This is a great topic! I guess we grew up in the same time frame so we have the same dogma that crossed the Seas i bet! My favourite music growing up was always rock music, highly frowned upon in our hall, yet they were secretly jealous! As a good little publisher in my formative years, we used to have the "privledge" of cleaning the hall on a Saturday, noooooo, we didn't want to play football or go bike riding, we wanted to be cheap unpaid labour cleaning the fithy brothers and sisters' mess up! So payback, we used to crank out on the PA system whatever tape we had at the time, Hendrix was one of my favourites, although Motorhead did once get a play, the Ace of Spades!!! Respect? About the same as our efforts to clean the bogs up were given! As those famous words Mene Mene Tekel Parsin was the writing on the wall, i look back and see that those days where the writing on the wall for me, I had a brain and was determined to use it..... I also had a good collection of Iron maiden too!! Although i kept the artwork hidden under my bed! Good old Eddie, bet if they put an Iron Maiden cover on the front of the WatchTower the sheep wouldn't bat an eyelid!
As regards food, Red Smarties and skittles were banned "officially" for they had the blood of beetles in them, never read that on the packs i bought though, you'd think consumers would want to know!! Cochineal eh... kept me hyper active for years!