JoinedPosts by tim3l0rd
Missed it by that much ----------23
by John Aquila ini almost had a freaking heart attack.
i even threw my coffee cup at the wall and starting yelling like crazy when i got the the 5th number correct.
i was checking my texas lottery ticket for this past saturday.
Not yet, but I plan to. I also plan to go to Vegas and actually play this time. Last time I went I didn't know TTATT and just went to see the sights, shows, Hoover Dam, and visit some of the natural wonders in the area. -
Is this doctrine still in in effect?
by WasOnceBlind inso something i never knew was the fact jw's were taught that jesus is only the mediator for the anointed class and not for everyone.
i only found this out after reading "crisis of conscience" and i was actually pretty shocked to learn so.
if that is the case, when they pray why even bother saying the words "in the name of jesus christ we ask"?
I love how they say Jesus is not the mediator of the "Great Crowd" but don't actually use those terms. Now that I'm awake and thinking again, I can see their innuendos that I missed just a few months ago.
The same article that pixel quoted above states the following about those that are not part of the 144,000:
14. Why should all Christians, whatever their hope, truly appreciate Jesus’ role as Mediator?
14 What about those who are not in the new covenant, those who hope to live forever on earth, not in heaven? While not participants in the new covenant, these are beneficiaries of it. They receive forgiveness of their sins and are declared righteous as God’s friends. (Jas. 2:23; 1 John 2:1, 2) Whether we have a heavenly hope or an earthly hope, each one of us has good reason to appreciate Jesus’ role as the Mediator of the new covenant.So they don't directly state that Jesus is not the mediator for the "Great Crowd", but state that they do not participate in the covenant that Jesus is mediating. It's easy for someone who is not reasoning or just looking for an answer in the paragraph to miss the connection.
Is this doctrine still in in effect?
by WasOnceBlind inso something i never knew was the fact jw's were taught that jesus is only the mediator for the anointed class and not for everyone.
i only found this out after reading "crisis of conscience" and i was actually pretty shocked to learn so.
if that is the case, when they pray why even bother saying the words "in the name of jesus christ we ask"?
Same here. Didn't realize this was a teaching until reading CoC. It was really a shock. I knew that they taught that we were "taking hold of the skirt" of the anointed, but I didn't realize that they meant that Jesus was not our mediator.
How long will it take?
by John Aquila inat some point in the future, it has to finally dawn on people that something is seriously flawed about the idea of jesus coming in the clouds to save everyone who believes- and kill everyone who doesnt..
will people still believe in jesus in another 1000 years?
will people still be saying in the year 5015;.
One thing that made me wake up was finding out that so many generations have applied the last days prophecy to their time. It was applied in the 1400s, 1500s, etc. Each of them said that things couldn't get worse. If that was the case, then what is different about today? -
Where are the Young Elders?
by James Jack ini was appointed as an elder when i turned 30, 25 years ago.
which was the norm back then.. now, i very rarely here of a young man becoming an elder.
in our town we have 2 english congregations.
Who would want to be appointed today? The hours are terrible. I know of one elder who has to read all of the talk outlines for the upcoming RC, then watch all of the talks before they are given so he knows where the cues are to show videos, setup the stage, cue demos, etc. So he will basically see the RC 3 times. Who has time for that and to provide for their family?
I saw it before I learned TTATT. I still wanted to be an MS and then an elder, but never thought I could handle the extra workload. My elders said to rely on Jehovah. Tried that and ended up with severe anxiety after I put everything on hold to care for an assignment that the elders gave me. Didn't feel Jehovah's assistance and eventually led to me learning TTATT.
BOE May 27, 2015 Re: Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall Construction Worldwide
by wifibandit inthanks stayedaliveafter75 !.
pdf download from google or mega..
these are not the poorest of areas that need financial help. However, probably from real estate projections, the most lucrative for property 'flipping.'
According to the LDC video (I think that's where I saw it or it could be from a friend I know in Miami), the KHs in South Florida are so packed that some people have commented that they aren't attending because of it.
Help needed
by moley inas many of you on here will know, my sister and myself (along with others we know) were abused by a ms. .
my first memory as a child was of abuse and i've had and still am suffering from the affects due to mental health problems.
the abuser is now dead, but he was jailed for abuse of his own son previously so that nest of vipers will have known he was an abuser.
You could also contact SilentLambs. Seems they have a hotline and could probably point you in the right direction.
Can't sign out!
by stillin inmy wife has recently become very curious about my activity on my ipad.
i delete my browsing history but if she should discover this site and my identity here, she will gladly hand me over to the hangman, something i have managed to avoid for quite some time now,.
i hit the "sign out" button, but i find that i'm still logged in!
I always use "incognito mode" in Chrome. Not sure if Safari has the same ability, but if not you can always download the Chrome app. -
BOE May 27, 2015 Re: Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall Construction Worldwide
by wifibandit inthanks stayedaliveafter75 !.
pdf download from google or mega..
I know we have no way of tracking what they use the money for, but they've made several announcements about ear-marking money for relief work (Katrina, Haiti, etc.) as they have to use it for that and not for something else. Legally they would have to prove where the money went if they were ever audited. There are many examples of other charities that have been caught improperly using funds.
It was just a question to satisfy my curiosity more than anything else.
BOE May 27, 2015 Re: Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall Construction Worldwide
by wifibandit inthanks stayedaliveafter75 !.
pdf download from google or mega..
Does anyone know if the money sent this way as a congregation is ear-marked for the "Building Fund"? I remember a while back (before they removed the box) that they actually suggested that JWs not use the "Building Fund" box and instead put it in the WWW box because, if it was put in the "Building Fund" box, legally it had to be used only for building, but the WWW funds could be used for anything.
Just curious if they can use this money for anything or only for building.