All the "growth" is in the foreign language congregations. The zealous JWs moved to those congregations a long time ago. It's not uncommon for 50% or more of a foreign language congregation to be pioneers. My guess is that when the zealous ones left to "expand their ministry" the result was that the English congregations were left with those who are in mainly because of family or because it's what they are used to.
It is a tired religion. I'm tired of hearing the end is soon. I'm tired of being beaten with guilt. I'm tired of having to re-learn "The Truth" every decade. I'm tired of the double standards for elders vs the rest of the congregation. I'm tired of hearing from pioneers and other full time servants how Jehovah provides for them while they take handouts and gifts from those who work in the real world and give in order to assuage some of the guilt for not being a full time servant themselves.
I could go on, but you get my drift. :)