JoinedTopics Started by dedpoet
My friend fulofdoubnow (Linda)
by dedpoet inas many of you will know, my friend linda left the wt last night, and i had the privilege of sharing the moment with her.
and it was a privilege - she was so cool when she approached the po, i think i was more nervous than she was!
last night was kind of euphoric for both of us, but now i guess the hard work begins.
Update on my sister friend
by dedpoet ini just had a visit from my sister friend from my former cong, one of the few who still speaks to me.
the elders have been counselling her against having any contact with me, but she has chosen to ignore them.
after the school and service meeting last week, they took her on one side and really laid the law down regarding contact with me, even threatening a reproof if she continued our friendship.
Just had a call from a sister
by dedpoet ina couple of months ago, i posted regarding a chat with a sister in my old cong who, despite knowing i'm da'd, was still happy to talk to me.
we've spoken a few times since then, both on the phone and face to face, and i have suggested to her that she might get in trouble for having anything to do with me now i've left, but she wasn't worried about it.. well, she called me a few minutes ago with the news that its got back to the elders that she is "associating" with me depite my status, and they are not happy about it.
she had a call from two of them earlier in the evening, they left just before she phoned me, and they warned her to keep away from me, or else!
Hi everyone, so glad to be back
by dedpoet inhi everyone, i've not been around lately, some of you might even have missed me!
i had a holiday, then a few family problems, but everythings fine now, and i am back among you,.
I quit smoking, wish me luck
by dedpoet inyesterday i quit smoking.
its something i have been thinking of trying for a while, and i finally got round to it.
it was a tough day and a sleepless night, i probably had a couple of hours, and i am under no illusions about today being any easier.
A sister spoke to me today......
by dedpoet ini ran into a sister from my former congregation today, not seen her for a few months, and expected her to shun me like most of them do.
however, she made a point of talking to me,( and she knows i da'd recently).
after the usual how are you stuff she told me that even though i'm da'd she still considers me a friend and won't ignore me whatever the rest of them do, and whatever the elders say about it.
A film about jw history - what would you call it?
by dedpoet ini f someone made a film about wt history, what do you think would be the best title?
i 'd probably go for "pulp fiction", but someones already used that.
a ny ideas?
opps, wrong button lol here it is
by dedpoet inlast week was the 13th anniversary of my baptism into the borg, and i celebrated it by writing a letter of disassociation to the uk hq.
this has been acknowledged, and i am out of the wt!
the dubs who came round to confirm it commented on the date, so i told them it was quite deliberate, kind of rounds things off nicely, don't you think?
not dfd but no-one speaks to me
by dedpoet ini am ex pioneer, ex ministerial serpent not been near a kh in 6 years, smoke, drink had a live in gf until recently, but not dfd, so much for keeping the cong clean!
still, none of my "brothers" with a couple of exceptions, speaks to me now, their way of trying to win me back perhaps?
not that it'd work - i am happy now after 10 years of bs from people who ought to know better but don't