Theres heart issues in my family as well.My Mom is currently in a nursing home because she is so overwheight she can't take care of her self anymore.I prommised myself I would never be like her.But it seems like I'm heading down the same path.I need to find a way to put the brakes on.I don't have anyone to exersise with.I would feel better working out with someone.
The one good thing is I don't have a car so if I go anywhere it involves walking.And I have normal blood pressure.I have gained a lot of weight since I started dirving a cab.Simply because fast food is so much easyer to get than cooking.I think I've gained 50 pounds since I started driving for a living.I have evened out and stopped gaining.I think I've even lost a little bit.Because I'm not at my place all the time.I'm at my bf house and he eats a lot healthyer that I do.I'm always happy to eat what ever he eats because he cooks for me.I spend at least three nights a week at his house.the rest I work.