JoinedPosts by tim3l0rd
Bethelite"s wife storms out of headquarters and leaves him...she was forced into Bethel. My story begins....
by Witness 007 inwe were all in our 20's the 1990's pioneers who still hoped the 1914 generation was for real.
jenny {names changed} loved peter who was younger then me and very handsome.
he wanted to go to bethel since he was a kid.
I know some sisters who have been doing the same job at Bethel for 2 - 3 decades. There's not a lot of options for the sisters. -
The 1995 Generation Change
by sloppyjoe2 ini was just a teenager and have a vivid memory of sitting in a chair doing a microphone for the sunday meeting.
everyone was commenting that it didn't mean the end was far off, and it didn't change the condition of the dead, or the 144,000, or the trinity so we should still remain faithful.
this is my first memory as a kid being just a teen that i ever had a single doubt.
I didn't give it a lot of thought at the time. I was graduating HS and dating. I remember the change, but I also remember how much they stressed that the end was still coming soon, you know because things were so bad and just getting worse. I made life altering decisions based on how much they emphasized that the end was close.
I wish I had woke up then...
Huge story unfolding at Warwick
by Crazyguy inits been mentioned before that warwick is a toxic dump and now the jw's are suing a former owner for compensation.
well this is huge on so many levels.
one they new it was contaminated back a few years ago so why move your headquarters there?
From the documents I read involving the Warwick site, the claim was made by the prior owners that the contamination was cleaned up. After purchasing it, they found that the contamination was more extensive than disclosed and was not fully cleaned up. I believe they have already cleaned up the contamination, but are suing for reimbursement of the cleanup costs. -
Thinking of Going Full Disclosure With Wife. Sorta
by freemindfade insoliciting any and all opinions.
as some of you may know, wife is full in pioneer.
my fade has gone from us fighting.
With my wife, I know I can't attack the Bible directly. I think living in the South, being raised in the truth by uberdubs, and around non-JWs that hold a high regard for the Bible means that it is easier to point out how the WT bends the scriptures to support their doctrine. I haven't even started my fade (even though she knows I have doubts) because it would hinder my ability to study with her and her keep an open mind.
One thing I have noticed is how someone is more open to questioning their beliefs if they slow down their activity. Now I see why the WTBS pushes so hard for everyone to keep busy, to "stay in the center of JHs org", etc. I have seen how my wife went from expressing some of her own doubt back to complacent after spending extra time out in service. Even I (even though I'm fully awake) feel a sense of satisfaction if I go out in service. I think it comes from the years of being told that this is what we should do and spending time with the only "friends" I have.
Creationist Museum Acquires 5,000-Year-Old T. Rex Skeleton
by freemindfade increationist museum acquires 5,000-year-old t. rex skeleton.
news january 15, 2003. vol 39 issue 01 science & technology science religion.
tulsa, okin a major coup for the growing field of creation science, the perfectly preserved remains of a 5,000-year-old tyrannosaurus rex were delivered monday to tulsa's creationist museum of natural history.. .
I can't tell you how many times I've seen JWs post the fake article about finding the Egyptian chariots at the bottom of the Red Sea. I have to point out each time that it is fake. -
If you were told today you would die next week, would you be happy and fine with that?
by EndofMysteries ini don't know how so many who seem to be certain this life is it after being jw's seem to happily accept it and be fine with it.
i am living and trying to live as if this is it.
i want there to be a future life/afterlife, something, but i see how fast life comes and goes and even if i'm living it to the fullest, there is no peace for me with the thought this may be it.
If I could do Christina Aguilera as part of the "Make a Wish" thing before I died ...
Really????? Christina???? I agree that she was hot a few years ago, especially around the time that the 'Dirty' album/song came out. She always dressed slutty, but at least she was hot. Now she just looks like a worn-out slut.
If you were told today you would die next week, would you be happy and fine with that?
by EndofMysteries ini don't know how so many who seem to be certain this life is it after being jw's seem to happily accept it and be fine with it.
i am living and trying to live as if this is it.
i want there to be a future life/afterlife, something, but i see how fast life comes and goes and even if i'm living it to the fullest, there is no peace for me with the thought this may be it.
I like what Mal said in Firefly, "Everybody dies... Somebody's carrying a bullet for you right now and doesn't even know it. The trick is to die of old age before it finds you."
I don't think any one of us would want to die next week unless you're suffering in excruciating pain from a terminal illness. I'm just now starting to be ok with the idea that there may not be an afterlife. I haven't resigned myself to that belief yet, but it no longer causes the dread that I used to have. The only regret that I would have about dying next week is that I did not wake up sooner so that I would have had children of my own that I can pass on my own values to.
If you live your life to appreciate the small moments, you can experience what many have called "an eternity in a second". I've experienced those seconds and look forward to experiencing many more. Even if I never have children of my own, I know that I have and I will have an impact on the world around us. Even if no one remembers my name 100 years from now, that doesn't mean that my life had no value. Everything we do has an impact (think of the butterfly effect). What we do today will never be done again in the same time and space. It is forever written in space-time.
These thoughts are what keep me sane after waking up from a life where I lived for a future and put off everything today. I've started to learn how to live for today. How to not put things off. How to make a difference. How to say "I love you" frequently to those that I care about.
To summarize: Would I be ok with dying next week? No. I've just woken up and I want to live. Would I be ok with dying next year or the year after that? I'd rather it be like the bullet with my name on it and not know it was coming.
Trying to find an opportunity to discuss the TTATT with my Father.
by joe134cd injust recently i've been thinking about trying to talk about ttatt to my father.
i'm just trying to find an opportunity.
i know he will never leave it - or i would be surprised if he did.
The only way I have successfully introduced TTATT to anyone without raising suspicion and getting them to really think about it is to bring up the subject as if a coworker, schoolmate, or other non-JW posed the question to you. It still usually takes some personal experience, or so I'm told, but I think if you can keep dropping little things like this they eventually add up. -
How to get JWs to listen and REALLY think about TTATT...
by C0ntr013r ini have been trying to discuss and reason with jws about their beliefs for some time now and it usually ends in "agree to disagree".
i just don't feel like i am getting anywhere, they get their guard up super easy and will dismiss anything no matter how logical or factual.. so the other day i tried another tactic, instead of arguing for another point of view i started to agree with them.
this made them much more talkative and open, their guard went away somewhat.
Almost all JWs have some form of emotional trauma somewhere in their past. My trauma was almost a decade old and I had buried it deep down. When my brother (raised around JWs) expressed a sincere interest in becoming a JW, I was excited to help him. He, not being weighed down by GB rules on apostate material, researched the heck out of JWs the same way he does everything else. He came to me with so many questions, but with a sincerity for the truth.
The trauma I had experienced so long ago resurfaced and something clicked. I realized that I couldn't help him to become a JW until I answered questions that I had suppressed so many years ago.
The take away for me is that many JWs have seen or experienced injustice in the congregations. Asking questions that help them think can cause past experiences to resurface and open them up to questioning their beliefs.
History of the JW movement in Mexico
by StarTrekAngel inhere is a fairly detailed article on the history of the movement in mexico.
it's in spanish, but i passed it thru google translate and it does a pretty good job at translating the document.
it's an article from one of the most prestigious universities in mexico.. being in a predominantly hispanic circuit, we have several brother and sisters from mexico who were witnesses under the conditions that existed back then.
I wish there was a secular source that recounted this history. I'd like to use it to show some of my family the way WBTS protects its money and spins the truth. Unfortunately this history quotes from Crisis of Conscience.