Need to jump into underscore the point that LDH is trying to make.
First, I personally had no problem following your logic. You must be an Engineer too!
The point that she was trting to make is not that it is bad to clean up after people if that´s what you are good at, the point is that why do they try to ram it down the throat of other Dubs that cleaning johns or ¨loos¨somehow makes Jehovah a happy camper? I'll never forget at District the nutso Pioneer sister who stood up in front of everyone and proudly proclaimed that she only had two plates and two cups in her house because she was not "materialistic." People actually clapped for her! I saw her outside, stopped my convertible Ferrari 355i and complimented her on her speech.
I can't speak for God but I do know a number of Dubs who are absolutely miserable with their employment. I know one loyal Sister with 4 kids who washes dishes for a "living"and only has a roof over her head because of various Gov't giveaways. Another theme that is painfully common among Dubs is the missing Daddy syndrome. Look around at the next meeting and see it yourself. They aren't in the home either.