I know a young ex-JW boy who was baptized at age 14 then df'd about a year and a half later, this is really sad, thankfully he had his mom to comfort him.
I know a young ex-JW boy who was baptized at age 14 then df'd about a year and a half later, this is really sad, thankfully he had his mom to comfort him.
do you use it anymore?
do you care?
do you cringe when you hear it?
I cringe when speaking to active JW freinds and family and every other word out of their mouth is Jehovah (ie thanks to Jehovah, if Jehovah allows etc), I no longer use the name because I have researched enough to know that the Jehovah of the bible is not the true God, he was some trible God the hebrews had. El, Yaweh's father gave Israel to him as his inheritance which is also stated in the bible somewhere in Psalms I believe. Today, I just refer to the Creator as "Creator, "God", "Goddess" or whatever I feel at the moment since no one really knows if it was a he a she or a them who created us, and it doesn't matter anyway since I also found where the Hebrews got their stories, wisdom literature and myths from.
while thinking about more bible related legends depicted in films, a rather obvious one came to mind...the ark of the covenant.
do you think it still exists, hidden somewhere?
or do you think it was captured and destroyed following one of the defeats of israel?
It might have existed but not as what they claimed it was, I agree with what Terry said, how convenient that no one could see what was inside that box, they even provided a story to freighten the crap out of them if they were ever curious enough to want to open it, clever, clever. If that story was true, then whoever intended to steal it would have been killed trying to get it, or maybe Jehoover might have stricken them down, but instead it just disappeared! These days after seeing all the crap the Isrealites wrote I don't believe anything they say, their stories and lies have caused alot of bloodshed, starting with the Adam and Eve nonsense.
someone said that the water canopy prevented sunlight reaching earth!.
so was there light pre-flood.
I remember it being explained that once the cloud canopy was gone that had filtered the sun, the radiation from the sun was free to reach people on the Earth and that's why people don't live to a thousand years old any more, because they are now exposed to the sun's radiation, something that God had not intended in pre flood days.
Any one else remember this explanation?
That's exactly how it was explained to me also, the sad this is, that I believed it!
Well, these animals, the venemous and the carnivores are all necessary to maintain the balance, snakes eat mice and other critters, lions eat a variety of other animals and hence the balance is maintained, you eliminate one and there will be an overpopulation of the other. Once the blinders are lifted of our brainwashed eyes we can clearly see the absurdity of believing that at any point carnivores will eat grass, their digestive systems and their teeth are designed for eating meat.
I don't believe in the Noah nonsense any longer it's completely absurd.
how could anyone know objectively if they live in the "last days", if they fail to examine history?
how would anyone know if things were .
actually worse?
Flash, I feel for you, I really do, I was where you are now, not too long ago (more than a year ago), and then I started seeing all the error and contradiction in the bible, and did research on the Hebrew people and other civilizations prior to their existence, what I found was not pretty, they borrowed their stories from the Sumerians and Babylonians etc, changed a few names and whala! It was hard to let the bible go, but today I've never been happier knowing that the Bible is simply myths and stories put together to give the Hebrews a sense of history and importance. There is no "End Times" there is no "Armaggedon" this is just a control mechanism to keep you in line, research for yourself and you will see, in the very words of the bible "Seek the Truth and the Truth shall set you FREE!
IC(of the I can see clearly now Class)
in sept. km under announcements, loving provision from jehovah, elders are being reminded to make the yearly visit to all those that have been df or da.. make sure you have some good coffee or a six pack for them.. treat them kindly and with respect, the gb is very much interested in all those that they kicked out.
I think the Society is between a rock and a hardplace on this one, if they don't visit the Df'd and DA'd and inactive ones they won't ever recover any of the losses (or so they think) but in having the current elders visit these one's, especially now that we all have all this info at our fingertips thanks to the almighty internet, they risk having the elders eyes opened or having a seed of doubt planted and sometimes that is all that is needed for them to do some research in the privacy of their own homes on the issues raised by the disgruntled ones.
YES WATCHTOWER keep telling your idiot elders to go and visit these people, it will only add to our numbers and we'll have more undercover elders out there!!!!
a serious thread.
not joking around.
you take all the jews in the state of isreal.
You want a solution? Tell the Jews and arabs to get the hell out from that tiny strip of land, then throw a few nukes there and WHALLA problem solved, the land would be unlivable for either one, and the problem would be solved , no more damn wailing wall or freakin dome on the damn rock!
'airlines terror plot' disrupted
all airports have been put under the restrictions
reid statement
Hey what happened with my post?
'airlines terror plot' disrupted
all airports have been put under the restrictions
reid statement
I don't know,but this recent terror thingy seems very suspect, just two days after the Lieberman defeat , especially since people here in the US are pretty fed up with the "War on Terror" BS, how timely is this? And Tony Blair being Bush's buddy and all, how does that old Beatles son go? oh yeah...."I get by with a little help from my freinds".. I mean if the attacks were meant for planes leaving from the UK why, oh why all the hoopla in the airports here? I guess they just couldn't pass this one up, it was a perfect war on terror propaganda vehicle. This whole thing just doesn't convince me, and from I've heard alot of other people are questioning this also.