funny, I always pictured the big fella looking like Huggy Bear...
"word on the street is theres some bad ass cats dissing my name, its dope aaaiiiiiiiiight"
JoinedPosts by skinnyboy
I have *found Jehovah*!!!
by tetrapod.sapien inafter much searching high and low, i have finally found jehovah.
he was there all along, but i was too arrogant to see him, and his greatness.. i am so sorry to the people with whom i debated his obvious and holy existence.. he has been on wikipedia all this time.. please see, and witness this.
praise jah you peoples!.
Jesus taught by way of illustration (defd, Shadow, Scholar)
by AuldSoul ini have been trying to refine an illustration i posted about a week ago.
please consider this story and give feedback.. suppose a man approached you with these words, "i am god's prophet.
an important one, too.
circular logic will be posted shortly no doubt.
The funny thing is Auld, that you can't fault these "3 Tenors" of the board for their faith in what is a Printing Company after all.
Kinda quaint i think, in this world of free information, they still cling to the belief that from 6 billion people only one religion will survive, including the peadophiles, wife beaters, homosexuals (no offence) and the rest of the detritus that make up the WBTS!
Theres more chance of me riding a comet to the afterlife than that happening! -
double post Blondie i think...
Gog of Magog, UN etc
by yaddayadda inhi, does anyone know if there has been anything in any watchtowers or other watchtower publications since june 1 2003 which shed any more light on the below?:.
the watchtower, june 1, 2003 issue, page 20, paragraph 11: .
"gog of magog is identified as satan the devil in his debased condition since 1914. as a spirit creature, he cannot carry out his attack directly, but will use human agencies to do his deeds.
yeah i agree totally with you on that point champ!
Some people just can't be convinced, its hardwired into them. It usually takes a major event that challenges them personally for a window of opportunity to open to extract them from the fog. My mother for example, faded away after my dad was DF'ed, the only reason she dosent go back is becuase she is alone now (her choice mind you) and feels alone in the congregation. Shes not been a meeting in years but she still beleives the crap! after everything the congregation did to our familly pschologically, my younger sister having nearly killed herself 2 times and her getting reproved because of it, yet she still harbours feelings of going back! Thats what kills me, that shes still wired into the Matrix (on a wireless connection lol) Thats the reason why i hate the Society because it puts dogma first over family ties.
A more effective way to spare the lives of billions!
by AuldSoul inat the outset i wish to make clear i am not an advocate of the course of action discussed herein.
i do not agree with the governing body's teachings on the result of the good news of the kingdom.. but if i did:.
i would have to recognize that (1) it takes more than 4,000 hours (in fact, about 188 days of 24-hours straight per day) of witnessing to gain one baptized witness, (2) persons taught "the truth" are more accountable before god than the rest of society, (3) those who "hear and reject" may very well be deemed deserving of eternal destruction at armageddon, (4) there is about 1 jw publisher per 1,200 people, (5) those who die before armageddon are very likely to be resurrected because their sins are paid for, and (6) there is no greater expression of love than being willing to sacrifice your own life for the lives of others.. this being the case, even if it cost me my everlasting life to do it (see point 6) i could save many more people in a much shorter time by killing everyone i see.
lol great topic Auld mate!
As long as people give the dubs and the rest of religion the short shrift they deserve, the world will be a brighter place!
Once the digital divide is bridged, the world will be a better place, but there will always be those around who choose to be led like lambs to the slaughter, let them be I say. If humankind is to survive the next century, we need to stop apologising to the lowest common denomination and dumbing down intellect, freethinking and our explorer spirit. The people that spend their lives in a religious man made euphoria deserve to live that life, let them go! -
Gog of Magog, UN etc
by yaddayadda inhi, does anyone know if there has been anything in any watchtowers or other watchtower publications since june 1 2003 which shed any more light on the below?:.
the watchtower, june 1, 2003 issue, page 20, paragraph 11: .
"gog of magog is identified as satan the devil in his debased condition since 1914. as a spirit creature, he cannot carry out his attack directly, but will use human agencies to do his deeds.
and people fear this debased creature????? FFS, he can't even do any of his own dirty work, the lazy s.o.b.!
Speculation, so lets see for every 1 in 100 events one will resemble some idea of a "sign" how convenient, not that co-incidence is a word widely used in teh Dub universe.
i have no sympathy for the brain dead sheep! they deserve to get "persecuted" -
New Watchtower Distribution System...
by zeroday into expedite the final delivery of wt literature the watchtower has adopted a new distribution system.
as the rolls of paper and ink etc arrive at the printing facilities they go directly to the printing presses where 10's of thousands of books, magazines, tracts etc are printed every hour.
they are then packaged and sent to the shipping docks where they are loaded onto semi trucks.
I can't beleive they are still printing stuff! Think of all the waste and ecological damage they cause to this planet using all those trees, chemicals in production, hydrocarbons in transport. If they truly respected "The Big J's" creation, they would minimise the impact they have on his creations. Bet they don;t think about that eh, If I was God, id be seriously pissed off by now! -
Incredible logic of an unfiltered child (or "I'm so proud of my boy!")
by AlmostAtheist ingina and i were reading over jwd when zach (my 7-yr-old) came in and asked what we were doing.
i explained that i was reading about how a man came to be a jw, and how he managed to get out.
(auldsoul, good story so far!
ah thats awesome! Another one saved from the jaws of the Borg!
Arent you glad you dont have to get him silly little "man suits" so he doesnt get the comments when hes 8 and on the ministry! -
Theocratic Ministry School Instructions for 2006
by TheListener infrom the october 2006 km [i put .... where i left out some text]:
during 2006 the following will be the arrangements for conducting the theocratic ministry school.
source material: new world translation of the holy scriptures (bi12), the watchtower (w), benefit from theocratic ministry school education (be), "all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial" (1990 edition) (si), and reasoning from the scriptures (1989 edition) (rs).
omg! i was bored just reading that, pity the foo's who have to sit there and "participate" I used to hate the Thursday meetings, specially if i had a talk, always got criticised/commented on "lack of gestures" like how fcuking animated do you want me to be brother!!!!!
Those 3-5 minutes up there, i prayed for my slot to be in the 2nd school! I remember getting commented on my attire once by the scruffiest school overseer who always smelt of wee, because I, shock horror! was not wearing a suit but a lovely navy blue blazer and grey pure wool pants and my Sebago loafers! a right preppy look! My shoes cost more than this morons wardrobe! I think i just laughed at him and said its not really relevant or something! -
Why have you rejected all forms of faith?
by AlmostAtheist init seems that when a person leaves jw's, there's just no telling where he'll end up spiritually.
christian, jew, pagan, jamesthomasism -- i dare say every faith is represented among us.. but there are those that reject faith altogether.
they are often accused of letting the watchtower steal god from them, or throwing the baby out with the bath.. are you one those that rejected faith altogether after your exit?
^^^^ what he said.
faith - fairys.
belief -fairys driving cars.