even though the 'organisation' is imperfect, it is nearer than most.
I wonder if the money changers at the temple didn't tell themselves the same thing?
hey everyone.
just want to say after finding this site and others just a few days ago i feel like my world is upside down.
i just dont know what to believe.
even though the 'organisation' is imperfect, it is nearer than most.
I wonder if the money changers at the temple didn't tell themselves the same thing?
stepping out of her son's shadow
mother of slain rapper biggie smalls hopes to find closure by telling her story in a new book .
by katti gray staff writer november 1, 2005 .
Isn't listening to rap music a DFing offense?
under the topic "are jehovahs witnesses a sect or a cult?
the last sentence of the first paragraph says "they do not look to any human, but rather to jesus christ, as their leader.".
if an active witness were to make this exact statement to an elder, he or she would throw up a red flag!
The only lie in this thread is that Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult.
Sorry, JW's *are* a cult! They pass the majority of all cult tests. Their actions and methods are traditional cult methods, and they resemble some of the best known cults today, i.e. Mormans, Scientologists.
well my wife and i just endured a long weekend with her parents and extended jw family.
i've had about all of the stomach turning jw rhetoric i can stand for a while.
in the interest of sharing my pain, here are a few select quotes for the rest of you.. "wow, i guess you don't have your watchtower library out because you use the cd, right?".
GBL, I couldn't agree more! I just sat there in total shock when he said it. The more I'm around these people, the more they convince me that they're unholy, misled, brainwashed, idiots!
this may not seem like your typical doubt but it was the first time i allowed myself to question the bible and the wt's explanation of things.
about 6 years ago, i was assigned a talk on the man judah.
this was when we were doing talks on specific bible characters.
Yeah, Judah did all of that, and you can have your entire family ripped away from you for smoking a ciggarette!
And how about what's his name who turned over his concubine to the mob of men, in order to protect the holy servant of Jehovah staying in his house? Then the mob of men gang raped her to death, and left her lifeless corpse on his doorstep. So he chops her up into pieces and ships her to the far corners of Isreal......but if I accept a blood transfusion, I'm damned to eternal death and having my eyeballs plucked out.
perhaps ex jws should bring a case against the organization asking for back wages, if they are a corp. for profit they would be required to pay all us citizens $6.15 per hour even though they are sales people.
the society collects time sheets every week so there is a record of how much each preacher (salesman) (employee) should get paid.. the us government might bring the case for the poor jws, because they are very much interested in all employees being fairly compensated for work rendered.. i would think at the very least the society would have to open all their financial records and account for all monies spent to prove they are a non-profit organization.. oc
I think your point is valid. The WTS is abusing the generosity of it's members for it's own corporate profit. It's a disgrace and a shame. However, if the people involved willingly submit, as they do, no action is possible.
Oh, and the federal minimum wage in the U.S. is $5.15 and hour. It's been that way since Bill Clinton was in office. It hasn't been raised in eight or nine years. That's what happens when you vote for Republicans.
well my wife and i just endured a long weekend with her parents and extended jw family.
i've had about all of the stomach turning jw rhetoric i can stand for a while.
in the interest of sharing my pain, here are a few select quotes for the rest of you.. "wow, i guess you don't have your watchtower library out because you use the cd, right?".
Well my wife and I just endured a long weekend with her parents and extended JW family. I've had about all of the stomach turning JW rhetoric I can stand for a while. In the interest of sharing my pain, here are a few select quotes for the rest of you.
"Wow, I guess you don't have your Watchtower library out because you use the CD, right?"
"Where else would we go? There's nothing out there, where else would we go?"
"Just hold on brother, Jehovah's gonna fix you up real soon."
In response to a conversation I initiated about cults, which included a detailed explanation about Jim Jones and his followers mass suicide, my JW sister in law replied, "I just don't see how some people can become so brainwashed."
And now my personal favorite, the same sister in law explained to us that she had been given rohipnol, the date rape drug, by her dentist. She elaborated that it supposedly makes it impossible to lie. The elder sitting next to her laughed loudly, and said "Wow, that's what we need in Judicial Committee meetings! Come on brother, tell us everything!"
That's all I can stand to relate. Pardon me please while I slither off to puke in the toilet.
i grew up in east yorkshire and november 4th was mischief night.
we would do all kinds of crazy things like removing peoples gates and hiding them, knocking on doors and running away - you know the kind of thing!
the great thing was we never got into trouble, after all everyone knew it was mischief night and expected to get up next day and find their garden gnomes missing!!!.
You crazy Brits!
submitted for your dining and dancing pleasure.....
"should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history.
there is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things.
Perhaps Americans will wake up in 2006 and 2008, and vote these crooked Texans out of Washington.
What's worse? Screwing an intern, or screwing the country?
filthy, demented pigs.... wed 26 oct 2005. .
church savaged over sexual abuse .
john innes .
I say cut off their nuts!