Does anyone have a copy of the elders manual? Is there anyway to access it online?
JoinedPosts by jeeprube
Secret Book
by jeeprube indoes anyone have a copy of the elders manual?
is there anyway to access it online?
Post Your Jokes Here Thread............
by Frannie Banannie inhave yall heard really good jokes or recv'd 'em in email, but can't remember where they are now?
thought i'd start a "joke thread" to provide a good place to look for 'em in the future.
also, something that everyone can refer to when in need of something to brighten the day, eh?.
"Good morning, we're in your neighborhood today, talking to your neighbors, about a neighborly message. Have you ever wondered why we have neighborhoods? Well the latest issue of the Awake magazine will show you that neighborhoods are actually created by the devil................."
Anybody else have this announced? Special Meeting on Friday night
by CaptainSchmideo inall baptized brothers asked to come to special meeting friday (tomorrow) at 7pm.
bring the new organized book.. don't know what this is all about.
judging from past experience, a whole lot of something about nothing..... .
When I think back on all the things that kept me from being appointed, the one I'm the proudest of is my wife. I never tried to control her actions at the hall in anyway. She wore whatever she wanted, and said whatever she wanted. She used to wear smokin hot dresses to meetings.........form fitting, low cut with high heels and no panty hose................damm!!!!
We once went to a DC with congregations assigned from the hillbilly areas of Missouri. It was like looking at a sea of pentecostals. Then there was my wife, with a slinky black little dress and HIGH heels. There were so many pissed off sisters staring her down all day. It was so funny! Repressed bitches!
did you escape BEFORE baptism?
by kid-A in.
i am of the "born into it but got out of it before baptism class"......listening to so many of the horror stories on this site, i often feel like we are the 'lucky ones'..... we realized at a very young age how wrong and absurd this belief system was and ran away before making the psychological investment of baptism while simultaneously avoided the disastrous consequences of getting df'd......are we the minority here???
just curious!
Not me. I recognized the supreme rightness of JW's at the ripe ole age of 12. I was more than ready to swim for Jehovah, and the approving pats on the head from all around only confirmed the beauty of the life I would have serving God.
What a crock of shit!
The dubs ridicule Catholics for infant baptism, then push their young into pre-pubescent baptism. It's the same thing.
do you like your women natural?
by kittyeatzjdubs innot like hairy armpits, hairy legs, and no deodarant natural... the no makeup, kinda unkempt hair natural.
matt swears i look the most gorgeous in the morning when i first wake up and my hair's all messy.
he doesn't like me wearing makeup (which is fine w/ me
I hate makeup on women. My wife wears very little and I love it!
Women should highlight their natural beauty, you are not your makeup bag!
unforgivable sin--sin against the holy spirit
by rebel8 in.
is there such a thing in jw mythology?
i thought apostacy was considered unforgivable but i can't find any quotes on the topic.
The unforgiveable sin is the monster in the closet used to control the little kiddies.
Anybody else have this announced? Special Meeting on Friday night
by CaptainSchmideo inall baptized brothers asked to come to special meeting friday (tomorrow) at 7pm.
bring the new organized book.. don't know what this is all about.
judging from past experience, a whole lot of something about nothing..... .
I know several congregations officially have a brother assigned to accounts but a sister actually does everything but collect money and sign checks.
Wow, they really are getting desperate aren't they. Especially since the JW mindset is that women should know their place. It must be really hard on those superfine Elders to have to use sisters in congregational duties.
I feel sorry for all the female minds imprisoned inside the WT. All that talent going to waste, while the JW male washes his windows and preaches from the stage. It kind of reminds me of the Taliban.
What are your favorite Sci Fi Movies or Books?
by joelbear inwhat are your favorite sci fi movies or books.. mine.. asimov's foundation series.
clarke's childhoods end.. the day the earth stood still.
close encounters.
Tunnel in the Sky
Citizen of the Galaxy
Starship Troopers
All by Robert Heinlein
I received an E-mail from an old do I respond?
by schne_belly into my dear xxxxx hello there-how are things going with you?
i've been thinking of you a lot, i've wanted to write you this for quite some time.
i guess we both know that things aren't the way they used to be-between you and i; between you and jehovah's organization-and i just want you to know how much i miss you.
It's the old conditional love guilt trip.
I'd ask your "friend" if their "love" is so strong, then why must an organization be present? True love is unconditional, is it not?
I would point out that you don't believe him/her. That you feel this love they speak of is false. The love Jesus had was very different from the love held out by the organization. Jesus associated with tax collectors and harlots. JW's judge their own children as unfit. Ask him/her about that.
I'd also address the "proof" they held out about the organization being supported by Jehovah. There is too much evidence to the contrary. The 607 B.C. issue is a great place to start.
Of course if you are trying not to be labeled and totaly cast out, you can't say any of this stuff. You'll have to bite your tounge and act like you appreciate their concern. That alone should prove how patheticly controlled the JW's are.
Good luck to you! Let us know how it goes.
Have a crush on someone here at JWD/
by oldflame inoh i sure do but she lives in missouri and i am all the way in california.
but she is the most beatuiful woman my eyes ever set upon.
i do not know if she is married or not but it is robdar what a knock out
You two are so cute!!
And wow a fellow Missourian.