JoinedPosts by yodastar
Life After the Being Separate from the World
by yodastar inrealised that after leaving many years ago i don't have much of a social circle!!
has anyone else realised that we were not taught to be good in social circles except those that were approved associates?.
i recently went to a birthday party of a 45 year old guy and thought wow - this is what it is like to have formed a healthy social circle.
Yep totally to all of the above! What's neat about this process in this site for me at least is getting lots of the erroneous ( jw word ) thoughts down and out. Healing on ones mind I reckon. Cheers -
YouTube video: Five Stupid Things About Jehovah's Witnesses
by cedars ingreat video.
this is how we are viewed by outsiders.
there's no fooling some people!.
That really made me feel a whole lot better, bloody classic -
WT addresses the "rapture" teaching.
by wifibandit inlook at paragraph 15 of the 2015 july 15th study edition pg 18-19.. http://imgur.com/3wparys.
basically they admit to teaching the rapture (for the anointed remnant), just don't call it that!.
Yep pretty raptured that I no longer care either. Rapturessly twaddlish -
Life After the Being Separate from the World
by yodastar inrealised that after leaving many years ago i don't have much of a social circle!!
has anyone else realised that we were not taught to be good in social circles except those that were approved associates?.
i recently went to a birthday party of a 45 year old guy and thought wow - this is what it is like to have formed a healthy social circle.
Realised that after leaving many years ago I don't have much of a social circle!! Has anyone else realised that we were not taught to be good in social circles except those that were approved associates?
I recently went to a birthday party of a 45 year old guy and thought wow - this is what it is like to have formed a healthy social circle. Kinda sad really.
I feel looking back that it is because we were always on the defensive, being ridiculed and always feeling like we had to justify ourselves. Being a prickly hedgehog in 'normal' life is very anti-social. Looking for hidden meanings all the time.
Hasn't really done much for my marriage either but fortunately my wife has grown up without the mindfade and I have learnt to accept friends and people for who they are instead of thinking that they might be thinking something else if you know what I mean.
Growing up with a defensive mind-set is child abuse in my thinking and that we were intrinsically correct meant that anyone with a different viewpoint was having a crack at us. I was always told 'sticks and stones' stuff and to ignore it but really an organisation with glass walls should not throw stones either. The biggest issue for me is that unconsciously I have always been looking for the hidden meaning in what people say to me instead of being able to just listen to what they are saying I'm always thinking they are having a crack at me or trying to tell me something in a subtle way instead of being straight up with me. Hence the term prickly hedgehog which my wife uses to describe me when I am reacting to imaginary insults.....I guess when you grow up in a family who are judging and a religion who are judging and go to a school where you are deemed different so also being judged, you just get so used to being judged as wrong that it becomes second nature, like breathing....you have to assess what everyone is saying to defend yourself rather than just being present and being in the conversation knowing that you are a good person and the people round you are just being and sharing and not actually having judgemental thoughts about you or looking for fault!
And I guess the best way to get attention is to do something that people disapprove of Just to get the attention!! Doesn't really work that well in the real world though so trying not be different and just fit in and be a good guy is something I'm aware of and working on in social situations - because I am good enough! Cheers
It's All Crazy - But Do We Really Know What Is Out There After?
by yodastar injust a thought!
after everything we were taught where is the evidence?
heaven, hell, reincarnation, universal energy or all of them?.
Just a thought!
After everything we were taught where is the evidence? Heaven, hell, reincarnation, universal energy or all of them?
Always seemed to me that if we were looked down on in our small solar system on our small planet by the rest of the universe and they saw millions of ants running around busy as that it would be unimportant in the scale of the huge universe.
Yet we were taught that as the test planet for God's wondrous plan that it was up to us to solve the eternal question of life!! I now think that we are really not that important in the big scheme of things so that begs the question of what happens after.
I'm not really much of a scholar at all and to be fair use to day dream as I was growing up in the meetings but as you get older you begin to wonder what's next?
In Australasia there was a well known medium touring so my wife and I got tickets. After talking to a few folks and feeling their energy I suppose he scanned the audience and low and behold his eyes settled on me - yes you in the jacket trying to melt in the chair!! He spoke to me about people that he could see around me, a couple of close friends that had passed but he said there is an older man { my Dad ) way in the background not wanting to come forward as it were. He is holding all these books and saying - no this is not right I shouldn't be here. ( He was a great studier of religion and the 'truth' ). Anyways he had a couple of messages for me and then left.
On the drive home I was very quiet and not really sure how to process it all. Of course with my indoctrination it was hard to reconcile but over time it got me to thinking. How do we really know what happens? I mentioned this to my dub sis and naturally it was the demons. But really? It's so easy to say that.
I'm not hung up on any 'right' way anymore and will find out when the time comes either way but when I read the numerous topics on this fantastic site I realise that we just don't know and we shouldn't have to feel responsible either way. Cheers
Letter From My Elder Uncle
by freemindfade inok guys, this is long, so i am sorry, but i think it is important to publish.
this is a glimpse into a 4 page letter (love that song) from my uber elder uncle.
as some of you may know i got tired of being in an email chain and finally lost it and lashed out.
I agree with most of the posts - in pretending to be polite about it all. It probs really isn't worth it and they already know how you feel. This sucks, just reading that made me feel like I was back and getting a good old spanking. Thank Christ I don't submit to that malarkey any longer.
Hey what's all that COME LORD JESUS stuff? Sounded like a happy clapper - not the true religion.haha
Totally agree with toesup, my old man spent way more time in the ministry than with us. Really who gives one about all the sinners if you cannot look after your own flock
More Anointed Join the ranks
by paulmolark inwhen i was an elder we had a sister who was known for providing oral pleasures to some people in the congo.
i was on the committee.
this girl for some odd reason was put on public reproof 4 times for the same thing.
Seriously some whack jobs alright! Did the elders really approve of the age gap or did they really think it was love? Years ago we had this nut job girl accuse an elder of mucking around with her but she couldn get it to go anywhere so she then accused him of burying dead bodies of cong members under his house even though no members had gone missing!! Got the police investigating but this time the elder was indeed innocent so she just shifted congregation, probably partaking as well by now. I'd certainly want these chicks in the 144,000 ruling over us lol -
Ex-Christians being angry
by Jonathan Drake ini know i'm angry.
i was curious if others are too.
i feel completely justified in my anger as well.
Angry - hell yes but over the first decade it calmed down to a sadness of all my young relatives still being dumb dumbed. It must be and is healthy going through these emotions - it's like going through a divorce -
Thanks cofty, I haven't laughed so much or felt so free for a long time. Cheers -
Worst Memorial Talk Ever!
by The Searcher ini honestly have never heard such claptrap being delivered in a memorial talk.. the speaker repeatedly put down the way other religions administered the bread & wine, and claimed that witnesses do it exactly as the bible describes.
oh yeah????.
he forgot to mention - when reading aloud 1 corinthians 11:25 - that after passing the bread, a full meal was to be shared, before the wine was passed around!
Love it that current attendees post on this site. I guess it's a hard habit to break but it's kind of like gluttons for punishment. When you realise you don't even have to listen to the dribble that'll be a great day. Good luck all - written with love intended not judgement, just saying..