I think i'd rather have hot irons jammed up my rusty sherrif's badge than join another religion. They're all the same, All run by men who think they're in touch with "God"
Im mean faith, come on, faith in what? Faith in a flawed god, that tests us everyday to see if we still love him? Sounds like a mental abuser to me. No better than us mortals.
I worship at the religion of me and Mrs Skinnyboy, thats all we need, faith in each other to treat ourselves and our loved ones with basic human decency and love.
JoinedPosts by skinnyboy
What religions did you seek since leaving? Or not?
by dezpbem ini'm curious how many people on the board have looked into other religions or spirituality groups since they've left the jw.. what have you looked into?
did you join anything else?
read up on any others?
"Pope was investigating Knights Templar before his election"
by sf injust saw this and wanted to post it for any whom may find it of interest:.
*** the new pope, benedict xvi, was actively investigating secret societies including the knights templar and the illuminati, it was revealed yesterday.
Now that would be a cool job, being in the Popes secret "Xfiles" team! like that movie with Gabriel Byrne in it, i forget the title. Saw a doco on the Knights Templar on History Channel some weeks ago, very interesting, i love all the old mythical Grail stories
.... the penitent man...
p.s. the Last Crusade with Indiana jones was on last night, always remember how smug the dubs got when that movie was out becuase it mentioned Big J's name. albeit spelt with an I. never did get a satisfactory answer to why it wasn't spelt with an "I" today. -
Hello from Australia...
by Riverview injust wanted to say hi.... its my 1st time on here...it looks good.. are there many here from aus??.
i am 37 - male - was a jw all my life until 2 years ago.
used to pioneer regularly and was a ms. thankfully i questioned everything in the end and found out who god really is and the history of the jw's....my wife and i were shocked after reading coc and c/freedom.
gday fellow strayne!
Riverview eh?> i seen their work on the ACN channel on Optus, lot more jolly than the old dreary kindom meldi....yawns
welcome to the "real truth" JWD that is! -
How is your gene pool?
by horrible life ini feel that i was dealt a bad hand in the gene department.
even before my conception, i was a loser.
my father was an only child, whose parents died in a car wreck, 1 week before i was born.
I've got some bad genes and decided to stop the madness and not reproduce.
here here sister!!
My mums side are all manic depressives due to my grandad being an absolute arseholeo to all his kids and my nan just stood by and done nothing, glad the old barsteward died! My dads side are a ragtag bunch of scoundrels, musicians, and criminals. Great family do's though ahahah!
Average to moderate looks, very creative thinkers yet, dark, very dark sense of humour! Anyone for League of Gentlemen, thats lightweight compared to my familys dark side!
I vowed never to carry on my genes, the worlds got enough people as it is. I'd rather have a Honda NSX. -
Looking back as the householder -- How well did you do?
by Jourles inyesterday i was thinking back to when i used to go in service.
i was never a shining example for the ministry.
in fact, i was never used on the tms for any field service "how to" parts!
oh i used to pity the poor people, who wouldn't? 10am on a Saturday morning being talked to about JoJoba and them thinking your selling them shampoo blessed by God or something in their post Friday night bender repecussions. I used to cringe at the virtual Foot in the Door techniques, and waht amazed me was the fact when they got the door slammed in their face, it was business as usual! I hated the "knock" as we called it, always felt like an invasion of privacy. Plus some of the characters you would meet at the door step.... "shudders" almost all the looneys would be at the meeting a month after their first call, always!! Our hall had them in spades!
A Perspective on Judgement
by bebu ini ran across this excerpt a long while ago from the world's last night, an essay by cs lewis about the apocalypse.
in it lewis gives a very interesting perspective on the concept of god's judgement.
it's very different from what jws and many christians (or other religions) think about judgement.
so if i get this right, ok.
I no longer believe in a supreme numero uno god, and on the day im am proved wrong and brought upto his prescence to explain myself, i can?
I would say something along the lines of:
Oh God, what a spiteful jealous god you are, you created everything, yet created us with a free will. What kind of sick twisted creature are you? Do you have issues? Tell me about your mother? Were you breastfed? With all the powers imaginable and yet you created us as your imperfect experiment and are suprised at the results? Where were you?
Is Satan here? He at least gave us something to look forward to! -
A funny way to stop the door knockers!
by caz inmy last 2 posts have been so sad that i thought i would tell you about something that i remembered once when the jw"s came a calling.
i guess it would have been funny if it wasn't so darn embarassing!
when i was younger i was trying to 'get fit' and had taken to doing aerobics in my loungeroom.
ah my one wish that never came true, i prayed incessantly for it to happen...
good one, you do realise those old fellas went back to their house had a nip of brandy and relived that fleeting glance of Babylon the Great! -
Nisan 14th, isnt that a japanese date?
used to make me chuckle that did!
I reckon we should all attend the 2006 Memorial and partake of the emblems!
"Yes, as a member of the Anointed, you can all shut the fcup, now got any moutarde for this unleaved ryvita?, no? some fois-gras then perhaps?
There used to be a brother in my old hall who lost his wife to breast cancer, she was a lovely women, and he went off the rails, started thinking he was Little J, and started taking the emblems at teh memorial, felt sorry for his daughters we grew up together, was a hard time for them. They married the usual moron wannabe elders and probably are dreaming of all the golden days we used to get up to! -
Email I received off mum
by Es inhey all, i usually pop into my folks once a week so that my son can see his grandparents.
anyway last week my dad asked if i wanted to go to a country show\fete with them on sat , so anyway a couple of days later i emailed my mum to see whether my fiance (non jw) could come too.. this is the email i received today.
as you are going to be busy over the next few weeks, we dont want to put added pressure on you, dont feel you have to come to the show.plus we have already explained the situation regarding mike we dont have anything against him personally, but the situation is difficult for us regards associating with him as your fiance because it would be viewed as our supporting your decision to marry out of the truth.
(((((((((((es))))))))))))))) Sorry mate, but they will come round, can't ignore you and ya fella forever!
Gog of Magog, UN etc
by yaddayadda inhi, does anyone know if there has been anything in any watchtowers or other watchtower publications since june 1 2003 which shed any more light on the below?:.
the watchtower, june 1, 2003 issue, page 20, paragraph 11: .
"gog of magog is identified as satan the devil in his debased condition since 1914. as a spirit creature, he cannot carry out his attack directly, but will use human agencies to do his deeds.
Wind ya neck in Skinnyboy.
Hows the research coming along anyhows?