Hey, sweetheart....
I have no info on your Grandfather,,,sorry...but wanted to encourage you to stick around.....this is a warm bunch of friends...
Look forward to seeing you in chat....
hi my name is ben and i am 23 years old.
my parents are both witnesses in denver and i was for about 10 years.
i have since then drifted away from that way of life because of all the hypocrital things i saw and somehow ended in the middle of.
Hey, sweetheart....
I have no info on your Grandfather,,,sorry...but wanted to encourage you to stick around.....this is a warm bunch of friends...
Look forward to seeing you in chat....
i am a 4th generation witness (on both sides of the family) and indeed my entire family (save for the few who "fall away" in every family) are jehovah's witnesses.
my dad is an elder, my mom a regular pioneer and my two elder sisters the same.
my younger sister is 17 and still unbaptized, so therefore she is sort of a "black sheep" in our family and "spiritually weak" for not having already "taken the dip in the pool" (however, due to her overall open-minded nature, i am perhaps closest to her).
It is so amazing that so many stories so closely resemble others...
I too was that "textbook" witness girl, felt like I had failed somehow when I would miss *one* on the written review, and even worse when I would only hit that 9 or 10 hour mark in service.
I began regular pioneering at 14 (soon after I graduated) because my "christian" mother didnt believe in wasting 6 years of college (I had an academic scholarship for a law university) in this time of the end....so, on to Jahs service I went....
POOSHAH!!! Who's time was really wasted now?
Im so happy that you had that inquisitive mind, for I had the obsequiousness that kept my mind shut for my first 27 years....
Hats off to you, and also your family for having certain open-mindedneess for allowing your mind to grow in the direction that it has...
Best of wishes,
im 25 years old and from the uk.
i havent attended the hall for a couple of years.
i looked into the jws online because i knew in my heart that the guilt they make you feel and the mass destruction they preach just isnt right.
I just had to read your post simply because of your subject line. I will never forget the first time I was deemed "apostate"; 1997? I think. I asked what happened with the memorial, and why I showed up on the wrong day for it (i had long since subscribed to the WT, but had gotten Nisan 14 parallel to the solar calendar from a Jewish website..little did I know it was a "leap" year on the lunar calendar, so there I was 4 weeks late for the Memorial...When I asked my one family member who was still talking to me (I had been df'd for over a year) how the dates could have gotten screwed up, POOF! I was an official "apostate".
I hear what you are saying about the title "apostate", it does denote a wicked devil presence, and when I heard it in reference to myself, it scared the bejeezes outta me!!
The way I figure, when they are asked a question they honestly do not know how to answer, then the person asking it "must" be from the Devil, otherwise why would they actually be thinking of something that hasnt had new light shed on it??? (hmmm, now that I think of it, I wonder if *we* are all the annointed, and *they* are all the great crowd, since we seem to come up with all the good stuff to ask???) Annointed=Apostate=Annointed? What a vicious and wicked apostate I am!!!
But I wear the title proudly!! If they want to call me a word that doesnt exist, then the weight of that title lies in the reality.... I am what I am , and not what they SAY I am.....
Okay, enough of my rambling...I was up talking all night with a new beau, and well,,,,Im at work,,,exhausted and rambling to stay awake!!
i think its wonderful that there are so many who chose to tell their story here.
some are very similar, some very different, but no matter what the story is that is told one fact remains; lives will forever be changed, and must be lived.. i'm no different than any other df'd jdub.
i was baptized at 15, quit public school and started regular pioneering.
Thanks for the kind words to all. Feel free to send email to me personally. It was a bit of a conflict for me to even post here to begin with. There's not alot of anger that I harbor, nor any negative feelings. I *think* I have dealt with the df'ing and have moved on in life. Honestly, I was afraid that reading other postings, and hearing how so many are completely brainwashed would just fertilize the anger that I am sure us buried under here somewhere.
So far, so good.
I'm honored that you all decided to respond. Its kinda nice to have feelings validated, and find a group of people who truly know what we go thru when we leave "Hotel California" (you can check out, but you can never leave.)
Thought I would share another story here:
I transferred with my company to another city in February this year. I took my staff out to lunch one afternoon, and they were all sitting in my car talking about a client of ours, and the fact that they were JW's. They began discussing what exactly JW's believe, and I just kept my mouth shut. Never know if there is a JW in my midst! So, on and on they talked, when the one sitting in the front with me piped up and disagreed on a certain practice (birthdays are a no-no). The girls in the back argued with her, and she said, "I should know something about this,,,,I used to be one." Right about then, my foot found the brake pedal, and we came to a screeching halt. Of course, I was too shocked to drive very well...
"Katie" was d'fed about a year ago, and we have become close "sistahs" these past months. She is about 10 years younger than I, so she sees me more of an older sistah figure.
The 9-11 events affected her, and she got alot of "you need to come back, cant you see this is fulfilling bible prophesy" in the days that followed. She came to my house, and I fed her "Crisis of Conscience", and "Behind the Watchtower Curtain". She's pretty stoked about associating with a bonafide "apostate"
I will keep you posted on her progress, and look forward to her post here one day = )
i'm new to this site and inactive(so far).
i have been glued to this site for the last few days.
my b/friend says i'm obsessed.
here goes my two cents,,,
The JDub "religion" creates such a "co-dependant" phenomenon in most of those who try to leave it. I have always referred to the Borg as "Hotel California",,you can check out, but you can never leave.
Many who leave feel the need to jump right back into another organized religion, just as an abused person will similarly jump into another abusive relationship, or seek solace through other means; some just as self destructive as the abuse.
Personally, I needed time away from all organized religions to become "spiritual", and lose the "religious" part of my personality. I can now say I am a highly evolved spiritual person, however not by any means religious.
Good luck to you and your healing process!!
i think its wonderful that there are so many who chose to tell their story here.
some are very similar, some very different, but no matter what the story is that is told one fact remains; lives will forever be changed, and must be lived.. i'm no different than any other df'd jdub.
i was baptized at 15, quit public school and started regular pioneering.
I think its wonderful that there are so many who chose to tell their story here. Some are very similar, some very different, but no matter what the story is that is told one fact remains; lives will forever be changed, and must be lived.
I'm no different than any other df'd Jdub. I was baptized at 15, quit public school and started regular pioneering. Married at 18, baby by 21, second by 24. I was sure the "end" was coming.
We all have that "pivotal" point where we decide this "isnt" the 'truth' and begin the painful decent into "worldliness". My pivotal point lasted about 3 years.
My mother brought me before the elders when I was 23 (already married for 5 years), accusing me of "disrespecting" her. She believed I should raise my daughter her mentally deranged way, with no regard to my motherhood talent. In front of *God*, the elders, my Dad, and my husband, she openly ranted that she should have gone in for that second abortion, or given me up for adoption instead of one of my brothers. (Thanks for the love, mother)
Soon after this, my husband began his nightly log-in on the internet, and I could hear him enjoying his conversations....guess the limited type of sex the org lets you have wasnt enough for him, so he needed the online kind...
I went to the elders, but, alas, this was 1993, and there was no WTBTS stand on internet sex.
In 1994 my youngest brother was killed by a drunk driver. Timmy was on the way out. He enjoyed his girlfriend, and I was happy to see him when he was happy. The elders spent the days following his death telling us that Timmy would probably not be resurrected because he was doing wrong, they just never caught him. He was baptized.
This was the last straw. My husband was turning into the most selfish b@stard on the planet. I would do all the research for his talks, write them up, and he would gripe about content...usually about 1/2 hour before time to leave for the meeting.
As we all know, planning to leave is major planning. I had been a "good" witness girl, uneducated, no marketable skills, and never had a job....spent 4 months homeless living in my car....
Fast forward to the present:
I am now Vice President of a Nationwide Corporation, still disowned by my parents, fighting to see my babies whom I lost in a parentally funded custody battle, but, have a wonderful relationship with my "Sister". Life has handed us some obstacles, but the strength of each other to lean on is what gets us all thru it....
Much Love to all Readers, and much affection to my sister...
well i must admit that i have been viewing many different stories here in the forum and as i sit here and type mine, my eyes are welling up with tears.
they are not tears of sadness but rather tears of joy to finally find a "home' where i can come to, to talk to people who share the same life history as myself.
i was raised in the "truth".
My dearest Sis,,,
Precious was previously married to my brother. She and I were close as children, and as the only daughters in each respective family, we were quick to call each other "Sis".
Having cleared that up:
She is an extraordinary individual who blossomed quite possibly overnight after coming out of the org. We have shared our first Christmas's together, Halloween, Easter, etc. We have a very unique bond that has made us all but inseparable since we left the org; she about a year after I did.
I was quite happy to introduce her to this site, and look forward to posting my story here soonly.
Warmest regards to all who read....