FINALLY! One they can't spin! I bet those old boys in brooklyn are going through those Depends like nobody's business right about now!
"police in middletown are accusing 50-year-old minister jesus cano, a jehovah's witness, of trying to lure young boys for sex with nude pictures of himself, which he'd printed with his phone number.
i believe he is/was a bethelite at the wt farms.
saw it on my local evening news..
FINALLY! One they can't spin! I bet those old boys in brooklyn are going through those Depends like nobody's business right about now!
heard from a sister that a visitor to their cong (from usa) mentioned in passing that at the top at brooklyn they did not think that the reported number of anointed still alive was accurate, rather they believe that only a couple of hundred remain.
they apparently believe this points to the end soon (again) - also if it is true they are not proclaiming it (obviously because the time limit it imposes will be exposed as another failed date).
odd if that is the case as they keep on finding gb members who are not actually very old
There are no annointed, the whole doctrine is BS!
after alot of time, lurking, fighting this damn inward battle i am dealing with, i've decided to join in the mix.
a little about me (i'll try not to bore you to much) ... i am a fader.
was raised jw, was even a m.s.
Welcome In Between , Thank you for sharing your story, I can truely relate. My family and I are Faders, we go once in a while just to keep up appearances, since my Mom (regular pioneer) is still in, and other family members also. It was shocking at first to say the least, when I found out about all the lies and misinformation the Society throws at the members, I went through the feeling totally lost phase, like the rug was pulled from under me, to the incredible anger phase when you realize the harm they have caused to so many unsuspecting people, and how they have influenced so many decisions you've made in your life, to the just letting go phase when although you are still angry at them at times you see them as insignificant and unable to affect your life.
Now and for quite awhile I am in the enlightenment phase, and it's like waking up and seeing the Sun for the first time, when you are free to question and find answers and have achieved that inner peace and joy, that was so hard to find unless, so we were told by the society on numerous times, your were doing the JW shuffle-you know-5 meetings a week, 10 hours a month, studying for all meetings, and those that achieved these unrealistic goals would find that they had no peace and joy, but were exhausted and neglecting other important things. Today I see so many things differently, I believe in God the Creator, but I no longer choose to call him Jehovah (iv'e researched where that name came from), I don't believe in the bible as God's inerrant word (iv'e researched that also), I would say that I believe God's word to us is his creation around us, and our wonderful bodies. If we show Love to others and ourselves we don't need commandments telling us how to behave because our behaviour would be such that would no harm others or ourselves, that's what I strive for. Anyway, I've rambled long enough, Take care, and read, read, read as there is incredible information on this site, there are many wonderful minds that gather here, you will be empowered and enlightened.
first summer district convention press release by the watchtower
news results
page 1 of 292 results containing jehovah (0.05 seconds)
One of the fastest growing religious groups in the world? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, NOT!
I wonder if all the layoff's at BethHell were done so they could instead put the money into this stooooopid advertising campaign which isn't fooling anyone, WHAT MORONS!
it really makes me angry when they say i love jehovah.
they don't know what they are talking about.
if they read with an open mind the carry-ons of this cruel mesopotanian god they would feel ridiculous and embarrassed for putting this god before their family, their children.
At the door on service when the householder has told them to buzz off because they have their own religion "Oh, so you read the bible, that's great! We're not here to convert you, we just want to remind people to read their bibles and share the good news bla,bla,bla", What Bullshit!
do you think they might really believe that?
Thank you for posting that Blondie, I was about to look in my huge "Secret- Apostate File" , I've got alot of stuff just in case my family and freinds need it. Anyway, I knew I had it in there, finding it was going to take a while, thanks again, oh mighty Blonde One!
excerpt #1 .
excerpt #2: (semi-verbatim, highly-reliable paraphrase)
but whats coming out of their mouths is still from jehovahs table, its still food we need.
Theocrat, before you go on chuckling, just take a look at how many newbies pop in here regularly and many of them started out like me as active JW's lurking on this board.
IC (of the - Let the damn light keep getting dimmer class)
do you think they might really believe that?
If they really believed the 1975 Armaggedon date BS that Freddi F and the WTS was spewing since the late 60's they wouldn't have purchased that California property from Bob Hope in 1974 which cost a pretty penny. What did they need a real estate investment for if they believed that soon Jehoover was going to give them the whole planet? NOPE THEY DON'T BELIEVE THIS BS, they just feed it to the R&F who will eat it up joyously.
a rumor alert indeed, but it could be related to the distribution of kingdom news no.37, "false religions end is near.".
the following is posted from e-watchman's forum.. make of it what you will, but in light of all the rhetoric about "deliverance at hand" and "independent thinking", nothing would surprise me anymore.. we posted about an announcement it was only local to our cong.
however we have found out that there is going to be an announcement sometime in september and it is supposed to be shocking.
OH it's just BS disguised as secret info. meant to keep the R&F on the edge of their seat and holding on for the "End is Near" Crap message yet AGAIN!!! the poor JW's are so bored that they have to do these BS special campaigns and BS special announcements to wake them up and hope that all of them won't just leave. The WTS is showing by all this, just how desperate they are.
this you gotta see!
philippines jw cleared in supreme court of shacking up
supreme court says living-in not immoral
WHAT YOU SAY????? THIS IS CRAZY! I'd like to see the R&F pull that CRAP here! and see how far they get before being DF'd. OH Danny, This is a good one! THANK YOU!!!!