i hope you are able to heal some here....the scars of being a witness can be deep and painful....
talk when ever you need to....it is nice to beable to be your self.....welcome...
my name is 'pincushion', i reside in alberta.
in 1989 i started studying with the jw's.
i was really drawn to the 'truth' and after much trial and tribulation i was baptised in 1991 during a lethbridge assembly.
i hope you are able to heal some here....the scars of being a witness can be deep and painful....
talk when ever you need to....it is nice to beable to be your self.....welcome...
i have been wandering around the board for a while now, and have decided it is time to contribute a bit of my history.
i have described my involvement with the witnesses as being from the outside looking in.
my sweet honey has been trying for two years to get reinstated.
i am so glad you have found this site....you have been through so much....thinking of you!!!!
hello my name is nick amoroso son of thomas charlas amoroso and sherrie amoroso.
i recieved news of my fathers untimely death thursday sept. 19. i am not sure who reads these forums but if you are from the northwest of the u.s. and have been in the truth for a conciderable amount of time you will know my father.
for those of you that do not know him i feel obligated to tell you his story.
i am so deeply sorry for your tradgic loss....your pain i am sure is unbearable....hugs to you,,,
many many hugs for you....know we care.....
am i the only person in the whole wide world that is having to have to put up with this crap..the worst lasting 8 months now...supposed to now have in to pick up today special diabetic shoes and very costly socks as well...doc wants me in the hospital but all the frigin hospitals are full to capacity and a waiting time of 3 or more days sooo i am waiting it out here (my preferance)...pain - pain and a few oches to [email protected] e-mail me privately if anyone wants to share or just cry your eyes out i know sometimes i feel like crying or just feeling sorry for myself now and then or have someone hold my hand through the whole ordeal.xoxo ((((hugs))) queenie
queenie,,,,i think health problems take so much out of a person....being diabetic is a life time,,,
chronic situation....affects your whole system....try to hang in there,,,,thinking of you and sending
i know, i never formally introduced myself when i signed onto this board.
however, a little bit about me.
i was raised as a witness since age 10. my mother and my 3 siblings are all witnesses.
it takes alot to open up,,,,i hope you find some comfort here,,,your life has been so difficult....
vent when ever you need to....we will always listen......
long time lurker, first time poster.
finally taking the plunge.
i started reading here and other sites last summer, after years of declining 'spirituality'.
hi,,,it is nice to meet you...welcome....
they are tears of joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
let me share with you my great news............................ someone from this board has given me the greatest gift i have had in a very long time!!!!!
i recieved an email last night from someone asking me if i could find a place to stay they would buy my ticket so i could be at the march on the 27th.
jesika,,,,i am so happy for you....that is just tremendous....hugs.....
i'm still blown away by it.
when i went out the door this morning to take the kids to school (7:15 a.m.) i turned on my cell phone and there were two messages from his retirement home, both saying that he had fallen at about 4:30 a.m. and was being taken to the hospital.
i called the hospital and they told me that he said he had taken 18 xanax in an effort to kill himself.
oh my,,,,you are going through so much!!!! just know that thoughts are with you..and with your dad..
sending concern and hugs your way!!!
things went pretty well today.
my daughter was doing some laundry, underwear and such, for her mom, and she was a bit late to get me and her to the hospital.
hours start at eleven and we go there about noon.
HUGS TO BOTH OF YOU!!!! tell her she is being thought of.....she has quite abit of movement...
that is a good sign....she can eat and swallow....that is just wonderful.....hang in there....wishing
her and you both good health....