Most of my reservation for this site was because i find it hard to believe (even now) most of those stories about child abuse, elder brutality and the UN and malawi/mexico scandal. It just doesnt phase me and i question the validity of alot of the stories.
Let me tell you something, those stories are true. One of the congregations that I came from the P.O. was a homosexual child molester for 15 years. Both of his sons were pedophiles but also ministerial servants and regular pioneers. My father was an elder in that congregation and told us later that there were 25 different cases of homosexuality and pedophilia. In fact two of the members in that hall either served time in prison or are currently doing so. I can give you their names and you can look it up on the sex offenders web site. I could go on and on telling these instances.
Also, why don't you go to the NGO section of the UN website and look for yourself the letter they have posted about the Watchtower.
People are not making these things up. Of course if it doesn't bother you, you should continue on your current course. That is what most witnesses do.