I would love to take credit for this one but my husband came up with it.
"Is it just me or is this a really freaky place to get laid."
since i have a rather morbid sense of humor, and none of us is going to see armageddon................................ what would you like to be written on your tombstone?
i'll start.. "buried face down...........and you know the rest".
"his last word were..............boy, i'm getting hot!".
I would love to take credit for this one but my husband came up with it.
"Is it just me or is this a really freaky place to get laid."
i know this is slightly off-topic but i find alot of the discussion here somewhat depressing and most of it is far too cerebral for me.
i (obviously) live in america and i'm a big fan of beer.
light, dark, lager, ale, whatever.
This is the best beer/Ale I have ever tasted.
I posted this before and I stand by my Ale.
my mom and her new husband (robo-elder with gb connections) have been trying to undermine us as parents so i have been on the offensive stopping it.
we recently left to another state to get away from the jws.
she has been sending letters to my oldest daughter about the assembly.
I feel your pain. My husband and I have a similar problem with his family. It is very annoying that they feel the need to undermine us as parents. Sorry you have to go through this. They don't understand that they would get farther with kindness but that doesn't happen.
so, on tuesday afternoon i am driving in downtown austin.
there was this car in front of me that must have been lost and was completely stopped.
i decided i did not want to keep waiting behind him.
You messed up, that's all.....
I wonder why you say that?
was talking to 'anne' tonight and had a thought... (gotta be a first time for everything right!).
if you break the story down to brass tacks what really happened was this.
in eden the snake said "you don't need god!
I agree, it is saying the exact same thing. Great insight.
My father in law told my husband that, we are not smart enough to figure it out, we need the FDS and their publications to tell us everything.
so, on tuesday afternoon i am driving in downtown austin.
there was this car in front of me that must have been lost and was completely stopped.
i decided i did not want to keep waiting behind him.
I would like to say that I have nothing against cyclists. I think that it is a great sport, one that I like to indulge in myself. I did not hit him, someone else did. I am glad that he was not hurt. However, after the incident was over I had to laugh becuase he was so incredibly rude. The cyclist was completely forgiving of the guy who did hit him, he didn't cuss at him, he didn't flip him off, he didn't scream at him, nothing. Meanwhile, he is still cussing at me. I relate the story and I get bashed on here, by Princess, because I had a completely human reaction to being treated like dirt. I realize he was scared, so was I, I nearly hit someone. That is not something that I like to do. And, for the record, I wasn't going to run him over, I was going to yell back at him to go get some lessons. I have never, up to this point in my life, been a violent person. Sometimes, though, I talk big. I appreciate that others here have recognized the situation for what it was and have understood my position. I regret that it has caused anyone anger at drivers.
The other day, I was riding my bicycle, and following the traffic laws. A person in a vehicle that was not following the law nearly hit me. I did not scream and cuss and flip this person off. I just rode on. He probably didn't even see me. I was able to move out of the way without incident. That is what happens when you ride on the road. You take your life into your own hands.
i was visiting some friends from out of state that had moved there from my hometown.
when one of the friends that was from their cong.
( pioneer ) said they wanted to get their time started before are 4 hour trip to a national park walked into a supermarket to hand out a tract.
Oh, I have heard stories like that. For instance, when some of the witnesses go on airplane trips they bring along a Watchtower or Awake and leave it in the pocket of the seat. They will then count their trip as field service time.
Of course, there are those pioneers that count their time at District Conventions sitting with the contribution boxes or in the mothers nursing rooms holding the signs to tell everyone to shut up. Funny thing though is that pioneers are the only ones allowed to count their time at those events. They are the only ones that it counts as sacred service.
so, on tuesday afternoon i am driving in downtown austin.
there was this car in front of me that must have been lost and was completely stopped.
i decided i did not want to keep waiting behind him.
Thank you for the support. I was beginning to think that maybe I should have bought the guy a new bicycle or given him my firstborn child. I mean, I didn't know he owned the road.
so, on tuesday afternoon i am driving in downtown austin.
there was this car in front of me that must have been lost and was completely stopped.
i decided i did not want to keep waiting behind him.
Okay, Sister Princess.
(I haven't grown up yet )
so, on tuesday afternoon i am driving in downtown austin.
there was this car in front of me that must have been lost and was completely stopped.
i decided i did not want to keep waiting behind him.
Well, Princess, I didn't almost run you over and you are cussing me out, too. The guy was breaking the law. Hence, I almost hit him through no fault of my own. And, if you noticed, I apologized to him. I didn't have to do that. He was in the wrong, like you are. Maybe, you will get off your high and mighty throne and say your sorry.