Outright Lie in the Reasoning Book

by PaNiCAtTaCk 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PaNiCAtTaCk

    Under the topic "Are Jehovahs Witnesses a sect or a cult?"

    The last sentence of the first paragraph says "They do not look to any human, but rather to Jesus Christ, as their leader."

    If an active Witness were to make this exact statement to an Elder, he or she would throw up a red flag! .

    This statement is made for a witness to read or discuss with someone who is asking if the Witnesses are a cult. By only sharing this info they are misleading people. In fact, in the 2 paragraphs under this heading the organization isnt even mentioned!

    The second paragraph gos on to say that "They neither follow a human nor isolate themselves from the rest of society.

  • carla

    Do they mention the fact that they are not allowed to talk to 'their leader Jesus'?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    everything in the reasoning book is a lie since it is all based on a false premise.

  • Oroborus21


    I disagree. The statement is neither a lie, dishonest or deceptive. Jehovah's Witnesses do look to Jesus Christ as their leader.

    They just also happen to have the erroneous FDS doctrine which holds that Christ is supposedly using the FDS via the GB to perform the Lord's Will in these Last Days.

    The GB or FDS are not leaders in the sense that is cultic. They stand as a group in exact analogy to the Papacy of the Catholic faith.

    The only lie in this thread is that Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult.


    -Eduardo Leaton Jr., Esq.

  • PaNiCAtTaCk

    I never said that the JW are a cult. I did say that these 2 paragraphs are misleading. Your analogy of the Catholic faith/ WT is correct in my opinion. For the Wt to say we only look to Jesus and no man is misleading. Everyone knows that Jesus is using The WT and only through the WT can we get salvation. Dont forget they inserted themselves in the babtism questions. Spirit directed organization = Men

  • Oroborus21


    Sorry, I guess I was assuming your implication that they WERE a cult due to the topic of the REasoning book section which you were questioning.

    Yup, I agree, very wrong to include the Organizational component in the baptism ritual.


  • greendawn

    The JWs are a cult for sure: they are under strict information control, their leaders insult their intelligence constantly with silly absurd arguments that they must accept while claiming that they are the only ones in the world approved by god, they are intimidated with the fear of a savage unforgiving god, and they demonise the whole world outside their org.

    The jws are constantly and shamelessly being manipulated and lied to. As for Jesus being their leader that is in their own unique and pointless way since they deny that they can receive the Spirit of adoption and be members of the body of Christ.

  • AuldSoul

    panickattack, it is only a lie if the householder deserves to know the truth. They are worldly people, deserving of destruction. How could such a person be considered "deserving" of accurate knowledge.

    It is not until they become baptized that they find out that there actually are humans BETWEEN them and God, and that Jesus is only a mediator for some other people that they will likely never be a part of. It is only then that they are in the ark, separated from this old wicked system (society). It is only then that they can be said to deserve accurate knowledge.

    You know, after it's too late.


  • seek2find

    I somewhat agree with this post, we aren't even suppose to pray to Jesus (even though some in the bible did so). When people are disfellowshiped, they aren't always delt with the way jesus dealt with people, sometimes it seems to be just the opposite. The oganization in my opinion has stationed itself above Jesus. He said his "yoke was kindly and his load light" contrast that with the extensive rules that exist within the Org. seek2find

  • Finally-Free
    "They do not look to any human, but rather to Jesus Christ, as their leader."

    Yes, but don't they maintain that Jesus was human when he was on the earth? And don't they also say that his name is Michael now that he's in heaven?

    So if they look to Jesus as their leader, according to their own teachings they are looking to a human.

    Of course, we all know that the only true god for JWs is the Trinity of the Watchtower Society, the Governing Body, and the Legal Department.


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