Peer pressure is the second most powerful force in the universe. Your son should say something to the kid, nicely, before he gets mocked.
JoinedPosts by jstalin
Stinky boys
by mrsjones5 inmy oldest son is 12 and he has a friend the same age who lives across the street (i'll call him gilbert).
gilbert likes to come over and play video games with my son.
if i allowed it gilbert would be over everyday possiblely spending quite a few overnite here too.
stopped going to meetings - feeling bored - what to do?
by DannyBloem insince 6 weeks i stopped going to the meetings.
not that the meetings are not boring.... but i had some friends there, and have a lot more time on my hands.
also i decided not to use the computer so much anymore because of rsi related problems.
What activities do you enjoy doing? Anything you're curious to learn more about? Maybe find a group of people in your area interested in the same thing. Volunteer at a museum or non-profit organization. Maybe help teach a kid how to read through your local school district. Go back to school. Get your PhD in Nuclear Physics...
The options are endless! Use your talents for some good, not the good of a publishing corporation.
adopted Teenagers want to leave jw home
by miss_fortunate_one ini have an aunt who is a witness.
she adopted my 2 kids years ago.
the kids are now 16 and 17 and have been shunned by the kingdom hall because they spoke up and said they do not want to be witnessess.
I have a friend who emancipated herself when she was 17. They might want to explore that route.
White Noise and EVP... Anyone believe it to be true?
by AK - Jeff ini just watched 'white noise' with michael keaton.
then i looked up evp on the internet.
there are an amazing number of people who believe that this is true - anyone have personal thoughts on this phenomenon?.
Ug. I browsed through the site. Give me a break. If the dead can communicate via pictures, video, and/or audio recordings, why can't they make it more obvious? All I see are random pictures that appear to have what looks like a face. You can find faces all around you (I see a face in the woodgrain on my office door). Why don't the dead just speak up or make it more obvious if they can do such wonderful things with electronic equipment? Why does it take loads of enhancement and magnification for "see" what the dead want you to see? Give me a break.
What the hell is the WTS saying about evolution now?
by Santisimo indid anyone read the recent wts "special article" about creation and evolution?
i read it and fell of my freaking seat.
get this, the wts now believes (and yes, they want everyone to agree or else) that god created the universe billions of years ago and that nothing was created in six days as shown in genesis!.
I couldn't agree more! As a devout Last Thursdayist (Peace be upon last Thrusday) I believe the earth and the entire universe were all created last Thursday!
Anyone who says otherwise is foul and dirty and pukeing forth blasphemy of the highest order!
Dammit! You beat me to it :)
Humanity is being conned.
by chaiyah inbe wary.
to summarize, the illuminati are manipulating technology, language, ritualistic activity, subliminal awareness, fear, lust, human vulnerabilities, and conflicts.
these manipulations are external deceptions, which help cover up their trauma-based mind control.
I've got my aluminum foil hat securely in place. They won't get me!
anyone feeling a wee bit guilty about celebrating Thanksgiving and Xmas??
by Star Moore ini was feeling a bit guilty about celebrating as this is my 1st year out and i know the history of all the holidays and birthdays are pagan or bloody or idolatrous.. .
but i was thinking that it's not what someone made them in the past but what they are right now.. to us, at this moment.
am i going to sit down on thanksgiving.. and say, "i hate those indians, think i'll go kill some"..????
Bloody history? What are you talking about? It's not about killing Indians, it's about the first settlers giving thanks for living through the year with no famine and having a good harvest.
SECRET SANTA - Gift Ideas thread
by Angharad ini know a lot have already posted in the other thread, but i have had a request to start an offical thread for ideas.
if you have already posted in the other thread don't worry i will put links to both in the pms to people..
so anyone that hasn't already posted some ideas, please do so in here !.
I love books.
What would be something you'd like from secret santa?
by megsmomma ini am already thinking of ideas.
my sister had an online relationship with a man from holland (they are now married in the us) anyhow, they would send eachother packages and the coolest things he would send was different foods from there... cookies the us doesn't have, chocolate spread for toast.... this is my first gift exchange since i was a kid, so anyone have some ideas?
( is this kosher to ask?
I love books :)
just need to vent.
by Axelspeed ini need to vent i guess.
it's been a little while since i've even looked at the board.
i've tried to make a break to somehow get my life moving again, and i never wanted to be one to write a good bye post.
Hi Axelspeed,
I'm very sorry for how you feel. I can recommend a book, called "Man's search for meaning" by Victor Frankl. It's about a guy who was at the absolute bottom of the world, a survivor of a concentration camp, and how he was able to find meaning in life through the most desperate times.