Most people under the age of 60 in our congregations were severely overweight.
That is usually a sign of chronic depression.
The congos tend to reflect their leadership. I've been in one with a great group of friendly outgoing people, and I've been in the congo from hell as well. The congo from hell boasted;
A PO who sought ever increasing duties while his wife was dying of cancer (his kids are all DF'ed so the sisters care for his wife and clean the house and cook)
AT LEAST 50% of the Baby Daddies were never heard from or spoken about. In TWO FREAKING years I never once heard a family of four kids (and another come to think about it) mention their father. They have been over to swim etc at least a dozen times.
At least one mentally retarded Elder.
Another Elder whose wife wouldn't let her child pet my cat because "the wild beast with seven heads and ten horns is a cat" Ditto with my parrot because they (birds) will eat the dead after Armageddon.
At least two mentally retarded MS's
A PO whose possible butt-buddy is at Bethel and is constantly proposing from the pulpit that the congo vote to buy him plane tickets to visit us. Why the heck we need even more fruitage of the lips I'm not sure. A "free" beach vacation for his buddy maybe?
An Elder with a son at Bethel and you guessed it; we buy his tickets. I wish I had taken a pic of the Elders face when I didn't raise my hand in favor of buying his ticket. Enraged would begin to describe the expression.
A book study group uses the baby room at the same time the ministry school is in the salon. Moms with babies are told to leave the hall by either wandering MS's or directly from the pulpit. Since there is no baby room for them they have to wait outside (high crime area, mosquitos etc)
I have no ides why this congo still exists other than some folks like to be degraded.