem's destruction
by the Babylonians, despite so much archaelogical evidence that says the year
was 586/587.
Apart from Jesus return, inspection and appointing of the fds, their grandiose
theory about the 7 trumpets of Revelation 8 being 7 conventions held by the jws,
or bible students as they were then known, between 1922 and 1928 would be
shown to be the bs it obviously is if they abandoned 607 and 1914.
good morning friends,.
i just wanted to share with all of you the joy i am experiencing knowing that i will be attending the long awaited d.c, next week.
what a wonderful experience it will be to be able to sit with all of the loving and faithul delegates at this convention.
Enjoy yourself CCS, and don't forget to count up the number of adults (16 or over)
who are baptised. It shouldn't take much effort to do that, if any at all.
imagine an elder stepping up to the microphone at the hall, and instead of doing his part, he would just talk about all that's not right in that religion and take his time talking about his doubts before stepping down as elder.....and no one would stop him from talking because he is respected and because he would be the head elder and every other elder would be taken by surprise and wouldn't know what to do..... has this ever happened, do you think it could ?.
it was Little Toe!!! Didn't he tape it??
He did, here is a link to the thread he posted about it
there seems to be now a lot of reports of jw's actually speaking to those of us who have left.
even to df'd and da'd ones.
i had a mail today from da'd jw saying he was in pc world when he saw a jw from his old congregation one who had ignored him times before.
It would have been a major shock to me if either of those two had
spoken this morning, they've ignored me in Sainsbury's, where we
all were this morning, several times. I would think they were in a
hurry as I believe their dc starts today, so maybe that's why they
didn't glare as much as usual, just a brief dirty look this time lol..
Personally, I'd rather they ignore me anyway. They have nothing to
say that I want to hear
there seems to be now a lot of reports of jw's actually speaking to those of us who have left.
even to df'd and da'd ones.
i had a mail today from da'd jw saying he was in pc world when he saw a jw from his old congregation one who had ignored him times before.
Has the WT issued secret orders to not treat us DA'd and DF'd ones so badly, because of all the publicity lately?
If they have, it hasn't filtered through to the jws around here yet! I
was ignored by a couple while shopping this morning. I smiled at
them, they glared at me, and not a word was spoken by any of us,
as usual.
i get emails like this all the time.
some jw gets upset at the stuff on my site, and wanting to add more weight/shock value to what they say, they either mention in passing that they are "not one of jehovah's witnesses" or are a child.
this one claims to be a 13-yr old girl!
Why cant JWs spell?
Perhaps because they are all graduates of Awake university!
I wonder why these idiots bother sending such messages? If it's
in the hope that we will stop telling the truth about them, then
they'd better not hold their breath!
However, I get more emails like this one from an exjw than from
current jws
I have just visited your marvelous website and would like to add my input to this topic.
I ws Christened Church of England. I remained there until i was five years old. Then mum and dad studdied with Jehovah's Witnesses and we began going to the Kingdom Hall instead.
I remember 1975 with great joy and excitement..........i was leaving school that summer and couldn't wait !!!
However, the talk at the book group study, Kingdom Hall and bible study groups was daunting and terrifying to me. They told us we had to be on our guard as we would be rounded up for the last gathering, arrested and tourchered like Jesus' day fro spreading teh word of God. Women of the congregation (sisters) were told at these meetings to wear reversable coats and take a spare headscarf with them to help them escape capture. Parents were erged to only let their children play with other JW's children for fear of tehm being taken away and tortured. People were told to sell what they had as the kingdom of God is at hand, they advised anyone who had shares, or policies to sell them. My parents did just that a year before the policy was due to mature and a handsome payout would have been expected, but they cashed them in convinced the end was neigh........These were terrifying days for me a young girl just turned fifteen! I was issolated living in a small village only four roads in it. There were no other Jehovah's witnesses in our area for me to mix with so i became a lonly and only had the meetings to look forward to as a chance to mix with people of my own age. I wasn't allowed a boyfriend until i was 20 though i had plenty of offers.
My great grandmother studdied with a group of people called "The Brother Hood" They claimed Armageddon had come when war broke out, they were told to pack a suitcase as they were all being gathered on a cloud and taken to heaven. This never happened and the band dispanded to reform itself as Jehovah's Witnesses.
As for me I left as soon as i was eighteeen and my dad told me i could chose a religion for myself, however he and mum would be delighted if i would stay with the Witnesses and get baptized. I ran out of the Kingdom Hall and never returned. i am 47 years old now and know they do not have the truth.
It's that sort of response that makes me think I am doing something right,
however much abuse the jws throw my way
at your most "spiritual", did you believe everything that was taught----even if you didn't quite understand it all?
The seven trumpets of Revelation being seven jw conventions in the
1920's always seemed kind of unbelievable to me. The scriptures
indicate that these would be world wide events that everyone heard
about, and I doubt most of the world had even heard of the bible
students, as they were then called, in the 1920's
I always had trouble swallowing the flood story in Genesis as well
i get emails like this all the time.
some jw gets upset at the stuff on my site, and wanting to add more weight/shock value to what they say, they either mention in passing that they are "not one of jehovah's witnesses" or are a child.
this one claims to be a 13-yr old girl!
You are a ignorant, corn field picking, sewage low life, satan worshiper that
> needs to be thrown in a pit eating by wild wolfs that haven't had a meal in
> months you freaking retard. Grow and get a life and mind your own business and
> stop worrying about what other people like to do in there spare time if doesn't
> kill your ass that why hell do you care if some what is trying to preach to
> others about god. Even if you don't agree with what others are doing doesn't
> give you the right to down them who the hell do think your white ass is any way
Danny, we must get the same people reading our sites lol!
I've had plenty of abusive emails like that one. I usually don't
bother to reply if they are abusive, and most of them would need
editing so much because of the swearwords that they'd be too
nonsensical to post anywhere.
anytime i hear one of my family members or any other jw say the phrase "the truth" in a sentence it makes my blood boil.
christians of different denominations may ask each other: .
"how long have you been a christian?".
Most cults tend to use the term to describe their teaching. I read a
book a while ago by a former Peoples Temple member, and she
used the term to describe her beliefs when she was first indoctrinated.
I guess it's used to reinforce the brainwashing of new and old converts -
continually telling them they have "the truth" makes them less likely
to listen to anything else.