This sort of thing wont work against the JWs, they will get far too much sympathy simply because they claim to be christians. The scientologists are also highly self destructive and will do illegal things with a tiny amount of provocation. They also have the disadvantage of having an insane leader much like when Rutherford ran the WTBTS. I suspect assisting against scientology in the hope of getting some anti-cult laws or setting bad precedents for religions that run as businesses may be more effective than directly going against the WTBTS.
JoinedPosts by ocelot
by Mickey mouse ini have been following the work of the group "anonymous" who are campaigning to bring the cult of scientology under closer scrutiny.
although i don't necessarily agree with all of their methods they have certainly been effective in attracting the media's attention which has in turn cast a spotlight on scientology.
on the whole it seems that is something which has yet to happen to the wbts.. .
Anonymous protests Scientology worldwide. Will this work against JW's too?
by mavie inover 9,000 protesters, media coverage worldwide, scientology embarrassed all over the internet.
can the ex-jw community pull this off?
It would be far more effective to help with the scientology protests. If one of these american cults that run like a business goes down it may make some very ugly precedents for the rest.
The question is if these protests will do anything at all. Im sure even if recruitment fell to 0 they could still last another 50+ years.
The only real weakness that can be exploited is their tax free status. I don't know if protests can do much about this. The only other thing that I could see damaging them is the scientologists overreacting in a very public and illegal way. The scientologists may have already been uploading fake bomb threats about their own churches to youtube, who knows how far they will go.
Trying to get a coalition of ex-cult members and forums together to assist against Scientology will be far more effective at the moment.
The WTBTS is much harder to oppose than scientology, being viewed as a "christian" group they have near infinite sympathy from the general public in the west. The US government dismanteling scientology would raise cult awareness and make set alot of precedents that would make stopping the WTBTS alot easier. -
Do we have the right to tell Iran that they can not have nuclear weapons?
by free2beme ini was looking at a list today, of countries that have nuclear weapons.
i always think of the united states, russia, france and china.
what shocked me, were pakistan, and india also have nuclear weapons.
The USA might have some idiotic christians as polititions but its not a ridiculous "theocracy" with religious leaders running the country and people being executed for breaking religious rules. If you can't tell the difference between the US and Iran you are a fool.
Do we have the right to tell Iran that they can not have nuclear weapons?
by free2beme ini was looking at a list today, of countries that have nuclear weapons.
i always think of the united states, russia, france and china.
what shocked me, were pakistan, and india also have nuclear weapons.
They shouldn't be allowed to have nukes because they are religious freaks and not a proper government. The Iranian president thinks the apocalypse is due soon and that some islamic imam will return to convert the entire earth to islam.
Does the Pope have to apologize to the Muslims?
by free2beme ini heard today that the muslims want the pope to apologize, and at the same time i have heard muslims say that even an apology would not be enough.
a world leader of a country, has certain diplomatic concerns about what they say and do.
however, does a religious leader have these same concerns?
He MUST NOT apologize. Muslims must not be allowed to dictate what other people are allowed to say.
former JW overseer embraces Islam (video)
by Nathan Natas in.
who is this knucklehead?.
You havn't seen the full extent of the train wreck until you have read about the actions of mohammed, who muslims usually claim is the pinnacle of morality.
The faithlessness here
by grissom6471 init is a shame that people are here portraying themselves as jehovah's witness as having some knowlege or going to meetings.
what exists here is a complete lack of faith in anything.
and a great amount of stupidity.
Why would I have faith in lies? Thats silly.
Satanists, do you fear them or trash them?
by greendawn inare you afraid of the power of occultists and satanists?
do you think their magical arts can truly harm people?
or are you confident that their power can easily be neutralised by reciting biblical verses or by wearing a crucifix?
[quote="parakeet"]Does anyone actually know any Satanists or have reliable information about what they do? Everything I've ever heard about them is from a friend-who-told-a-friend-who-told-a-friend, etc.[/quote]
They seem to vary quite abit, theres the church of satan ones that are more or less athiests and just worship satan as a symbol of rebellion against the churches, they basically believe people should indulge in what ever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, they also would like all religions to be taxed as corperations. They believe in no afterlife what so ever.
I stumbled on to a website about another type of satanist that seemed to believe in satan existing, I didn't get around to reading the entire thing but they seemed to roughly believe: Satan intervened in humanities evolution and made humans intellectually equal to the various spirit creatures. Humans interacted with various spirit creatures for some time until Jehovah and his forces decided they wanted to rule and control it all so they created various religions that were intolerant of any interaction with any sort of spirit creature and spread them across the world through military conquest and other things. They say Satan and the others lost the initial battle and jehovah almost enslaved the entire earth with christianity, islam and judaism but he failed to do it completely and in the end they will fade away. They didn't seem to have any really specific beliefs in the after life, I think they said people would be reincarnated until they were ready to go to where ever they were supposed to go.
Im sure theres many other variations of them around, I find it interesting reading about them since I was prohibited from learning about other beliefs as a JW. I havn't seen them suggesting any sort of blood sacrifice anywhere, they usually specifically mention it and attribute it to the bible god and do not support it. You can find the satanic bible on most P2P programs it is made by the first group I described, its somewhat interesting and at the very least kind of funny in parts. -
Can anyone suggest an English interpretation of the Qur'an?
by mavie in.
looking for one in modern english with footnotes.
in other words, a study koran..
New York City, May 12 2006. Come celebrate with us!
by twonc in.
we are inviting all jws, x-jws and all others with faith in our lords to a very special event in new york city!
please follow this link for more details.
When I woke up this morning I thought " if theres one thing the world needs its another whacked-out JW splinter sect" how fantastic...