I believe in freedom and in truth. Freedom and truth for JWs and exJWs!!
is this possible?
I believe in freedom and in truth. Freedom and truth for JWs and exJWs!!
the name of the trust fund is save the children.
the cheques should be made out to: save the children and mailed to:.
save the children.
My point is only what I have already stated: is my memory of the situation correct or not. If not then I hope that Shunned Father will correct me.
I don't see a problem with the truth, do you?
the name of the trust fund is save the children.
the cheques should be made out to: save the children and mailed to:.
save the children.
Perhaps you should read the history of this matter for yourself before making a judgement.
the name of the trust fund is save the children.
the cheques should be made out to: save the children and mailed to:.
save the children.
Hi Shunned Father,
May I ask please, did you raise your children in the JW faith? Did you teach them, as all JWs are taught to do, to reject blood?
Was it after your daughter's diagnosis that you came to a different stand on blood, expecting your family to accept your new stand automatically?
Also, was not your daughter tied down in her hospital bed and forced to receive several blood transfusions?
And, isn't true that after several transfusions the Drs. determined they had done all they could and nothing more could be done?
And that after this your daughter was allowed to leave the hospital.
And that after this your wife and daughter sort alternative medicine without notifying you of their whereabouts?
Please correct my memory if I'm mistaken.
i was wondering, why the governing body is being replaced with the other sheep when they die??
why don't they just call in more of the anointed from around the world to fill in their shoes??
has anyone else wondered about this before??
Hi LL,
The Governing does not call in "other sheep" as replacements. All Governing Body members are of the Anointed.
Island Woman
i just finished reading this book.
i've got to say, that last chapter was amazing and so inspiring.
i haven't felt that good after reading a book in a long time.
Ray stayed through everything....everything you read about in COC he saw and lived through and stayed. Dunlap got the shaft but Ray stayed.
The Governing Body only threw Ray out of Bethel.... they did not, at first, disfellowship him as they did Dunlap. Ray after leaving Bethel moved to Alabama and attended a JW congregation so faithfully that the body of elders there wanted to appoint him an elder in their congregation! He remained a faithful JW throughtout all the problems and all the hyprocrisy and anti-Christian behavior of the GB. He did not, as many who have read his books did, leave on his own because of some "crisis of conscience" but rather he needed to be thrown out ...... then his crisis came.....
I don't judge him for this, I'm only trying to put things in perspective.
Island Woman
i just finished reading this book.
i've got to say, that last chapter was amazing and so inspiring.
i haven't felt that good after reading a book in a long time.
****Is it possible for anyone to remain a JW after reading this?****
Good question. Ray remained a member of the GB even though he lived it and saw first hand all their hypocrisy! He lived through it all yet he did not leave the Organization. Think about that!
Dunlap got disfellowshipped but Ray did not leave the Organization!
Ray was put out of Bethel but he did not leave the Organization!
Yet, many who have read his books do leave. He did not but they do....why is that?
I know I risk being thrown off this DB for the above comments.
One thing I've learned since leaving the Witnesses and that is.... what's wrong with the witnesses is common to all, even exJW's,.....the desire to be right and be proven right at all costs is paramount ....even above the truth. the way....I do admire Ray Franz .....I just don't think he is right about everything all the time......
It's likely this post will be removed by those who, while declaring the glories of freedom of speech against the Watchtower, do not allow the same among themselves. lol
Island Woman
lol, ok this is a fluf post i guess, but anyways, i found this site and thought it was funny, check it out, and post your results, if you don't it means you like having sex with animals..
i scored 50% i am a perfectly adjusted hetro male!
****That's like askin who Elvis Presley is dude. Sheesh!*****
LOL.....sorry to disappoint you but Unclebruce ain't no Elvis!
on another thread they were talking about the lack of joy and mental health problems coming from jw kids not being allowed to participate at class dances, sports and so forth.
the lack of the joyfulness of birthdays is another factor.
why not leave some copies of this in your kingdom halls and assemblies if you still attend.
Jws are no different than most religions or nations. The Roman Catholics both raped and covered and ignored. Most do....
It's a fact that Asian boys and girls are forced into sexual slavery in order to serve at the pleasure of white European and American men. Also, women and girls are raped and sold to African men everyday. In South America child rape is nothing new.
Child molestation is a commodity not a crime in the real world....especially that part of the world that supplies our cheap goods!
Sure there's a problem among JWs.....just as I am quite sure there are sexual predators on this board.
this would be a good questions from readers.......having read several scriptures about how the judges heard judicial case in the public court that all would see that true justice was served and know why a person was being stoned if it should come to type of punishment...what scriptural bases does the society have for conducting judicial cases in secret and then expect everyone to shun(stone) some one with out knowing what the crime was.
i would love so see what scriptures if any they could come up with.
***what scriptural bases does the society have for conducting judicial cases in secret and then expect everyone to shun(stone) some one with out knowing what the crime was.***