Our Cong. recently had its CO visit, and I realized how fake people can be when the CO is around. Elders take time off of work to go out on service during the week, MS's that want to be Elders kiss butt to the CO. Taking the CO and his wife out to lunch become a competition. What's the deal?????? CO's are just company men to make sure the rank and file are kept in line. JW's are two-faced, once the CO left, people went back to being themselves.
JoinedPosts by thepackage
Hate CO Visit
by thepackage inour cong.
recently had its co visit, and i realized how fake people can be when the co is around.
elders take time off of work to go out on service during the week, ms's that want to be elders kiss butt to the co. taking the co and his wife out to lunch become a competition.
Strangest Local Needs?!?!?!?!
by thepackage inwhat was the starngest local needs topic you ever heard???
What was the starngest Local Needs Topic you ever heard????
Elders School Part 4: Beat, er, I mean shepherd the sheep
by sir82 intalk # 13: shepherd the flock of god in your care, part 1 - brother bethel-coot.
synopsis: jesus told peter to feed his little sheep, so elders should shepherd the flock.
elders should be sincerely concerned for flock, approachable.
I’m really bothered that the WTS is so negative on education. I guess they don’t want you to think. It’s a shame how many people in the “Truth” are so bitter because they did not have the option to go to college. Granted, college is not for everyone. I know many success people that new went to college and are very happy but, they had a choice. WTS should not be taking this choice away from anybody.
by thepackage inguns, should jw's have them?
i know brothers that hunt on wt property in ny for deer.
what is the answer????
HI Horrible Life, I picked my name "The Package" becasue you never know what is inside a package!
visit DC in December
by thepackage in.
will be visting washingotn dc on december 12/12 - 12/16 and i was wondering if anyone is nearby that might show me the local pubs, beer is on me.
the package .
Will be visting Washingotn DC on December 12/12 - 12/16 and I was wondering if anyone is nearby that might show me the local pubs, beer is on me.Thanks,
THE Package
Daniels prophecy
by Hellrider ini`m discussing with a jw-dork on another forum, and we`re discussing 607, 1914, all that crap (no scholar, stay away from this thread!
) , and then he writes: .
"they were famaliar with the writing of the jewish prophets.
ask him 587 bce vs. 607 bce which is the correct date.
by thepackage inguns, should jw's have them?
i know brothers that hunt on wt property in ny for deer.
what is the answer????
Guns, should JW's have them? I know brothers that hunt on WT property in NY for deer. What is the answer?????
by Nathan Natas inhttp://www.newsobserver.com/141/story/363433.html
published: nov 09, 2005 12:30 am.
modified: nov 09, 2005 07:40 am.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-13-05 WT Study (Education)
by blondie inreview comments will be in red
wt material from todays wt will be in black
quotes from other sources will be blue
Thier has never been an article that has been so wrong in the last 20 years.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-13-05 WT Study (Education)
by blondie inreview comments will be in red
wt material from todays wt will be in black
quotes from other sources will be blue
It’s very difficult for me to read this article since its false. The article does not mention the benefits of going to college. When I started studying I was told not to mention that I was going to college. (FYI, The elder I was studying with went to college and met his wife there.) I felt so bad for trying to educate myself and study at the same time. Still I was told not to say anything. 15 years later, I have a couple of Masters and a great job, I’m going for Ph.D. and the elders that gave me a hard time and they are still working at their brainless jobs. No offence on anybody but don’t be dumb, GO TO SCHOOLL!!