Hey does anyone have a link to this May broadcast? Could not find it. Thanks
Edit - found it! Smug sort of fella is Lett and kinda creepy but I would love to give them some $$$ - not.
i have a pretty good intuition but i have to admit i am going back and forth on the jw tv may broadcast.
i keep asking myself are they really in financial trouble (wishful thinking) or are they just grabbing for more money?.
i always appreciate reading everyone's thoughts and ideas on here.. let me know what you think.
Hey does anyone have a link to this May broadcast? Could not find it. Thanks
Edit - found it! Smug sort of fella is Lett and kinda creepy but I would love to give them some $$$ - not.
one of the reasons the watchtower is having problems with donations is because they have refuse to let go of wholesale across the board shunning.
the average publisher is sick of it and jehovah is withholding his full blessing.
when you do not show love to fellow humans you run the risk of not being able to show love which i'm turn has a direct relationship to your joy in turn if your not happy your not motivated to donate lots of money to and arrangement you perceive as unloving all you bethel lurkers convey this message to bro letters and rest of gb stop trying to convince fair minded people to support unloving shunning.
In the borgs mind the only disaffected ones are those that do not truly believe...
There will still be so many stupid sheeple that will still leave their life savings or their insurance to the corrupt org. Yes I agree that many children of dubs do not carry on the stupidity which is intelligent, when you kick someone often enough they become wary.
Shunning / disfellowshipping is amoral. I'm sure somewhere along the line of this long life we have in front of us the borg will self disintegrate and I hope I'm here to see it happen.
well what a great day!
to see my son reach 21 and be a well rounded man free of guilt and fear by not being raised in a cult (well from 5 yrs on) is amazing.
to able to ring your child and wish him happy birthday and congratulate him is a fantastic thing for any parent.
Well what a great day! To see my son reach 21 and be a well rounded man free of guilt and fear by not being raised in a cult (well from 5 yrs on) is amazing.
To able to ring your child and wish him happy birthday and congratulate him is a fantastic thing for any parent. To be able to remember your child's day of birth with the joy and celebration it deserves is really very nice!!
It's so cruel that some cult would tell you that you shouldn't celebrate that amazing day. Mind blowing in fact - but it is totally ok to go to as many funerals as you can, socialise and talk about that persons life and rewards to come.
My son said - hey Dad what did you get up to on your 21st? I seriously could not remember if there any note of it in my mind. It was just another day, no big deal really.
I guess the reason of my post is the freedom of now not having some organisations rules dominating our world is that we can literally just enjoy every day for what it is and celebrate this fantastic thing called life with no regrets. Cheers
i am 30 and i am hoping to meet the brother who i will love me for me and would want to marry me.
i want to marry only in the lord but as the balance of brothers and sisters are not even and i am getting older as time goes by, im kinda a little panicky now.
i've noted active, devoted jw's state the above.. and, it's not a problem for me to remain trusting of god, i just don't trust religions or men.. recently, a member of this forum stated that he remains an active jw, in the family of god's people, wanting to encourage and do good - whilst recognising that the pastoral leaders (the gb) have shipwrecked the faith of many, being unsound scripturally etc, etc.. stop and think about this - the bible says to not follow after those who lie and hurt the faith of "little ones".. the pharisees were accused of traversing over lands and expending much energy to make a single convert - only for that convert to end up worse of than he started off with.. it's one thing to not believe this is the 'truth' and feeling the awful pressure of managing ones life, trying not to lose ones family.. it's quite another thing to declare oneself to be a christian believer of god's jw household, and somehow believe the god of love would use corrupt liars to parade as jesus' brothers in the urgency of last days.
and, to then visibly promote faith in corrupt men, and try to bring converts into a place where the rulership is wrong.. some of us are dying from hurt here.......give me a break..
I have heard this rubbish years ago as well. If someone slighted us - oh well don't worry the big J will sort him out eventually. There have been some incredible posts on this topic and yes everyone is imperfect but I liked Billy's post. You said it perfectly!
I guess it comes down to - if you can actually believe a fairy tale like the bible doesn't it?
when my niece was very little (over 20 years ago), barely walking or talking, my mother decided to teach her "where jehovah lives".
she would coach her and say, "where does jehovah live?
" in a sing-song voice.
i think most on here will be familiar with the caller hook up system that many congregations use.
visit about 2 months ago.
during our servant and elders meeting he was talking up the importance of meeting attendance and how we "gods spirit appointed men" must take the lead on making every meeting.
Yep that is a WOW factor. Seriously, what is the point of denying any member a link like that? My beef was always that the borg spends far too much time, effort and resource on trying to convert instead of actually caring about the sheeple they already have. The elderlies are like folk that wanted to be a cop but made security instead - you know just so they could wear the jacket and make rules.
I guess I have been out far too long (yay) and have never heard of a listen in version of the church. Shame.
i've just signed up two days ago, but i've been lurking for about a year and a half.
here's my story if you're interested:.
my parents converted when they were in their first semester of college.
Great post Miss. Totally got what you were saying about being naïve about how the real world works when you step out into it properly but it really isn't as scary as we were led to believe.
By the by, don't buy into labels like apostate! That is the dubs way of excusing how they treat good people that have a thinking brain.
Take care friend and enjoy your Freedom. Awesome news. Cheers
so by now most of us have heard about (or watched) the april broadcast and the ridiculous "experience" of the guy that asked god to fix his construction leak before he believed in him..... so, what would you like to "pray that god fixes" in your life??.
humorous or serious replies welcome!
(although sarcastic, cynical and funny replies preferred hehe).
the "special talk" this year was about family happiness.
as always seems to be the case it was a bait and switch job since the talk had actually nothing to do with how to achive family happiness and everything to do with jw doctrine on why familys are unhappy.
mine is unhappy because of jw doctrine but thats the implied irony in attending the sunday indoctrination i suppose.. that said, the speaker trotted out the oft used jw illistration of a dented bread pan to describe why and how sin was passed from one human (adam) to another (all of us).
The whole concept of "inherited sin" makes no sense!
Why would a loving "god" happily allow future UNBORN generations to suffer for something that was OUT OF THEIR CONTROL?
- Totally with this train of thought. If you really had to think about this too hard you just give up on the whole idea of redemption in my book. It just does not make sense. It's a fairy tale to keep the masses subdued.