Funnily enough, the concept of Indigo Children was very instrumental in aiding me leaving the dubs all those years back.
I came across an ad for the movie and, just from that little blurb, I immediately thought "That is me" and then in the next moment "that is my children". That was then :)
I learned a lot from the concept and, even though I don't subscribe to it anymore (was only deeply interested in it for about a year) I feel that it was so outside the realm of what I believed as a witness, and introduced me to many trains of thought that dubs would consider 'demonic', that it really helped open my mind to learning from everything and anything. I believe there is an element of truth in most things.
It really helped me to understand that everyone has different filters for how they see the world and, for some people, those filters are quite different and very literal - as evidenced by many of the people on this thread who have now shared in openness their experiences with colour, taste etc.
It was also through Indigo children concept that I realised how sensitive children are and gained a much deeper understanding of the dynamics of energy. I also discovered that my eldest daughter sees colours around others according to their emotions. I don't see this by any means. However, it has been a useful understanding for me in helping her distinguish between her own emotions and others - in the past she was prone to constant stomach aches from internalising other people's 'stuff'.
Like everything though, and as Terry so rationally pointed out, taking up residence in any belief system such as this is a great avoidance strategy for facing reality. After experiencing life as a witness and the whole "we are the chosen people" never sitting well with me, I am very sceptical of anything that smacks of separation. To me Indigo children parents (and I have met quite a few) are the New Age version of parents who put their children in talent/beauty pageants!
To FlyingHighNow:
"And I always feel like I am dreaming."
Yep, that's how I feel also. Always have ... and I used to feel that there was something wrong with me. In learning to become more present to life, to accept and welcome all that is, that feeling has grown stronger. In realising this illusory thing we call 'life' I have actually become integrated and now walk consciously through the dream. There is a lucidness here which is so startling in its clarity, encompassing both the dream and the real.
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