nice you are here,,,,sounds like a long tough road,,,,hang in there,,,and vent with us. it will make it
easier.....join in chat helps alot...
when i was seventeen i was very active, plans for bethel, service etc., then i got into trouble.. i was sooo in love but my girl friend changed her mind.
i could not go on without being honest with the congregation and went to the elders about our situation, that was a big mistake.
my girl friend was associated with another congregation so we met with her congregation and then mine.....back and forth....this became brutal, my parents couldn't believe they could not come to a decision..... .
nice you are here,,,,sounds like a long tough road,,,,hang in there,,,and vent with us. it will make it
easier.....join in chat helps alot...
one thing a jw has to have is a goal.
a goal for getting to the meetings, a goal for answering at the meetings, a goal to pay attention at the meetings.....a goal to go out in field service, a goal to talk at the doors, a goal to place literature.....a goal for everything under the sun!
do you find that you are sick and tired of goals and need a breather, or have you set new goals?
yes,,,i have goals....and for the first time they are my own personal
goals,,,,i am changing...and i am getting excited about things i wish
to do....
i hope to accomplish the following:::
(1) leave my husband
(2) leave the organization
(3) move to southern oregon...
(4) try to start a new life...
for the following reasons::: husband is mentally abusive,,organization
is nuts,,,very southern orgeon to be close to worldily family,,,
a new life,,,because i am 50 years old,,,and looking for for some joy
before it is too late...WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!!!
my sister married into a family of witnesses.
her husband isn't a witness though, he never believed, but was forced to attend meetings untill he turned 18. when he married my sister she got sucked in to his family's beliefs.
now she won't spend time with us, says she was born into worldly things and she doesn't think it would be good of her to come back.
you will like it here...people will beable to help you and give encouragement....hang in there
well, i guess it is time to share my story with you all.
most of the recent events in my life i have already shared in bits and pieces throughout various threads here on the jwd.. i am 47 years old and have one sister who is 44. we grew up in a religously divided household.
my father was and still is a jw and my mother is still a devout bible student.
i've seen several posts about this matter and i it seems that i might have seen something regarding this in some watchtower publication, but where can i find the recent policy change regarding inactive ones (i.e., was it in a km?
), whereby they have to meet with the service committee if they want to resume field service again?
a friend of mine is worried that this could eventually lead to treating the "inactive" as self-disassociated!
"oh god!"
i was born in the 50's and raised in the so called truth.
i began to see the light the same year i got my concealed weapons permit.
imagine that, a witness packing heat.
welcome to the board,,,,it is nice to meet you....
gwen and i went on a mission .
going in as a couple of "interested ones"...into a kh that i was reasonably sure i wouldn't be recongnized as the "uadna-ri" i went in with a hidden wire and tape recorder to get the "evidence".
on this site you will find links to 4 audio files... the first two are "the part", and the other two files are an audio clip of the "love bombing" attack we got when we left the first meeting, and the reading of a letter to "all congregations" concerning the discontinuation of subscriptions.. as with all jw things, it is interesting to hear the comments made by the speaker, things not written in the km, and views, attitudes, and references made when speaking of how to treat disfellowshipped family members.. all in all, i am glad we went on this misssion.
i am having problems....i get the article and no sound???? what do i need to do????????????
i really want to hear volume is up,,,what is next???? thanks to anyone who can help...
hello xjw's:.
i am writing this because i want to say so long.....i have only been around here for 3 mos.
it is definately time to leave, as i have spent my summer here and it's time to hit the beach one last time.
you have found closure...good for wishes on lifes journey....
well, i just wanted to apologize to everyone on the board.
lately i have been very dramatic and over sensitive to some things that have been posted and said in chat.. i am going through alot as i am sure most if not everyone here is on a daily basis.
i am not trying to make excuses,but i wanted to say i will make sure to not jump to conclusions so quickly and be more aware of what i say and how i come across.
well you can't help it if your not perfect like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! opps! damn,,,i forgot to take my
humble pill this morning....but i took something this morning?? oh no!! ,,i bet it was the cats worm
pills,,,,oh god,,,,i will be a proud person walking around with out tape worms....."sigh" now i will get
fatter!!!! oh my!!! well,,,,i need to go,,,,my rear end is itchy,,,, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!
(hugs to you!!!! we all understand!!)
i am having a very difficult time and i am here right now because i know in my heart, that when i explain what has just happened to me a few minutes ago, you will understand.
many of you are no doubt going through the same thing.. within several posts here, i have spoken of my mother.
my dear sweet mother, who just turned 78, and who has been a faithful jw since 1959. she abandoned me in 1981, when i decided to leave the borg, and for twelve years she did not speak to me, write to me, call me, or visit me.
oh god,,,,all of this is so awful......i do so hurt for you!!! HUGS,,,,HUGS,,,,,HUGS,,,,,,HUGS,,,,,,HUG