If I have a book on Mathematics, and it is teaching integer arithmetic (2+2 =4 and so on), and I come across a problem that asks what is 2+3? If I answer 7, is it the fault of the Mathematics book that I am unable to add? I don't think so, but according to your logic, it is.
The Bible did not tell JW's to let their children die.
The Bible did not tell Catholics to "steal" countries from native people.
The Bible did not tell Jews to go fight for a "promised land" in Israel.
Theirs is not an appeal to Sola Scriptura, but to a perverse interpretation of Sola Scriptura. JW's are clearly wrong about the blood issue, and it can be proven from the Bible. I am wrong that 2+3=7, and it can be proven from a Math book. We all know Catholics are wrong - so let's not go there. The Jews reject Jesus Christ, so do you think they are really following the whole Bible?
Why have a book that causes so much confusion?The confusion is of those who refuse to follow God and His word instead of their autonomous human reasoning. The Bible is frankly repugnant to autonomous man. A better question would be: why should we have a book that causes no confusion? I mean, why do expect that God's revelation to man would be so simple that there was no confusion? Why do you place your human expectation on God?
God exists independently of time, and yet chooses to work within time to accomplish His purposes. God is through all space and through all time. Humans can barely comprehend such a being, and you expect his revelation of His infinite mind to not cause confusion to sinful, rebellious, willfully evil man?
I can
sincerelybelieve that 2+3=7, but that doesn't make it so, and it doesn't make me complain that Mathematics should be easier. I don't complain when studying Calculus that the problem is that there shouldn't be something as complicated as Math. Questions regarding the Spiritual realm, and our eternal soul are complicated because the ultimate reality is complicated.
The Bible tells us that God became flesh and died to redeem us from our sins. This God-Man, this Jesus, is barely within our comprehension, are we to be surprised that the book that explains this cosmic event is not difficult for sinful creatures to understand?