APPLAUSE!! APPLAUSE!! very very happy for you....great news!!!
Posts by ugg
A second chance at life :)
by Sirona infirstly, i'd like to say..... i got the all clear!!!!!!!
for those of you who didn't know, i have been tested for the spread of my cancer to my glands.
i had a lump underneath my arm which had to be removed.
Urgent Assistance Required by Anyone, Ladylee?
by Celtic inhiya!!
hope you all had a super marvellous weekend just gone, spent some of my time saturday and sunday, just floating quietly on my boat on the quiet and serenely beautiful waters of the helford river's creeks, stunningly beautiful it was, wow!!
came into work this morning, monday, as bright as a button, though straightaway received some bad news about a young lady from a fellow co-worker enabler at self direction community project.
i wish i could be there in person for you...i would give you hugs and tell you that you are not alone...
people who do not even know you,,,are deeply concerned about you...nobody can walk in your shoes,,,,but just know,,,that if i was there i would make sure the path is cleared for you....i would help you in anyway possible....
you are important and are a precious gift of life...i wish i was your mom....hugs again..many many hugs and much love being sent to you...i hope you can feel the emotion behind
this letter....because I CARE DEEPLY!!!!!
cool person test!!! a must read!! AGAIN!
by ugg in test.
too funny....hope it works this time.....hahahahahahahahahahahaha
THANK YOU GENTLY FERAL VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just love comedy and
humor!!!! THANKS AGAIN!!!
deeply sorry to hear about your mom.....hugs.....
cool person test!!! a must read!! AGAIN!
by ugg in test.
too funny....hope it works this time.....hahahahahahahahahahahaha
still did not work,,damn it anyway,,,,,i give up,,,sorry again folks...i can get it when i punch on
another site,,so i do not know what i did wrong..but trust me,,it was funny....
cool person test!!! a must read!! AGAIN!
by ugg in test.
too funny....hope it works this time.....hahahahahahahahahahahaha
too funny....hope it works this time.....hahahahahahahahahahahaha
cool person test!!!! a must read!!
by ugg inhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah......i can't stand it!!
too funny!!!!. test
damn it,,,,i lost the site....MAJOR BUMMER...SORRY ALL
cool person test!!!! a must read!!
by ugg inhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah......i can't stand it!!
too funny!!!!. test
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah......i can't stand it!! too funny!!!!
Tinkerbell, wishing you the best for your surgery
by LyinEyes indearest tink and cc, .
we all know you two will be going thru alot this week with tink's surgery.
it is a scarey thing to go into the hospital and i know your nerves must be getting to your right now.. tink, i am sure everything will work out fine and i hope that you have a speedy recovery.
can't add anything to what lyin has already said...but just a personal note of thinking of you both
and sending hugs....
Day four for Jan (Zazu)
by larc ini tryed to post yesterday, but i had reached my thread limit, so here is what we have learned since thursday.. jan is diabetic.
she always feared this, since it runs in her family, and she has tried to be careful with her diet.
her younger sister was diabetic from an early age, abused herself diet wise, and sadly, she died two years ago.
thinking of you both....crying and personality change are possible after a stroke....hang in there...
she sounds like improvement is coming,,,even if it is slow...SENDING YOU BOTH REAL BIG HUGS