I would like to say that I have nothing against cyclists. I think that it is a great sport, one that I like to indulge in myself. I did not hit him, someone else did. I am glad that he was not hurt. However, after the incident was over I had to laugh becuase he was so incredibly rude. The cyclist was completely forgiving of the guy who did hit him, he didn't cuss at him, he didn't flip him off, he didn't scream at him, nothing. Meanwhile, he is still cussing at me. I relate the story and I get bashed on here, by Princess, because I had a completely human reaction to being treated like dirt. I realize he was scared, so was I, I nearly hit someone. That is not something that I like to do. And, for the record, I wasn't going to run him over, I was going to yell back at him to go get some lessons. I have never, up to this point in my life, been a violent person. Sometimes, though, I talk big. I appreciate that others here have recognized the situation for what it was and have understood my position. I regret that it has caused anyone anger at drivers.
The other day, I was riding my bicycle, and following the traffic laws. A person in a vehicle that was not following the law nearly hit me. I did not scream and cuss and flip this person off. I just rode on. He probably didn't even see me. I was able to move out of the way without incident. That is what happens when you ride on the road. You take your life into your own hands.