this is major, major saddness and trauma....sending hugs,love, and understanding...oh god,,,how
awful for you....yes,,,life sucks!!
all right- all those out there who own pets, or have owned pets will hopefully see my point of view and understand.
the rest of you can point and laugh at my weakness.... my cat is dying.
she is 119 in people years, i guess it's to be expected that she go sometime, but still it sucks!
my legal professional name is clarke fontaine.
i'm a professional writer and musician.i've appeared on national tv and radio.
my real name and the one most of you know me by is kent boxberger.
please bear with me through this, this could likely become lengthy.
i feel it's time for me to give you my story as a dub.
i was born and raised in an extremely "hardcore", strict witness home.
i couldn't let wt do all the braggin about the chillerins so here's ms.frances of the "center point kindergarden" class...this is a digital photo of a regular photo so please excuse the quality.... .
district overbeer.
i spent a couple of hours yesterday going over things with a couple of elders, which was decent of them to give me a saturday afternoon.
they wanted to refer to the watchtower article to find points of agreement and common gound.
there were some of course since i still believe in god, creation and the bible (at least any doubts i had i was not ready to share at this time).
this is a small part of me.. it is a strange thing how sometimes only one.
child in a family will be mistreated, while the rest are spared.. it makes it difficult if not impossible to talk about things that happened.
to me without some of my family members expressing disbelief.
i have just added an audio tape on mental illness among jehovah's witnesses by jerry bergman.
it is interesting to hear the reasons why jehovah's witnesses have a much higher rate of mental illness than the normal population.
my name is cynthia... i have had depression as a child ( undiagnosed ) father was possibly bipolar and mother is depressive both journry into the org along with how the depression became a mental breakdown , which i thought was jehovah removing his spirirt.
my sruggle with the elders......and the many ways and people i sought help from.....well it is all a long story......... included in it.
jws i have known with mental health issues.......breakdowns.......psych docs have had discussed this with........ i would like to relate my story.....i was so ill..nearly catotonic i did not go to a hospital but if i relate how i was clear...... how i was afraid of crossing the street because the green light may have been really a red light and i was told so often by the elders that my thinking was wrong...... ie " they were showing love by isolating me ( a depressed person) because i needed to be active and i was not complying..they said they tried ll that they coudl when in reality it was i always i that reached out to them ( thinking they were chosen of god)...... well..i just gave a story is very long...i have been tenatious i read so much ( even before becoming a jw ) about depression and dysfunctional families... i was a teacher did not gte my ma ..people here know why i am sure..... well...before i write this story of mine...i would like to ask..if i can do it in intallments........those i relate my story to say i should write a book..........i am not " out of the woods yet" the way.......i came to the point that i could not leave my room..... i live in nyc and i was able to speak to bethel elders including g. gangus.... i was very sincere......naive idealistic.............i asked qiestions thinking that surly god understood ...that my motives were good... .
this is a for real question, not just hypothetical.
some of you are aware that i am going through a very rough time.
i have been diagnosed with chronic major depression, probably from childhood.
you are not alone...depression is awful....stay in therapy and on meds...know that we all care
about you!!! hugs,,,hugs,,,, hugs,,,,,hugs,,,,,and more HUGS.....warm and lovng thoughts and more
hugs ....hugs....hugs....hugs....hugs.... hugs....hugs....hugs....hugs...hugs....hugs...and well,,you
get the point!!!!!