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Posts by ugg
Probably a dumb question.
by els ini've been lurking around reading pretty much all of the posts for probably a month.
i just registered and set up a profile which has a brief synopsis of my life.
well the first thing i want to ask is, what does dub stand for?
Do We CHOOSE to be depressed?
by Crystal inthe answer to that question is yes!!
we always want the easy way out , a pill, a religion , a shrink to make us one can make you happy but you.start taking control of your own life and your own brain and stop depending on others.
xena posted this the other day.
this is such a horrible thing to have written...i reveals ALOT about
your heart condition...TO offend and hurt so many people,,,and yet your only response is "I am
right"Wow!!!! what do you do in your spare time???? Walk on water!!!
She is dying
by Vivamus ini have never felt more helpless in my life.
my grandma is sick, dying, and there is nothing i can do.
when i look at her, i see this echo of a woman that once was vital, strong and alive.
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( VIV )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Goodbye, I Hope You All Have a Great Life
by Robdar ingoodbye everybody.
i have enjoyed my time here for the most part.
i have made some great friends and a few not so great enemies.
robdar,,,,you will be missed,,,i hope the best for you,,,you are a very caring person,,,"MAY THE
FORCE BE WITH YOU!" ugg,,,,standing and sadly waving good bye!!
119 Hours....
by onacruse in...until i meet the most incredible, wonderful, fascinating lady i've ever encountered in my life!
bikerchic, you have captured my heart and make me happier than i've ever been, ever, ever, ever!
craig (of the totally twitterpated, gushing-and-blushing-all-over-the-place dufus-in-love class).
sending good wishes and warm hugs to you both...
ps...(the phone company is real happy to!!!!)
I dont think I can take it anymore
by mamashel ini have only posted a few times so far, and i dont want to sound like a constant complainer or whiner, but i really need someone to talk to and some feed back.
we used to go to the elders with problems, and i have turned and leaned on you all now.
first i would like to thank you all for your kind and caring feedback.. my daughter has broken my heart.
no advice,,,,,just letting you know that i am sending you heartfelt love and understanding!!!!!
THE STORY OF MY LIFE growing up a JW by queenie
by QUEENIE ini have ben toying with this for some time to take under such a big job--and should it be book length / booklet or even a tract or a mere has me stumpt big time...i need some input is anyone interested or should just i just forgetthe whole frigin thing and just stick with things like writing about my mom helen (decd) my brother larry (decd) and skippy my first dog i ever had now also (decd) try to leave as much as possible about jw crap and write about things that make me feel ok and not depressed -- please i would like to put in book form eventually..thanks in advance everyone..linda lou aka queenie
yes,,,write your whole story queenie,,,,take your time,,,write the good and bad,,,,it will help you...
and knowing we care will help you to heal...go for it!
by joannadandy ini was fingering the daisies in a bouquet of bright spring flowers.
i mean guys buy girls flowers.
i was nervous.
some times words just don't work,,,this is one of those times....HUGS!
laying a foundation
by Cyn in.
it is 5:14 am and i have not pattern of sleep has reveresed ..but i will do my best to lay a foundation for the rest of my story.. it is long so i will cut corners and by the ned ( if i get there) i hope that some people will remember most of it...i am hoping this will help me heal .. to begin with... i had depression as a child it sadness..children do not have the vocabulary or understanding with which to label things.and they more often than not internalize and take blame for what may be considered a child i was rather aware and analytical.. this sadness came from my own genetics and living with an erratic ( bipolar pehaps father) and a depressive one knew!
i felt somethung was wrong but as i voiced it in my teens i became the bad was verbally abusive and mom backed him up due to her own" stuff" mom hispanic abd catholic dad was a non practicing was raised to be super resonsible and to take crap from her husband,,,her own father being an alcoholic,,,,,,,along the way many major family tragedies was always praying and " accepting her lot in life"........ i felt a loss and hole in my chest and i asked god begged god to help me to be a father to me.......when we went to the woods i used to talk to the trees and nature and look up at the sky and just know that there was a benevolent 'someone" looking out for me.... as i got older i serached for the right way to find god....i felt that once i found this then all woud be well.......... i read about many "christian" religions read parts of the bible led my life like a nun.... i investgated pentocostal churches that are referred to as legalistic nowadays......( i am over 40).......i looked at the cathoilics even asked questiosn of a priest and he failed he test...........i ahd never been bapstized and i wanted it to be the absolutly right if i were marrying god............i am depressive posisibly bipolar2.....i have read where some illness manifest in obsssions with religious things .....( god ) ........perhaps it is so .....but so many i knew in various groups seemed to be sure and seemes to not suffer as i mother;s respnse to me sadness was to take me to a spiritualist and i knew at that time this was like a pysch doc to her culture.......... there is more abt my childhood much much more....but i will end this bt saying that the stage was set for me to enter a high control group.... as my father and mother were both patriaachial mom being sooooooooo passive submissve........... just a note: dysfunctional groups ( systems) resemble each other.......... .
remember,,,you are not alone,,,,vent and talk as much as needed to feel relief....we are always
here for you...sending hugs,,,,,
There was this spider....
by Mimilly in.... that would easily cover a quarter on my wall.
now, i don't mind the arachnid critters outside, but when they cross that boundary into my home, they're fair game.
if they are camped out on my window sill outside, i'll even name them - but not in my bedroom.