I visited that area a few years back... it's beautiful! We went to the Canadian side of Niagra Falls. Unbelievably gorgeous!
Hope the move goes smoothly!
mrs kwin has really wanted to get into digital imaging and has taken several courses over the last couple years for it.
well, on the weekend she got a job offer from her aunt.
her aunt is starting up a company and needs someone to do just that!
I visited that area a few years back... it's beautiful! We went to the Canadian side of Niagra Falls. Unbelievably gorgeous!
Hope the move goes smoothly!
i haven't changed or added anything on mine for about a year.
so it's the car dealership tag, mario from super mario bros., 7 savings cards for grocery stores and the gym id tag.
Key to my house, my mother in law's house, my friend's house (she's always locking herself out!). Key to my car, the keyless entry thingie, key to my husband's van, key to my daughter's car. Two keys to trailer-hitch-lock. Four library cards... one Barnes and Noble card... one mini-flashlight thingie... And one mystery key! I can't figure out what it's for!
As far as the little stuffed animal keychains that one poster mentioned... I'll tell you why I had one.... So that I could always find my keys easily in the bottom of my purse! Plus it was so cute, but the poor little guy lost an eye, so he's retired now....
based on some of the recent threads, it seems that the latest wt study article has created quite a stir within the congs.
for those of you that are still attending meetings and in active association with the cong, i am curious as to what the private response of individuals has been like.
i'm not talking about the usual, "wasn't that a great study?
husband says they are not discouraging higher ed. just that you should be 'careful'
That's what my husband said, too. That it's good that we are made aware of all the dangers of kids moving away from home and living on a university campus. Other people think it's ok to go to college, as long as you're living at home and have 'spiritual goals' in mind.
My mother said that she would be willing to pay for me to go to a tech school.. But if I insisted on going to a university, it would certainly be the demise of my Service to Jehovah, and as the system is a few years around the corner, its not a "good investment"
Richie - You better be going to a university, kiddo....!!!
for about a week or so now!
it all started one day when i was in the laundy room and i heard my husband pull up in the driveway, shut his door, unlock the door to the house, shut the house door, so i go down to greet him ( with a big kiss and hug, as i always do
anyway i get down stairs and he is not there so i assumed that he was already out feeding comet!
the demons kept attacking her, and as a final attempt to discourage her from studying further, her little daughter was found strangled, with her head twisted right around......that scared the bejesus outta me at the time.....
as most of you know, i live in quebec (90% french) and i was at the convenience store a moment ago.. there was a lady from ontario in her 50's who stopped at the conveniece store to ask the clerc for directions in english.
the girl at the cash tried her best to speak english and give her the right directions.
then a client came in the convenience store and saw the lady talking in english.
When I was in my early 20's, a friend and I travelled thru Europe... we hit almost every country in Western Europe. We both speak English, I spoke Spanish, my friend spoke French and German, so we felt pretty good...
One day she was in a bank in Germany, and I was sitting on a bench waiting for her. A German man sat down next to me and began speaking in German. I said that I didn't speak German, and he said in a very nasty voice, 'You come to Germany, and do not speak German!?' I was so taken aback that I didn't even mention that we were only there for 3 days...!!!
I'm all for learning the language if you're going to be somewhere for any length of time. I did live in another country for a while, and learned the language fluently.
for about a week or so now!
it all started one day when i was in the laundy room and i heard my husband pull up in the driveway, shut his door, unlock the door to the house, shut the house door, so i go down to greet him ( with a big kiss and hug, as i always do
anyway i get down stairs and he is not there so i assumed that he was already out feeding comet!
I do however go around the house closing doors and windows when a scary movie is on TV. Do you do that to?
I'm telling you, I'm a big wimp... I will not watch scary movies...! Ever!
I have heard lots of stories of things moving around in the house, people hearing sounds and doors slamming, etc... But I can't remember ever hearing that anyone who had a ghost in their house, was actually harmed by it in any way. I guess I'm trying to think thru this logically... trying to get the JWism out of my mind. Mostly, they seem to like messing with people, scaring people - so, big deal, right? I mean, my son gets a kick out of scaring me, too...!
As a child, I remember thinking that if I ever heard a ghost, I would call out Jehovah's name and I'd be safe. Gotta find myself a new strategy here...
for about a week or so now!
it all started one day when i was in the laundy room and i heard my husband pull up in the driveway, shut his door, unlock the door to the house, shut the house door, so i go down to greet him ( with a big kiss and hug, as i always do
anyway i get down stairs and he is not there so i assumed that he was already out feeding comet!
I don't know why it scares me so much, but I really am absolutely scared stiff just thinking about a ghost in my house! But although I have heard a lot of stories like these you guys have told, with noises and things moving and all, I've never heard of a ghost actually harming a person.... Has anyone else?
for about a week or so now!
it all started one day when i was in the laundy room and i heard my husband pull up in the driveway, shut his door, unlock the door to the house, shut the house door, so i go down to greet him ( with a big kiss and hug, as i always do
anyway i get down stairs and he is not there so i assumed that he was already out feeding comet!
Well, I'm certian we have deemunz in our house, then.
They mess up the kids' rooms, they leave the door open when the a/c is on, they put the milk container back in the fridge with 1/8" of milk in the bottom, and they put the toilet seat up. On top of that, they take the clothes that the kids have hung in their closets like they were told to, and pile them on the floor! These deemunz have even been known to take dirty clothes out of the hamper and place them on the bathroom floor, they delight in leaving shoes in the entryway for us mortals to trip on, and they always eat the rest of the icecream without telling anyone.
I know it's deemunz because no one here does those things. They promise.
Seriously, though, having a 'spirit' in the house would absolutely freak me out... !!!
Q: How many people with ADD does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Let's go ride bikes!!
would you discriminate against a person simply because he was a witness?
Mr Scully used to tell JWs that he felt it was a conflict of interest to do work for the Brothers™,
I like that one... very good idea!